God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 780: Mother Rong is kinder than you

That's it!


Jiang Fan and Zhou's family are deadly enemies!

Absolutely immortal!

But yesterday, there was such a big contradiction between Lu Lin Song's Yan Family and Zhou Family!

In the evening, Jiang Fan went to the Zhou family's old house again and humiliated the Zhou family severely!

As a result, today, his Lu Hongyue met Jiang Fan!

How to explain this?

'Hello there! This is because I, Lu Hongyue, wanted to get Su Lingyu by humiliating or even killing the takeaway star!

That's why I brought them to have a meal together!

As for the identity of the takeaway star, I had no idea that he was Jiang Fan!

This is the fact! Ha ha……'


To Nima!

I don't believe it myself, bastard!

Lu Hongyue almost collapsed in his heart!

It just happens to be eating at this time, let alone the Zhou family are more shrewd, these words are stupid and don't believe it!

"Jiang Fan! What am I going to kill you!"

Lu Hongyue's head is about to smoke!

No matter what, I'm going to pinch Jiang Fan's neck!


It's so despicable!

This person is really worse than Zhao Gao, Qin Hui, Yan Song, Xie Guangkun and Su Da imposing together!

It's smoking!

Jiang Fan smiled and avoided Lu Hongyue!

"Shao Lu, don't be so angry, even if you do it with me now, it will only make the Zhou family think it is a bitter trick!"

"You, you **** dare to say it! You stop me! If you don't kill you, my surname will not be Lu!"

Lu Hongyue's hair stood up!

Damn Jiang Fan!

Oh my god!

How could there be such a vicious man in the world!

Mother Rong is kinder than you! Aunt Xue is more merciful than you!

You are not only harming me, but also making me cheat the family!

Especially because of his identity, the Yan family might have to be pitted in!

"Jiang Fan! You, stop, if you let me hack you to death, we'll even be cleaned up! Otherwise, I'll be a ghost and I won't let you go!"

Lu Hongyue has a disheveled hair and roars like a rap version of the moon worshiper!

The crowd was dumbfounded, and they all looked at Lu Hongyue dumbfounded!

"Lu Jiazhang forced the first person, so Mr. Shui was given a break?"

"Nonsense! You have to be crazy when you encounter this kind of thing!"

"Mr. Water is too ruthless, right? But, it's really amazing!"

Su Lingyu looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

This method is too powerful!

I have never seen Lu Hongyue, who has always been pretending to be forced to become like this!

Jiang Fan is simply a pretender nemesis!


Lu Hongyue was angry and anxious, and finally his head was dizzy, and he sat down on the ground!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan! You must be punished! You, wait for it!"

"It doesn't matter! Now think about it, how can you tell me when you go home!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

Lu Hongyue almost fainted when he thought of his father's reaction when he got the news!

"Jiang Fan! What hate or resentment do I have with you? Even if I want Su Lingyu, you can just break my fingers! Even if you break my legs, I will admit it! Can you commit such an extinction? hum ...... you are not human! you too bad you! ooo, ooo ...... "

Lu Hongyue suddenly howled and burst into tears!

He was so crying!


There are so many women in the world, why have to provoke Su Lingyu?

It's fine to provoke, the key is to provoke this takeaway star?

It's fine now, completely scrapped!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

Looking at Lu Hongyue with a dull look!

Too, too cruel!

Unexpectedly, the dignified Young Master Lu was forced into this!

This method is simply against the sky!

The three bodyguards of Lu Hongyue are even more messy!

I can't wait to dig a hole and bury myself!

What a shame Nima!

"Okay, don't cry!"

Jiang Fan frowned, walked to the opposite of Lu Hongyue and squatted down!

"Listen to me, as long as you cooperate with me, I will keep you okay!"

"Really, really?"

Lu Hongyue looked at Jiang Fan pitifully!

He was also unrecruited, Jiang Fan's methods could not be more clear to him!

Now that I have boarded Jiang Fan's thief ship, I am afraid I have no chance to go on!

Jiang Fan waved!

This time, even Su Lingyu and Lu Hongyue's bodyguards retreated with interest!

In the entire yard, only Jiang Fan and Lu Hongyue were left!

"Shao Lu, it's actually very simple to prevent the Zhou family from misunderstanding!"

"Really, really?"

Lu Hongyue looked happy!

"Of course! But you have to promise me one condition!"

"No problem! Say it!"

"You are not allowed to provoke Su Lingyu again!"

"Don't worry, brother! I'll just play **** in the future, so I won't touch Su Lingyu!"

Lu Hongyue looked excited!


Today is so scary!

From now on, even if Su Lingyu stands in front of him with Chi Guoguo, he will only smile slightly, absolutely not hard!


Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Don't worry, after a while after eating, you go directly to Zhou Ning and tell him that the takeaway star is Jiang Fan! Zhou Ning will never trouble you again!"

"It's that simple?"

Lu Hongyue looked incredulous!

"Yes! It's that simple!"

"Me, why should I believe you?"

"Do you have another way?"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Okay, okay! However, if the Zhou family still misunderstands, I definitely can't spare you!"

"Shao Lu, don't always make these unfulfilled promises, it's meaningless!"

"You, you bastard!"

"Thanks for the compliment!"

Soon, Zhang Wentao and others were called back. A group of people barely finished their meal, and then they were about to leave!

It’s just that Su Xin Zhai just came out!


Several sudden brakes suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, seven or eight BMW X5s, led by a red Porsche panamera4s, directly stood in front of everyone!

"Boom boom!"

The sound of the door opening kept ringing!

In an instant, Jiang Fan and the others were directly surrounded by a group of powerful groups of up to five levels. Among them, the leader was even more powerful than level nine!

Only then did the Porsche doors slowly open!

Immediately afterwards, Fan Jiqian, with a smug look, and Lu Qi with a sneer, got out of the car!

"Takeaway Star!"

As soon as he saw Jiang Fan, Fan Jigan's eyes turned red!

This bastard!

Not only did he occupy his own hot search, but he also grabbed his lead actor's position!

Even, he almost sent himself to prison!

Today, he must be killed!

And Lu Qi also has a murderous look!

My own male favorite, because of this takeaway star, now the endocrine is not adjusted!

The strength that could last for three minutes, now, can only barely maintain one and a half minutes!

Tonics are useless!

Moreover, it was because of him, the vice president of his company, that he was almost killed!

The takeaway star must be punished!

However, if he is acquainted, he can develop into one of his male favorites!

When I thought of this, Lu Qi's eyes suddenly became full of greed!

"Fan Jigan! What are you doing here?"

Zhang Wentao took a step forward and asked first!

"Huh! What am I doing? Zhang Wentao, for this stinky man, you actually gave him the male protagonist who originally belonged to him! I am going to beg for justice today!"

Fan Jiqian is righteous and awe-inspiring!

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