God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 752: This is not sweat, this is my respect for you


Chen Qingxuan was stunned!

"That's right! If you say that you change people, they change people. Do they think that the girl from the Chen family is the cabbage on the market?"

"Master, isn't your Chen family's force just a display, right?"

"You, you mean, threat of force?!"

Chen Qingxuan was taken aback again!

"That's right! Before the Lin family kills the door, take the initiative to go to the Lin family!"

"Lin An killed Lin Sheng, this incident should have spread throughout the capital!"

"Fortunately, such a scum who killed his brother by himself is dead! Otherwise, if he marries a girl from the Chen family, wouldn't the Chen family have a reputation for being indifferent to right and wrong?"

"The Lin family's Chen family almost ruined their reputation. How can they do without compensation?"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

And Chen Qingxuan was completely stunned!

"You mean, let us take the initiative to find the Lin family for compensation?"


"But, but I don't know whether the news is true or not. Even if Lin Sheng really killed Lin An, there is no evidence!"

Chen Qingxuan said hurriedly!

"does it matter?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Don't forget, even though the four families blackmailed the Zhou family, they have been at odds with the Zhou family because of this!"

"If at this time, I can't give you an explanation for the Chen family, wouldn't it be necessary to push the Chen family to the Zhou family?"

"If the Zhou family and the Chen family join forces, it would be Qian Wu monstrous! Is there any way for them to survive?"

"So as long as you go, I promise, even if it is to prevent you from joining forces with the Zhou family, the Lin family will obediently compensate you!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly!

And the old man couldn't help trembling all over!

Jiang Fan, too cruel! Too poisonous!

When Lin An's bones were not cold, he actually asked the Chen family to make a claim!

But this hand happened to pinch the Lin Family's throat again!

He was right, the Lin family had absolutely no guts to do nothing!

"Master, I said before that I prepared a gift for you! That mentality is only one of them. As for this one, you will definitely be more satisfied!"


Chen Qingxuan just feels that his brain is not enough!

Jiang Fan actually calculated this step last night?


This kid is definitely a monster!

so amazing!

Not only did the Chen family rescind the marriage contract, but the bride price did not need to be refunded! And in the end, it can actually blackmail another fortune!

No one would have imagined that the biggest winner in his play until the end was the Chen family!

Chen Qingxuan took a deep breath!

"Mr. Jiang, what about after that?"

This time, there was a hint of respect in his tone!

"The next thing, the old man still doesn't know it's better, you just need to remember that when I need the Chen family, the Chen family will just take action!"

"As long as the old man cooperates with me wholeheartedly, then I guarantee that the Zhou family's huge wealth is as rich as the enemy's country, and in the end there is only one owner-the Chen family!"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused!

"Mr. Jiang, don't worry, my Chen family will be your ally from today!"

"It is an honor for me to have the help of the old man! However, the old man must remember that without my consent, you must never expose the alliance between you and me! Don't tell anyone!"

"I see!"

Jiang Fan hung up the phone and finally showed a smile from the heart!

The first step of this game is finally settled!

Zhou family!

You big dragon, I'm set!

Xia Yuanqing on the side didn't know what Jiang Fan was talking about, he was full of antiques!

As for Curtis, his head is full of cold sweat!

The owner is too insidious!


The Chen family thought they had gotten great benefits, but they didn’t know that Jiang Fan did all this. It’s a small way to retaliate against the Zhou family. It was also a small way to show the Chen family. Drag onto this board!

It's really being sold and still counting money for the owner!

too frightening!

You must study flattery carefully, and you cannot do without yourself if you want to shoot the master!

Otherwise, just your own little brain, if one day the master is upset, you don't know how to die!

"Curtis, why are you sweating so much?"

Jiang Fan frowned suddenly!

"Ah? Sweating? I didn't sweat! This, this is because my admiration for my master is like a surging river, you see, the river is overflowing!"

This is not sweat, this is, my admiration for you!

Curtis looked pleased!

"Don't worry, I can't bear to sell you!"

Jiang Fan is not smiling!

"Praise you! My benevolent master! Your praise is more refreshing than the death breath of the Tomb of Skulls and Crossbones!"

Curtis looked flattering!

However, he couldn't help being curious and asked secretly!

"Master, do you really plan to give all the wealth of the Zhou family to the Chen family?"

"of course!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"However, Zhou's family is Zhou's family, Jiang's family is Jiang's family, and the things that belonged to me are nothing wrong with Chen's family!"

Curtis trembled all over!


How can the owner's advantage be so good!

The wealth that was finally embezzled by the Zhou family originally belonged to the Jiang family, and in the future, it will still be the Jiang family's!


so amazing!

When the time comes, the overall situation has been determined. Even if the Chen family is not reconciled, how dare to stab the master with it?

Curtis had almost admired Jiang Fan to his bones!

If the master presided over the dark council, the light council would be over!

"Well, it's late, second, second brother, where are you going?"

Jiang Fan originally wanted to call Xia Yuanqing by name, but think about it, after all, the other party is Xia Fanxing's brother, so it is not polite to call him by name!

The point is, this one is indeed enough! Just followed it!

This second elder brother exulted Xia Yuanqing's yelling!

"Hey, I'm fine, brother-in-law, you gave me so many babies today, and you invested such a large sum in me. Now it's almost time for dinner, why don't you give me a chance, how about a meal? "

Xia Yuanqing looked forward to it!


Jiang Fan nodded!

Soon, a few people went straight to the hotel!

At this moment, Ning Changan also came to the Zhou family's old house!

However, before he reached the door, he was stopped by someone!

"What are you doing?"

Looking at Ning Changan's appearance, the security's eyes suddenly showed a trace of disdain!

Those who are qualified to enter and leave Zhou's family are either top chaebols or top masters, and Ning Changan looks like a rubbish!

"Asshole! I have something urgent to see the Patriarch of the Zhou family! Quickly give way"

Ning Changan frowned!


Although it was only a security guard, he was qualified to be the security guard of the Zhou family, and that was also a level five master!

Ning Changan is not even worthy of carrying shoes!

Without saying anything, the two security guards kicked Ning Chang'an with one foot, and they went up with a fat beating!



"Help! Help!"

"I really have something!"

"Don't fight! I was wrong! Please! I was wrong!"

Ning Changan was beaten crying father and mother! Black nose and swollen face! Mouth is full of blood foam!

"Bah! Just your rubbish, still want to enter Zhou's house? Don't look at what you are!"


The two security guards took a sip in disdain!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Ning Changan reluctantly got up, leaving with a look of fear!

See what a ghost!

This horrible place of the Zhou family originally thought that they would be able to avenge themselves!

However, I didn't expect that I didn't even enter the door!

It was a violent beating for nothing!

Nima's Zhou family!

You are more shameless than Jiang Fan!

In my view, Ning Changan, there is no hope of revenge in this life!

"Jiang Fan! Just be proud of you! You won!"

Ning Changan roared unwillingly!

My heart is very desolate!

He limped and was about to leave Zhou's house!

But at this moment!

"What did you say?"

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