God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 766: If there is a kind, we will die together

With Jiang Fan's roar, the entire Zhou family fell silent for an instant!

Everyone suspected that there was a problem with their ears!

There are people who scold the Zhou family in the Zhou family's old house?

Everyone in the Zhou family was stunned, and then!


"who is it!"

"Which animal dared to come to my Zhou's house presumptuously!"

"Just looking for death!"

A series of roars suddenly sounded!

At the same time, countless terrifying auras suddenly burst out!

In an instant, the sky over Zhou's house, which was originally shrouded in dark clouds, was dissipated by these continuous auras, revealing a bright moonlight!

The group of people following Jiang Fan trembled in shock!

too frightening!

Those breaths, just at the fourteenth level, are five ways!

Ten levels are countless!

Jiang Fan's roar was like stabbing the Zhou family in the ass!

"Swish swish!"

Countless figures flashed!

In almost three breaths, Jiang Fan has been completely surrounded by the masters of the Zhou family!

At this moment, no matter the roof on the ground or even the treetops, they are the children of the Zhou family!

"Asshole! Who are you, dare to break into Zhou's house!"

A rough-faced big man yelled directly at Jiang Fan!

"Me? Hehehe! It seems that there are many people who don't know me!"

Jiang Fan smiled lowly!

"Listen well, I am, Jiang Fan!"

The Zhou family's child who was going to kill Jiang Fan was suddenly startled!

"Jiang Fan?"

"What a familiar name!"

"No! Yes, it's him!"

"Jiang Feng Yuhuo! He is the youngest of the Jiang family! Jiang Fan!"


Everyone looked at Jiang Fan incredible!

"He, isn't he dead long ago?"

"Yeah! He should be dead when the Jiang family destroys the door!"

"what is the problem?"

"Not only did he not die, but he also came to my Zhou's house. Is it to seek revenge?"

Everyone's faces were shocked!

Some people are even scared to take a step back!

Back then, Jiang Fan came to Beijing to escape the summer heat, and the children of the Zhou family did not suffer from his methods less!

"Huh! Who am I! It turns out that it's you!"

The big man smiled coldly!

"You little beast, you should cherish it if you can escape a fateful life! Now you actually ran to my Zhou's house to die! Hehehe, **** silly and cute!"

The big guy laughed!

We are going to catch Jiang Fan!


"Stupid? It's you who are stupid!"

Jiang Fan suddenly roared, and suddenly flicked his right hand, the Shui Yu Zi-Mu Sword was already in his hand!


Several fourteenth levels suddenly roared!

But it's too late!

Jiang Fan's sword is too fast!

Unbelievable fast!


Everyone only saw a flash of Baimang!

next moment!


The big man who had rushed towards Jiang Fan, Dou Da's head, suddenly took a handful of blood rain and soared into the sky!

Everyone was stunned!

Kill when you come up!

And it turned out to be killing people in front of the super powers of the Zhou family!

This kid, are you crazy!

Looking at Jiang Fan facing the **** rain, Yu Xiaoze and others who followed Jiang Fan were completely stunned!

It's crazy!

Too domineering!

Forget about breaking into Zhou's family, and actually dare to kill people in front of these fourteenth-level masters!

This kind of thing, even if it is Tianding Shiji, I dare not do it!

Do not!

It should be said that in this world, no one dares to do it!

Jiang Fan at this moment, in their eyes, is even more dazzling than the scorching sun!

Gentleness is a loss of focus, and the worship in his eyes is almost flowing out!

Such a domineering man, even the uncle, is simply incomparable!

So handsome!

This is the real domineering president!

"Little beast! You are looking for death!"

"Kill him!"

"If you don't frustrate him, you will never give up!"

Several masters of the Zhou family were so angry that they were so angry!

Desperately snarled at the rest of the Zhou family's children!

Seeing that a group of Zhou family disciples are about to rush!

But Jiang Fan, who was bathed in the rain of blood, smiled grimly!

Left hand, press directly down!


Accompanied by a muffled noise!

A golden light flashed at Jiang Fan's feet, and suddenly there appeared a half-person tall, golden, and round metal lump!

The moment this thing appeared, everyone felt their scalp numb, and they all stopped!

Especially the Zhou family's fourteenth-level masters, all their hairs are standing up!

Suddenly screamed, backing desperately!

Nuclear bomb!

That thing is actually one, exactly the same as in the movie, a miniature nuclear bomb!

Portable nuclear bomb: The explosive range of this item is one kilometer in diameter, regardless of the enemy or the enemy! The target person in this range, Silver rank and below, will not be spared!

Note: To use this item, you need to pay 10,000 causal points!

No one will doubt the authenticity of this thing!

When you reach a certain level, you will get a natural premonition of danger!

Judging from their physical reactions, this thing is absolutely true!

Damn it!

Jiang Fan, this bastard, where did he get this stuff!

The key is, where did he get it from?

Everyone was trembling in shock!

Once this thing detonates, everyone except the grandmaster will have to die!

"Grass mud horse! Isn't it crazy? Don't you want to kill me? Come on! Go!"

Jiang Fan laughed wildly, put away the long sword suddenly, and directly took out the Webley revolver!

"Boy! You, what are you going to do!"

The Zhou family's fourteenth level felt bad for a while!

And Jiang Fan had already grinned!

"Remember! Whoever dares to move, I will detonate a nuclear bomb!"

The voice just fell!

Jiang Fan didn't even look at it, and fired six shots at a group of Zhou's children!

"Boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by several screams, six children of the Zhou family were directly pierced by bullets!

"Little beast!"

"you dare!"


The masters of the Zhou family saw their eyes cracked!

As long as level 9 or higher, bullets have no effect on them!

But Jiang Fan killed all the young children below the ninth level!

One of them is not even an adult at all!

But even so, no one dared to move!

Can only curse in vain!

"It makes you numb!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"If there is a kind, just die with me! Otherwise, just close your stinky mouth!"


Everyone trembled with anger!

The look in Jiang Fan's eyes was full of murderous intent!

However, no one dared to move!

"A bunch of good sons! What a **** obedient!"

Jiang Fan laughed wildly!


That's **** cool!

Xiaolin, Wan Wu, and those innocent uncles and aunts who work in Jiang’s house... Have you all seen it?

Jiang Fan laughed wildly, but tears could not stop streaming!

In front of him, is the Zhou family with a stern face and a panic! But what appeared in his mind was the fire that soared into the sky in the Jiang family's house! That countless screams! The red, dizzying blood that carries countless souls, deeply infiltrated into the soil!

Zhou family!

This is just the beginning!

Wait, then!

Lao Tzu wants you to exterminate the dead race!

at this time!

"Little beast! You are looking for death!"

A voice full of anger suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, the two old men suddenly fell from the sky like night owls and appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

One of them is surprisingly Zhou Ning's grandfather, Zhou Yuande!

And the other old man with white beard and hair, not angry and pretentious, is the Patriarch of the Zhou family, Zhou Yuanwang!

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