The moment Jiang Fan turned around!

Everyone took a step back in fright!

That look!

What kind of look is that?

It was neither cold to the bone, nor indifferent and ruthless, let alone the slightest bit of murderous aura!

His eyes were empty and empty, no emotion, no vitality, no brilliance, no emotions that human beings should have!

Only endless, like an abyss, despair that people dare not look directly at!

"You all **** it!"

Jiang Fan sighed faintly, and suddenly appeared in front of a Zhou's tenth level!

next moment!


Jiang Fan punched through this man's chest!

"Hahaha! Jiang Fan! You did it! You have only a dead end—"

Before Zhou Ning finished speaking, he closed his mouth tightly!

Not only him, everyone looked at Jiang Fan with horror!

I saw that Jiang Fan was still holding a **** heart in the fist that penetrated the opponent's chest!

The tenth grade looked at Jiang Fan with fear!

"no, do not want--"


Jiang Fan smashed his heart in a hand, and in the next moment, he appeared again in front of another tenth level!


With a blast, this tenth level was blasted half of his body with a punch by Jiang Fan, and he could only scream and wait for death!

And Jiang Fan has already moved again!

Suddenly appeared in front of a man whose breath reached level 11!


The man suddenly roared, punched backhand, and blasted Jiang Fan first!



A bright light suddenly cut through the night sky!

The next moment, the man's arm suddenly rose to the sky!

"Ah! My hand! My hand!!!"

The man suddenly wailed!

But the next moment, that sword light flashed again!


In the blink of an eye, this person was actually cut off by Jiang Fan!

Can only lie on the ground, waiting to bleed to death!

"God, my goodness!"

"This, this kid, isn't he only level ten!"

"Impossible! How could he be so tyrannical!"

"It's terrible! It will die! It will definitely die!"

A group of Zhou's children were all stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan with horror!


Regardless of whether it is level 10 or eleven, he can't even stop him a little bit!

"Ten levels are all scattered!"

"The true strength of this kid is up to the top level of eleven!"

"Enclose him!"

Zhou Rong, Zhou Cheng, and Zhou Qi suddenly shouted and rushed towards Jiang Fan with the remaining six eleventh levels!

The three of them are all masters at level twelve!

Under the combined attack, even if it is a master of the same level, there is only one dead end!



Jiang Fan's foot was light, and his speed suddenly soared by more than 30%!

In the next moment, he has directly rushed into a group of tenth level!



"Let me go! Let me go!"

"Ah!! My eyes!"

The sharp cold light suddenly exploded from the crowd!

It was just a breath of time, and the group of tenth ranks had all screamed and fell to the ground!

Everyone is still alive, but every person's facial features are completely disturbed by Jian Qi!

What's more ruthless is that Jiang Fan's burst of sword energy has penetrated everyone's meridians, and at most two hours, these people will all die!

Zhou Rong's scalp was numb and the whole body was covered with goose bumps!

Too ruthless!

This kid is not human!

It's an evil spirit!

The point is that these people are all the future pillars of the Zhou family!

Now they are all going to die miserably!

"Jiang Fan!!! You **** it!!!"

Zhou Cheng roared suddenly and rushed to Jiang Fan first!

With so many people dead, even if they could kill Jiang Fan and return to Zhou's house, they would not be able to confess to Zhou Yuande!

However, seeing Zhou Cheng rushing forward!

However, Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand when he retracted his sword!


A loud noise!

Jiang Fan actually held Zhou Cheng's fists!

"His hands are controlled! Kill him soon!"

Zhou Cheng exclaimed in excitement!

The others' eyes lit up and rushed towards Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!


For a moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly stretched out four arms under his ribs!

next moment!


"Boom boom boom boom!"

In almost an instant, Jiang Fan's four arms suddenly blasted hundreds of punches!

The terrifying five-strength power carried by the Great Shift of the Universe, almost no loss, all blasted into Zhou Cheng's body!


Zhou Cheng suddenly spouted a mouthful of blood!

next moment!


This level 12 master of the Zhou family was completely blown up into a pile of meat!

The flesh and blood spilled out from the sky, everyone was stunned!

Stopped, looked at Jiang Fan with a dull expression!

so horrible!

Level twelve!

That's a strong one at level twelve!

A face-to-face!

Was actually blown up by Jiang Fan in an instant!

How strong is this kid!


Zhou Rong suddenly roared and rose into the air!

Desperately flee to the distance!

This Jiang Fan is definitely not something they can deal with!

Underestimate him!

Everyone underestimated him!

This kid is an out-and-out monster!

Be sure to bring this news back!

The others screamed and fled in all directions!


"Lu Bu!"

Jiang Fan pointed at the eleventh level who had fled!

The next moment, two meters tall, a silver armor, and the unparalleled handsome Lu Bu, already holding a Fang Tian painted halberd, suddenly descended from the sky, directly blocking the six eleventh-level paths!

"Damn! It's another tenth level!"

"I want to stop us and look for death!"

"Kill him!"

Several eleventh-level roars rushed towards Lu Bu frantically!


"Nine Suns Overlord Halberd-Demon Falling Shadow!"

Lü Bu laughed wildly, and Fang Tian's painted halberd suddenly burst into a terrifying flame!

And Jiang Fan has spoken softly again!


Two meters high, the ferocious demonized nightmare beast has suddenly appeared!

Jiang Fan turned on his horse and chased Zhou Qi abruptly!

At this moment, Zhou Qi, who was running desperately, suddenly felt a chill behind him!

He looked back, his eyes widened suddenly!

I saw Jiang Fan covered with red mist, riding a ferocious behemoth, rushing towards him!

"Asshole! I fought with you!"

Zhou Qi suddenly roared!

The twelfth level of terrifying strength suddenly broke out!


"Three heads!"


In an instant, two more heads grew on Jiang Fan's shoulders and arms!

Especially, the eyes on the two heads have opened a gap at this moment, and they are staring at Zhou Qi!

"what is this?!"

Zhou Qi's eyes widened in disbelief!

But the next moment!


A mental storm suddenly burst out from the eyes of the three heads!

Zhou Qi's pupils shrank, only to feel that his mind suddenly dizzy!

Just in this moment!


A cold light exploded!

As the sword light flickered, the Shuiyu Zimother Sword had already pierced Zhou Qi's throat!

However, the twelfth level of mental resistance is obviously extremely tyrannical!

Seeing that the tip of the sword had touched Zhou Qi's skin, he actually reacted, and his upper body suddenly leaned back!



The point of the Shuiyu Zimu Sword was actually impossible to hit, like a spirit snake, it suddenly drew a curve, suddenly a point on Zhou Qi's eyes!

The world is supple, the swordsmanship of the water!

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