"Just two years ago, Xiaodie met this bastard!"

Yu Xiaoze thought for a while, and suddenly pointed at Xia Yuanqing!


Xia Yuanqing leaned back in shock, and fell directly to the ground with a chair!

"I didn't harm Xiaodie! Not me!"

Xia Yuanqing hurriedly explained!

"Ze Shao, the one who plays Gu will never meet him. Think about it again, is there anything else?"

Jiang Fan gave Xia Yuanqing a blank look, his uncle is too good!



Jiang Fan was startled slightly, and Xia Fanxing's charming smile instantly appeared in his mind!

But in a blink of an eye, Qiu Mingyue popped out of his mind!

Jiang Fan couldn't help but shudder, and shook his head vigorously!

And Yu Xiaoze had already spoken intently!

"Two years ago... Xia Yuanqing! At that time, did you bring Xiaodie into the mountain with you!"

Xia Yuanqing had just sat up, and heard Yu Xiaoze yelling, he suddenly "cuckled" and fell to the ground again!

"Yes, I went to the mountain, but I went to Yufo Mountain to see the scenery, and I will be back at night!"

Xia Yuanqing reluctantly said something!

"Ze Shao, this incident must have nothing to do with Xia Yuanqing, you might as well think about what happened before Miss Yu became ill!"

Jiang Fan sighed and had to remind Yu Xiaoze more clearly!

"Before Xiaodie became ill, nothing special happened..."

Yu Xiaoze frowned!

After a long time, his pupils suddenly shrank!

"No! Fluttershy at the time—"

Before Yu Xiaoze finished speaking, the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open!

Immediately afterwards, a handsome man walked in!

"Asshole! Who let you—Zhou Qing?!"

As soon as he saw this man, Yu Xiaoze, who was interrupted because of the conversation, was suddenly startled with an angry look on his face!

This person is actually the fourth generation of the Zhou family, Zhou Ning's family, Zhou Qing!

When Jiang Fan saw this person, the corner of Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly jumped!

There was a faint throbbing in my heart!

As for Curtis, it's all white!

"Ze Shao, disturb you all, please forgive me!"

Zhou Qing smiled!

"Huh! Your Zhou family is very crazy now. Even the members of Lu Lin Song Yan's fourth family dare to kill and break into my family's property. What is it?"

Yu Xiaoze smiled coldly!

Zhou Qing's face became stiff, but she still smiled and said, "Ze Shao misunderstood. Although my Zhou family has a little strength, but I don't dare to be arrogant, just because I happened to come to Meizhuang for dinner, I suddenly received a call from Brother Ning and said yes. An old friend from Los Angeles came, and just came to see you! By the way, bring a message for Ning!"

"Zhou Ning? Bring some words?"

Yu Xiaoze was startled!


Suddenly Zhou Qing looked at Jiang Fan, with a sorrowful smile on the corner of his mouth!

"Jiang Shao! Ning Ge asked me to tell you that your two friends—if I remember correctly, they should be Wang Yi and Lu Xiaobu—are visiting at the Jinghu Courtyard. Please also Jiang Shao to go there. Gather!"

Everyone was stunned!

Zhou family! Zhou Jiaran knows the identity of Jiang Fan!

Almost no one knows the grievances between the Jiang family and the Zhou family!

Jiang Fan's identity was exposed, especially in this capital city, it was simply fat on a chopping board!

For a moment, everyone looked at Jiang Fan with different expressions!

Xia Yuanqing looked blank!

Yu Xiaoze looked tangled!

Gentle but his complexion is gloomy!

In the face of Zhou Qing's provocative eyes and the shocked eyes of others, Jiang Fan's face was as calm as water!

It's just that no one knows that stormy waves have appeared in his heart!

Zhou Ning? !

How did he know that I came to the capital?

Chen family?

will not!

They also count on themselves to make the game bigger and bigger and get more benefits!


Less likely!

After not telling what Yu Xiaodie would do after betraying himself, just Zhou Ning caught Wang Yi and Lu Bu, this timeline would not be right!

Who will it be?

Where did the wind leak?

Although it was such a good day, Jiang Fan never thought that this day would come, so suddenly!

He didn't even expect that Zhou Ning would know that Wang Yi and Lu Bu were his people!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's identity was exposed, trapped in the capital, facing a behemoth, the Zhou family, who was able to find a fourteenth-level master at will, did not even have the strength to fight back!

If so, that's all, but Zhou Ning has taken Wang Yi and Lu Bu as hostages again!

Moreover, without even thinking about it now, there must be all Zhou's staff around Meizhuang!

He now has almost no way to go to the sky and no way to go to the ground!

This is actually a dead end!

No matter who it is, even if it is a grandmaster, when encountering such a dead state, they can only do nothing!

But Jiang Fan was never a person who was waiting to die!

Even if it is such a dead end, he has to beg to survive!

In an instant, Jiang Fan's brain started to operate like never before!

Even the blue veins on the forehead are faintly emerging!

After just a few breaths, there was a red blood stain in his nostrils!


Jiang Fan took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it!

He took a wet wipe and wiped the blood on his nose gently, and then he chuckled softly!

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan's expression, Curtis' eyes suddenly flashed with ecstasy!

Master, the master must have a way!

"Your name, Zhou Qing?"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth raised slightly!

Seeing Jiang Fan's expression, Zhou Qing was obviously taken aback!

"I'm Zhou Qing!"

"Very well, do you know why I want to ask you again?"


"Because you are the first to die in my hands, Zhou family!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's voice fell, he suddenly slapped the desktop!

A chopstick floats in the air!

And Jiang Fan suddenly flicked his chopsticks!

next moment!


The chopsticks were like bullets, and they penetrated Zhou Qing's forehead in an instant!

grade ten!


Zhou Qing stared at Jiang Fan fiercely, and couldn't believe it until he died, Jiang Fan actually dared to kill him!

The others looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

In this situation, Jiang Fan actually dared to kill someone!

Simply bold!

"Brother-in-law! Hurry, run!"

"Shao Jiang! There must be everyone from the Zhou family around Meizhuang, I'll stop you, you go!"

"Yes, Jiang Fan, run!"

Gentle and others all looked anxious!


"Run? I have to go to Zhou Ning. I'm going to have someone!"


"Jiang Fan! You don't want to die!"

"This is obviously asking you to enter the urn!"

"You go to the Jinghu Courtyard, don't think of it again!"

"Young Master Jiang! You listen to me, if you really go, even if it's me at home, you won't be able to keep you!"

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan incredulously!

Jiang Fan just sneered and waved his hand directly!

"Curtis, prepare a car!"

"Yes! Master!"

Seeing Jiang Fan strode away, the rest of the people were suddenly anxious!

Quickly followed out!

And Jiang Fan was already in the car and rushed away!

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