God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 753: The sword is like a dream and enters the dragon slaying again

"What did you say?"

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded from Ning Changan's side!

Ning Changan looked back and saw that a Bentley didn't know when it would come to him!

A very handsome man with a mole above his left eyebrow is looking at himself coldly!

"none of your business!"

Ning Changan cursed angrily!

Hemp egg!

It's a little boy again!

This guy came to give gifts to Zhou's family at first sight!

Relying on his own stinky money, he manages quite broadly!


I was a man who could afford a Bentley back then!

Ning Changan smiled disdainfully and continued to move forward!

Only at this moment!

A murderous aura suddenly locked him firmly!

Ning Changan only felt that he was like a grasshopper hanging on a hot oil pan!

"Got it!"

Ning Changan's teeth trembled and almost didn't urinate!

"What did you say?"

The man asked again!

"You, you, who are you?"

Ning Changan looked at the man with fear!

"Me? My name is Zhou Ning!"


Tianchi Hotel is one of the best hotels in Beihu District of Beijing!

Anything you eat can start at five figures!

And Jiang Fan and others are downstairs in this hotel at the moment!

Logically speaking, Xia Yuanqing should have no money to invite himself to come here for consumption!

Are you now ready to use the five million investment you gave him?

Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

"Brother-in-law! Although I have no spare money, except for antiques, all kinds of consumer places can place orders!"

"Don't say a five-digit meal here, even six or seven-digit numbers are fine!"

"After eating in a while, in addition to general health care, you can choose any massage, massage, bathing, and SPA!"

Xia Yuanqing looked smug!

Although the Xia family is not one of the seven giants, but the financial resources are also top-notch!

Father Xia just doesn't support this prodigal archaeology, and he is very generous to him in life!

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched, and now Xia Yuanqing is finally a bit rich in the second generation!

When a few people entered the hotel, the beautiful lobby manager's eyes lit up!

"Young Master! When did you return to Beijing? I heard that you went to the mountains again? Oh, look, this skin is all sunburnt!"

The lobby manager enthusiastically wanted to hang on Xia Yuanqing!

"Hehehe, go to the mountains to cultivate one's body and cultivate one's sex!"

Xia Yuanqinglang laughed and touched the manager's **** with his hand!

"Oh! Qingshao, you are necrotic!"

"Wa hahaha!"

Xia Yuanqing was extremely proud!

"Master, your brother-in-law is not only two, besides facing antiques, it seems that he is not a good bird!"

"Ahem, it's probably suffocated!"

At this time, Xia Yuanqing had already embraced Manager Li!

"Is my private room still reserved?"

"Of course! The young private rooms are exclusively for you, how dare we give them to others casually?"

"Okay! Lead the way! In addition, choose a few beautiful younger sisters to accompany you! Today I will be drunk with my brother-in-law!

Xia Yuanqing said, pointing to Jiang Fan!

"Huh? You, your brother-in-law?"

Manager Li looked shocked!

Suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

Jiang Fan's clothes are obviously top luxury items. Although he wears a mask, the exposed eyes seem to contain a universe!

Manager Li trembled all over!

This person is definitely a higher-ranking person than Xia Yuanqing!

"Hello sir, welcome to Tianchi!"


Jiang Fan agreed without saltiness, waved his hand at will, and motioned to Manager Li to lead the way!

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Manager Li hurried to the private room with a few people!

As soon as he was seated, Xia Yuanqing waved his hand!

"A copy of the top-quality goods, and the bottles of good wine I have stored before are all delivered!"


Manager Li agreed and beckoned outside the door!

Immediately, a few beauties carrying cold dishes came in with a smile and beautiful smile!

Putting down the cold cuts, the few beauties didn't leave, and immediately got tired and crooked and went to a few people!

Xia Yuanqing does not refuse to come, kisses left and right kisses!

It's so refreshing!

Jiang Fan and Curtis were stunned!

This Xia Yuanqing is really not a good bird!

However, if you come, you will be happy!

But at this moment!

"Hey! Sisters, stay away from my brother-in-law! If I let my sister know, you are dead!"


The beauties who had been by Jiang Fan's side were shocked!

All rushed to Xia Yuanqing's side!

Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

I wish you the second uncle!

Feelings, these girls are all called to you!


Jiang Fan rolled up his sleeves and was about to give full play to his teacher's morals and educate Xia Yuanqing. Just then!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Order is coming!

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

"Where is my sword! Love and hate are hard to come by!"

"I cut through the sky with a knife! I don't understand right and wrong!"

"I am drunk and hazy! Gratitude and resentment are illusion or emptiness!"

"I wake up from a spring dream! Life and death are all in emptiness!"

"Come in a hurry! Go in a hurry! I wish I could meet!"

"Love is in a hurry! Hate is also in a hurry! Everything follows the wind!"

"Laugh wildly! Long sigh! Happy! Sad! Who will live and die with me!"

Contrary to Jiang Fan's expectation, the opening of the show was actually a song!

But this song is too familiar!

The theme song of "Yi Tian Shou Long Ji" back then!

"Ding! You have received Zhang Wuji's distress order! Please give him a spicy chopped pepper fish head!"

"Ding! Accept this task, you have 30 minutes of preparation time, or you can choose to enter the reincarnation of the world at any time!"

Relying on Heaven and Slaying Dragons!

The Nine Yin Scriptures have fallen!

Jiang Fan was directly excited!

As long as you get the Nine Yin Scriptures and your cultivation technique evolves, your strength will definitely increase!

"That who! Go and get me a sliced ​​fish head with chopped pepper! Add spicy! Add special spicy!"

Jiang Fan pointed at a beautiful woman!

The beauty was slightly startled, but was frightened by Jiang Fan's aura, and immediately held down the phone on the wall!

"Yao Chi Hall! Give away a super spicy chopped pepper fish head immediately!"

But in ten minutes, a plate of people who almost choked, and the fish head with chopped pepper, whose eyes could not be opened, had been passed directly through the mouth of the food delivery!

Jiang Fan carried this chopped pepper fish head, and went into the bathroom without saying a word!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms is on! It's about to enter-"The Legend of Heaven Slaying Dragon"!


Jiang Fan reappeared, already on a high mountain!

Looking at this world, Jiang Fan couldn't help but smile!

When he first entered this world, he was so weak that even Zhu Changling, who was less than Level 5, almost killed himself!

But now, my Nine Suns True Scriptures have reached perfection, evil swordsmanship, Dugu Nine Swords are in hand, and various powerful props are piled up in a warehouse!

If you meet Zhu Changling again, you can blow him up if you fart!

Jiang Fan was sighing, but not far away, there was a shout of killing!

"Everyone is responsible for eliminating demons and defending the Tao!"

"Our six major factions are going to act for the heavens today!"

"Kill Zhang Wuji and destroy Guangmingding!"

Jiang Fan was startled!

Apart from anything else, take out the bicycle and sprint it in the direction of the sound!

The plot is developing too fast!

I actually caught up, and the six major factions besieged Guangmingding!

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