God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 779: I really value your wisdom

"It doesn't matter, I have always followed Mr. Water!"

Su Lingyu smiled slightly!

The corner of Lu Hongyue's eyes twitched!

This bitch!

Actually still speaking for the takeaway star!

He took a deep breath!

"So that's the case, everyone, please sit down!"

As everyone took their seats, Lu Hongyue immediately rolled his eyes and flicked his hair coquettishly!

"Mr. Water, I heard..."

"Shao Lu! I heard that your cousin Lu Honglei is dead?"

Before Lu Hongyue finished speaking, Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!


Lu Hongyue looked at Jiang Fan with a shocked look, and couldn't even care about pretending to be forced!

"You, how do you know?"

Yesterday morning, the news that the four young disciples of Lu Lin Songyan were beheaded by Zhou Ning spread almost throughout the capital!

But immediately, this matter was completely blocked by the four!

Takeaway Star is just an internet celebrity, how did he know?

"Yesterday, Zhou's old house was broken into, and the head of Zhou's family was slapped twice. Do you know about this?"

Jiang Fan answered the wrong question!

"You know this as well?!"

Lu Hongyue was really stunned this time!

Although this matter has spread to the wealthy family, everyone is tight-lipped!

Although the seven giants and the four great families are eager to annex each other, in terms of the entire Chinese structure, they are also a whole!

It represents the top power in China!

For many years, they have been at the top of China, grabbing wealth and benefits that they don't know, and have long made many forces jealous!

The Zhou family was humiliated, not only was the Zhou family faceless, it also represented that their top power was provoked!

Once the news is leaked, it will definitely make more unwilling to surrender to their forces, ready to move!

This is something they will never allow!

Fortunately, it was Jiang Fan who killed last week's house!

And the Jiang family was once one of them!

Even if the Jiang family is destroyed, Jiang Fan's identity is still there!

No matter how he fights with the Zhou family, it is a dispute within the true top power!

Therefore, the rest of the wealthy family will simply block the news, and face this incident with a joke!

If it is another force or another person, at this moment, I am afraid they would have been completely crushed into powder!

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to know about this!

"You, who are you! How would you know these things!"

Lu Hongyue's eyes on Jiang Fan were not only shocked, but also a hint of fear!

"It's strange, logically speaking, you shouldn't be unable to hear my voice, don't you really remember who I am?"

Jiang Fan suddenly looked directly at Lu Hongyue and spoke slowly!


Lu Hongyue looked blank!

The voice of the takeaway star is indeed familiar!

However, I should have never seen him before!


This voice--

"No! Impossible! It can't be you!"

Lu Hongyue suddenly looked terrified!

As for the others, except for Su Lingyu and Yu Rui, who already knew Jiang Fan’s identity, including Zhang Wentao, everyone could not help but shudder!

Jiang Feng Yuhuo's four hidden families, apart from China's top characters or families, almost no one knows!

Although Zhang Wentao knew the true face of Jiang Fan, he also vaguely knew from Ding Xuan that Jiang Fan was definitely not simple, but he never thought that Jiang Fan was once on the same level as the seven giants and the four great families!

At this moment, seeing Lu Hongyue's reaction, the other people's hearts were almost full of turbulent waves!

Being able to scare the son of the Patriarch Lu into this virtue, Jiang Fan's true background is absolutely beyond imagination!

Everyone couldn't even care about the Zhou family's humiliation, and they all looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

"Shao Lu just thinks about it. Speaking of it, I haven't apologized for breaking your finger back then!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


"Mr. Water, have you ever broken Shao Lu's finger?"

"I, I dare not listen!"

"It's too scary! What is the identity of Mr. Water!"

"Today is unnecessary! Will I be silenced?"

A group of crew members are sweating profusely!

The calf shivered violently!

too frightening!


Isn't it good for you to say such news alone?

Little people like us can't bear such terrible news!

"You, dare you to mention it!"

Lu Hongyue gritted his teeth!

Looking at Jiang Fan with anger and fear!

When Jiang Fan came to the capital to play, Lu Hongyue fell in love with Xiao Lin, but he tried to pretend, and Jiang Fan broke his finger!

He can still remember the severe pain now!

At that time, Jiang Fan was simply a bullshit. Although there was only a tenth-level bodyguard by Xiao Lin, he even dared to kick his feet at the fourteenth level!

Lu Hongyue swears that he has never seen Jiang Fan's maddening ruthless person in his life!

So about Jiang Fan, he didn't even mention it in the family!

Hearing that when the Jiang family was finished, he even organized a party specially!

Who would have thought that Jiang Fan, a monster, is actually opposite him now!

"Come on!"

Lu Hongyue suddenly shouted!

"Swish swish!"

Three figures suddenly appeared!

Amazingly, it's all level ten!

"Unexpectedly, the person who was in Zhou's house yesterday was really you! Hey, Jiang Fan, I see you today—"

"Lv Hongyue, Lu Hongyue, why are you still so mindless?"

Lu Hongyue was interrupted by Jiang Fan before he finished speaking!

"If you think about it, I can even go in and out of the Zhou family at will. Do you think these three tenth levels can really deal with me?"

"Or, do you want to experience the thrill of being broken all your fingers?"

Jiang Fan sneered!


Lu Hongyue's forehead was covered with cold sweat for an instant!


Jiang Fan, this **** even dared to break into Zhou's family, and he would definitely not be his opponent!


Swallowing desperately, Lu Hongyue looked at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

"You, what do you want!"

"You go down first!"

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his chin to the others!

Zhang Wentao and others were relieved and quickly hid away!

Only Su Lingyu and Yu Rui were unmoved!

"Shao Lu, you are looking for us today. Actually, the main purpose should be for Miss Su, right?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

"Huh! You, don't talk nonsense!"

Lu Hongyue's complexion changed!

But still forcefully quibble!

"It's okay, tell the truth! In fact, it's not hard to guess your careful thinking!"

"You call us together, nothing more than you want to humiliate me in front of Miss Su, and take the opportunity to win Miss Su's heart!"

"Of course, your methods may be more, and there may even be some that are not on the stage, not to mention this!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Lu Hongyue sweats profusely!

And Su Lingyu's face became more and more gloomy!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan! Me, I just want to invite the crew to dinner and discuss advertising endorsements! You, don't talk nonsense!"

Lu Hongyue's face turned pale!

"It doesn't matter, but Shao Lu, haven't you thought about it, I know your plan, why do you want to come?"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Why, why?"

"Well, I really value your wisdom! Just to remind you, if the Zhou family knew that I had just finished with them yesterday, I would come to meet you secretly today. What would they think?"

Jiang Fan's smile is full of insidiousness!

Lu Hongyue was startled, her expression suddenly changed!

"You! You bastard!!"

Lu Hongyue suddenly roared!

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