God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 788: I will go if they don't come


Zhou Qi suddenly let out a miserable howl!

And Jiang Fan was already on one side, and he lifted Zhou Qi to the horse while riding!

Then, the six arms had grabbed Zhou Qi's shoulders and thighs!

"You, what are you going to do!"

Zhou Qi screamed in horror!

Even the six eleventh ranks who were at war with Lu Bu couldn't help turning their heads!

"Zhou Qi was caught alive by him!"

"This lunatic, what kind of strength is he!"

"It's horrible! What is he going to do?"

"He, is he trying to—"

One of them suddenly let out a scream of horror!

next moment!


Jiang Fan suddenly roared, his six arms suddenly exerted strength!

"Chuck! Chuck!"

Zhou Qi burst out a crisp sound of twisted bones all over!

"No! No! Ah!!!"


Along with Zhou Qi's screams, there was a sudden explosion in the air!

Everyone was terrified to see that Zhou Qi was actually torn to pieces by Jiang Fan!

Blood is flying all over the sky!

This scene is even scarier than a horror movie!

"Madman! Monster!"

"He is not a human being, he is a demon!"

"Ghost! Devil!"

"Flee! Run away!"

Several eleventh levels were completely shocked! Howling desperately!

Even the attack on Lu Bu didn't take care of it, so he turned and ran!

At this moment, Lu Bu was already hurt all over!

After all, he is only level ten, even if it is a double talent, the level is there!

Although he was desperate to kill one person just now, he was also seriously injured!

However, at this moment, he has no fighting spirit, and only knows the five people who escaped. For him, they are living targets!


The flames on Fang Tian's painted halberd are more vigorous!


Lu Bu suddenly roared, and the long halberd suddenly cut off the two of them!

Then wave it again!

Another person's head flew up!

There are two people left!

Lu Bu burst out and threw the halberd!


Another person was pierced by the halberd!

And Lu Bu was already bare-handed, chasing the last person!

As for Jiang Fan, looking at Zhou Rong, who had escaped a full kilometer away, but expressionlessly, he slowly took out the Yunmeng bow!


Pulled down by six arms, the bow is like a full moon!

"Poison Nail Ring!"



Jiang Fan roared!

A loose finger!


There was a sound of metal crash from the bowstring!

And the nightmare beast he straddled, unexpectedly all four hooves swung backwards suddenly!

The horrible bowstring of this arrow shook back, and the nightmare beasts were shaken back!


A terrible scream suddenly resounded across the night sky!

Arrow carried a blazing flame, like a stream of light, and instantly came behind Zhou Rong!

"Damn it!"

Zhou Rong suddenly ducked sideways!

However, that arrow actually drew an arc in the air, and suddenly pierced Zhou Rong's heart!


Zhou Rong's eyes widened suddenly!

Then he gritted his teeth and hit the arrow with a fierce punch!


The moment Arrow and Zhou Rong's fist touched, they were directly exploded into a piece of powder!

However, Zhou Rong trembled all over, taking two steps back involuntarily!

He slowly glanced at Jiang Fan in the distance, revealing an extremely ugly wry smile!

next moment!

Seven bloodstains flowed out of Zhou Rong's eyes, ears, nose, and nose!

Immediately afterwards, he fell to the sky!

This dignified twelfth-level master was actually found flaws by Jiang Fan with a poisonous nail ring, and then he was shaken to death by that terrifying five-fold strength!

On the other side, Lu Bu also laughed wildly, and blasted the last eleventh-level chest with a punch!

It all seems slow and fast!

But in just one minute, the Zhou family's twenty tenth levels, seven eleventh levels, and three twelfth levels, were completely wiped out!

"Foster father!"

Lu Bu, covered in blood, knelt in front of Jiang Fan on one knee!

"Get up!"

Jiang Fan's tone was plain, without the slightest joy after killing an enemy!

Yes, just indescribable emptiness and loneliness!

He put away the nightmare beast, just step by step, towards the stars!

"Foster father, Zhou Ning, seems to have run away!"

"I know! But if he is alive, it will be more painful than death!"

Jiang Fan walked to Xia Fanxing's side, hugged her gently, and never moved!

It's like becoming a fossil!

"Foster father..."

Lu Bu stared at Jiang Fan blankly!

He has never seen a foster father like this!

"Foster father! She, she is dead! We have to leave quickly! Otherwise, as soon as a master of the Zhou family's fourteenth level or above comes, you, you are in danger!"

"Come on when they come, if they don't come, I will go too!"

Jiang Fan's tone is still plain!

"Foster father! She is the only one dead now! But if you don't cheer up, then it won't be her alone!"

"Curtis, Wang Yi, and your friends in Los Angeles, all are going to die!"

"You can't be like me. I was like that back then. I was stunned and everyone betrayed their relatives!"

"Foster father! Please!"

"Go back! There is hope when you go back!"

Lu Bu wailed and knelt down suddenly!

"go back……"

A faint light suddenly appeared in Jiang Fan's hollow eyes!

Then, the light became more and more prosperous!

"go back!"


Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath!

"There is still a way!"

this moment!

Jiang Fan's eyes are simply bright, like shining stars!

"Foster father! You, what are you talking about?"

"I said, I can save Xia Fanxing!"

Jiang Fan suddenly picked up Xia Fanxing, and then he walked directly into the private jet along the gangway!

At this moment, in the cabin, including the captain, a group of flight attendants all looked at Jiang Fan in fear!

Because the plane is parked far away from the terminal building, people over there can't see what's happening here, but people here can see it clearly!

From Jiang Fan's flying sniper bullets to everything that happened just now, they all saw it clearly!

Even now, they can still hear the countless screams of the tenth-level group that hasn't died!

Too ruthless!

This person is simply a living demon!

"Big, sir! No, don't kill us!"

"We didn't see anything! He didn't hear anything!"

"Yes! We don't know anything!"

"Please let us go!"

Everyone trembled with fright, begging desperately!

"Shut up! Just wait for me outside the plane!"


"Hurry up!"

"Yes! Let's go!"

"Lu Bu! Be optimistic about them, no one can leave!"


Seeing everyone get off the plane, Jiang Fan finally took a deep breath, and then flipped his right hand!

A fist-like object that emits a dull white light, like a thumb up, appeared suddenly!

This thing is surprisingly the best item from the world of "Terminator"!


Iwillbeback: My Terminator is back!

Note: Using this item, you will return to a world you have traveled through, and choose the time node to appear!

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