God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 789: Black Book of Mummy Undead


Looking at the props quietly, Jiang Fan's face suddenly showed a wry smile!

He originally planned to solve all the things in this world, and then use this prop to go home!

Back to that, the world that truly belongs to him!

But now...

Jiang Fan looked at Xia Fanxing and suddenly smiled!

"Don't worry! I said, I won't let you die!"

"Even if I can't go back again, that real...home..."

"System! Use Iwillbeback!"

"Destination: Mummy! Time: Last return, three minutes later!"

Among all the worlds Jiang Fan has experienced, only the Black Sutra of the Undead in the world of mummies can bring people back to life!


The props suddenly exploded into silver light!

Then, the silver light was actually in the void, drawing out an electric gate!

Even through the door, Jiang Fan could faintly see the trio of O'Connor standing on the ruins of the hotel with a bewildered look!

Jiang Fan hugged Xia Fanxing, took a deep breath, and then stepped out!


As Jiang Fan entered the gate, there was a flash of lightning in the void!

Then, the door disappeared completely!

At this moment, the world of mummies!

"Jonathan! What you have, yes, yes—"

O'Connor and Eve looked at Jonathan dumbfounded!

And Jonathan was holding Jiang Fan's, blood-run peach wood sword!

"I, I, I'm habitual, touch it, who knows..."

"I, I didn't mean it! Heaven and earth conscience, I just touched it so easily!"

Jonathan's tears are coming down!

He is exactly, professional habits!

Smoothly handed Jiang Fan's peach wood sword of blood talisman!


This offends Jiang Fan. If Emerton comes back, Jiang Fan won't get angry, they will all be finished!

And at this moment, a strange crack suddenly appeared in the void in front of them!


Jiang Fan only felt that he had penetrated some invisible barrier, and when he reappeared, he had returned to the ruins of the Cairo Hotel!

When I left last time, I fought a battle with Immortal, the undead priest. In the end, although the monster was scared off, the entire hotel was destroyed!

Seeing the three of O'Connor looking at him, Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

"Hi, long time no see!"


A short silence!

"Jiang Fan! Don't hit me!"

"I didn't mean it! I swear! I just touched it!"

"I never thought about stealing from you! This is completely a professional habit! Conditional reflex!"

Jonathan's face was crying, his face's distorted eyebrows were about to join together!

What kind of anger is Jiang Fan!

Actually Broken Void came to avenge him!

"Jiang Fan! Jonathan didn't mean it! Don't be angry!"

"Yes! His mind can't control his hands at all!"

O'Connor and Eve hurriedly interceded!

"Jiang Fan! Great! You came back!"

"With your skills and proficiency in ancient languages, you can definitely help us in Egypt!"

But the bearded man and the curator are happy!

Looking at these people, Jiang Fan just smiled!

"Don't worry, I didn't come back to hold you accountable, I want your help!"


Everyone was taken aback!

"Hmm! I want to find Immortal!"

"Great! Are you going to completely eradicate this monster?"

Everyone looked happy!

"No! I need to find him and let him resurrect me, my love!"

Jiang Fan spoke softly!

A group of people was stunned, only to discover Xia Fanxing in Jiang Fan's arms!

"It turns out that he came back to resurrect his lover!"

"If you want to bring people back to life, only the Black Sutra of Undead can do it!"

"The Black Sutra of the Undead is in the hands of Immortal! And only Immortal knows the steps of resurrection!"

"No wonder I am looking for Immortal!"

"Don't worry Jiang Fan! You saved us, we will definitely help you!"

A group of people suddenly realized that they all spoke!

"thank you all!"

Jiang Fan nodded, looked at Xia Fanxing reluctantly, and then lightly swiped Xia Fanxing's body directly into the space!

Seeing the corpse disappeared out of thin air, everyone was shocked!

However, thinking that Jiang Fan can tear open the void, it is nothing to make a fuss about turning a person into nothing!

"But Jiang Fan, the world is so big, where can I find Immortal?"

"Yes! He has been resurrected now, but with such a powerful mana, no one knows where he will go!"

"It is too difficult to find him!"

The crowd frowned!

"No! I think I know where he is!"


"Wounded beasts, where do they usually go?"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

"You, you mean, he's-Hamnata?!"

Everyone was stunned!


"Although he has been trapped there for thousands of years, he has long regarded it as his home!"

"Immerton must be there!"

"And you, help me get there again!"


The journey to Hamnata is far more troublesome than Jiang Fan thought!

The transportation in this era is extremely inconvenient, and the second half of the journey to Hamnata is full of deserted Gobi!

Must find a camel to lead the way!

And the most important thing is that the place was cast by the priests of ancient Egypt, and it only appeared at a specific time and place!

Jiang Fan originally planned to only take O'Connor and keep everything simple, but when the others heard that they were going to Hamnata, they were all excited and wanted to go!

"Jiang Fan! Take me! I can speak ancient Egyptian! I can definitely help you!"

"You want me! I, I will steal things! If Immortal refuses to cooperate, I can still figure out a way to steal the Black Scriptures!"

"I! I'm going too! I am the Pharaoh's guardian. If the monster wants to escape by then, our brigade will definitely stop him!"

Eve and others begged hard!

Jiang Fan was moved. Everyone knew about Immortal's strength. They wanted to follow them so actively, just because they saved them!

"Okay! Everyone go together!"

A group of people prepare for it and set off immediately!

The crowd first took a boat, along the Nile River to the nearest town to Hamnata!

Then I bought a lot and rode a camel straight to the destination!

With Jiang Fan, food and the like can be thrown into the system backpack. This way, on the contrary, it is extremely easy!

The group traveled for three days and finally stopped in the early hours of this day!


O'Connor, who led the way, pointed to the front!

But in front of Jiang Fan, there was a vast sea of ​​sand, and there was no shadow of Hamnata at all!

"Because of the spell blessing here, Hamnata will only appear when the sun rises!"

Jiang Fan nodded, silently looking at the sand sea in front of him!

Gradually, the sky is getting dark to the limit!

But at the next moment, a faint red light suddenly lit up in the distance!


At the moment when the sun's rays appeared, in front of everyone, an ancient city full of ruined walls, extremely desolate, and full of years of precipitation, suddenly appeared slowly in the void and appeared in front of everyone!


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