God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 765: Put it to death and live after


Xia Yuanqing sweats profusely!

"Damn it! If something happens to him, what will Fluttershy do!"

Yu Xiaoze is anxious like an ant on a hot pot!

"Uncle is still in retreat! Who else can save him?"

Gentle is biting his lips tightly!

"It doesn't matter, just keep up!"

Yu Xiaoze gritted his teeth and started the car directly!

At the same time, around Meizhuang, countless vehicles belonging to Zhou's family have hung Jiang Fan to death!

Soon, the vehicle has been running on the avenue for a full twenty minutes!

But the more he followed, the more Yu Xiaoze felt wrong!

"This is not the direction of Jinghu Courtyard! Jiang Fan, where are you going?"

At the same time, Jinghu Courtyard!

Zhou Ning was sitting in a chair, smiling at Wang Yi and Lu Bu on the opposite side!

As for Ning Changan, he looked like a pug, with a smiling face, carefully standing beside Zhou Ning!

"You two, I will meet your master soon, are you in a good mood?"

Zhou Ning smiled very proudly!

Jiang Fan!

You can't die!

What if you can hide again?

Not yet, I found it the same?

Today, since listening to Ning Chang'an's narration, Zhou Ning's mind is as if he has been in a movie, thoroughly passing all the things about Jiang Fan!

At the end of the picture, it was frozen on the face of a deliveryman wearing a mask!

Takeaway star!

As soon as this person appeared, he was in Los Angeles!

And the side face and voice that flowed out on the Internet were all the same as Jiang Fan!

And the first time the family got news from Jiang Fan, it was in Europe!

At that time, the takeaway star was there!

And now, with the crew returning to the capital, Jiang Fan actually appeared!

The point is that in the crew, a foreigner who often wears black robes and often accompanies the takeaway star, actually followed Jiang Fan!

That takeaway star must be Jiang Fan!

After figuring out this relationship, Zhou Ning suddenly realized!

At the same time, I hate it even more!

This wicked seed is actually under his own eyelids, and his life is rising!

The most important thing is that for several of the hype about the takeaway star, he is still under his own company and manages it all!

Zhou Ning didn't hesitate anymore and directly dispatched people to capture Wang Yi and Lu Bu alive!

As for the Douglas brothers and sisters, they were ignored by Zhou Ning because they joined at the latest!

At this moment, watching Lu Bu and the two, Zhou Ning smiled more and more proudly!

What to do next, just wait!

Waiting for Jiang Fan's wicked species to come and die!

As for running?

Haha, according to the previous analysis, even if he runs a **** that does not reach level ten, where can he go?

Here, but the capital!

And Ning Changan is even more proud!

Jiang Fan!


This time, you are absolutely dead!

Zhou family!

What a terrifying behemoth!

You actually offended them!

You have nowhere to go except death!

I, Ning Changan, finally got my revenge!



"You two rubbish! Shao Ning asks you something! What a dumb?"

Ning Changan gave a low voice to Lu Bu!

However, the two of them ignored him at all!

They have seen it so many times, Jiang Fan has created a miracle!

This time, it must be no exception!

Their confidence in Jiang Fan is not understandable by others at all!

Seeing that the two were silent, Zhou Ning's expression suddenly sank!

My fingers can't help but move!

Good too!

Just before waiting for Jiang Fan to arrive, let's move a little bit!

Seeing that, Zhou Ning's mouth was slightly raised, and he was ready to do it!

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Zhou Ning's cell phone suddenly rang!

"what happened?"

"Shao Ning! Jiang Fan didn't come to Jinghu Courtyard!"

"Huh? Is he going to run?"

"No, no! Look at his direction, it seems, as if to go, go..."

"Where to go?"

Zhou Ning's heart suddenly felt a little uneasy!

"Yes, to go, Zhou's old house!"


Zhou Ning was stunned!

Jiang Fan didn't come to the Jinghu Courtyard, but instead went to the Zhou family's old house? !

He, what is he doing there?

Is it wrong?

It shouldn't be!

Zhou Qing will definitely not pass the wrong words!

Zhou Ning's mind turned around, but after a while, he suddenly stood up!

The face is full of horror!

"No! Stop him immediately!"

"Can't stop Young Master Ning! He is too fast!"


Zhou Ning suddenly roared!

"Prepare a car!"


"Master, let's, are we going to Zhou's old house?!"

In the car, Curtis looked at Jiang Fan in shock!


"Master! There is still a glimmer of life when you go to the Jinghu Courtyard, but if you go to the Zhou family's old house, then we will undoubtedly die!"

"There is the Zhou family's lair! Fourteenth-level masters abound! It is said that there are even masters in charge!"

Curtis looked horrified!

But Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Curtis! Have you ever heard of it, put it to death and live?"

"I've heard it! But going there is a life of nine deaths!"

"You are wrong! I ask you, what is Zhou Ning most afraid of?"

"What are you most afraid of?"

Curtis looked blank!

"He is most afraid, the news that I am alive will leak!"

"Although the Zhou family has a big business, as I said before, there are many factions!"

"I'm alive, but he doesn't do things well!"

"Other people who see him upset will definitely use this excuse to attack him!"

"It's okay if I was killed by him silently, but if I appeared in the Zhou family's old mansion openly, you said, where should I put the Zhou family's face?"

"What about his situation with Zhou Ning?"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Master, even if this is the case, it will only hurt both sides. Zhou Ning will lose part of his rights at most, but our lives are gone!"

"No! This is what I said, put it to death and live! I want to give Zhou Ning and the Zhou family a lesson that I will never forget!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evokes a sorrowful smile!

In the eyes, there is a terrifying cold light!

Zhou Ning!

I want you to remember that whenever I, Jiang Fan, I am your nightmare!

I want you to live forever in fear of me!


Accompanied by the roar of the engine, the car has soon arrived at the Zhou family's old house!


"Jiang Fan, come here!"

"It's over! It's over! This time, no one can keep him!"

"This fool! Didn't he come here to die!"

Yu Xiaoze and others who followed Jiang Fan were completely desperate!

Jiang Fan, this is clearly seeking death!

Seeing that Jiang Fan's car has reached the door of Zhou's house!

Even the security guard at the door had already walked out lazily, making a stop gesture!


"Boom boom boom!"

Not only did Jiang Fan not stop, he kicked the accelerator fiercely!


"Hurry up!"

The two security guards were so frightened that they rushed out with the car!


A loud noise!

The big iron gate of Zhou's family was hit by a car and flew upside down!

And the car was like a wild-haired bison, and it rushed directly into the Zhou family's house!

Yu Xiaoze and others who followed were completely stunned!


Break into Zhou's house!

This is unprecedented!

Even the Tianding Tenji at the top of China, there is absolutely no such guts!

Jiang Fan is absolutely crazy!

However, this is just the beginning!


The car stopped steadily!

Jiang Fan strode down!

Then, in the eyes of everyone, all of which were unbelievable, Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath, and then--

"The Zhou family of the grass mud horse! Get all out for Laozi!"

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