God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 790: Brother Yi's house is really unique

Seeing this ancient city slowly appearing, Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath!

Then, he slapped the seated camel hard, and suddenly rushed out!

The others laughed and hurriedly followed!

Soon, a group of people have officially entered Hamnata!

There is also sand and dust everywhere, and all kinds of sculptures and stone carvings are mottled by the erosion of wind and sand!

O'Connor went straight to a wind-eroded statue of Anubis with only one outline left!

There is a hole below the idol!

"Jiang Fan! Last time we entered the tomb from here!"

"You should be familiar with this road, so let's go here this time!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

Soon, a group of people filed in!

The inside of the mausoleum was pitch black, only the sunlight from the entrance of the cave illuminated a small area around it!

Eve walked to a mirror not far away and turned the mirror slightly!

Suddenly, the mirrors all over the tomb began to reflect sunlight!

Only a moment later, it was as bright as day!

With O'Connor leading the way, a group of people immediately walked towards the tomb!

It's just that, just walking through a tunnel, there was a scream in the distance!

"what happened?!"

"It's not Immortal!"

"It's someone else!"

"Why is there someone else here?"

Everyone was stunned!

And Jiang Fan's expression changed even more!

Just at a distance of no more than 500 meters in a straight line from it, an extremely terrifying aura is slowly rising!

The intensity of that breath has at least reached the tenth peak!

In the current world of mummies, only Immortal can burst out such a powerful breath!


He obviously killed the remaining two molders, Immortal definitely cannot become a complete body!

Why now, unexpectedly burst out such a terrifying strength? !

"Oops! Immortal must have re-launched the curse!"

"As long as you find four more people to reopen the coffin, and he absorbs those four people, he will definitely be able to completely restore his strength!"

"Look at him now, he must have absorbed the first three people!"

"If he absorbs another one and becomes a true 3,000-year-old undead monster, the whole of Egypt will suffer!"

The director of the museum and the bearded face are terrified!


Immortal monster still has this hand?

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce, and he kicked the stone wall in front of him and rushed directly in the direction of Imodun!

However, he has just taken three steps!


There was another sad scream, suddenly sounded!

And with this scream, the breath that was originally extremely terrifying, unexpectedly surged in a straight line!

In a short while, he has already crossed the tenth level!

However, this breath hasn't stopped!

Level eleven!

Eleven peak!

Eleven level limit!

Level twelve!

Twelfth level peak!

Twelve level limit!

In the end, with a terrifying roar like a roar of sandstorm, this breath broke through the shackles in one fell swoop!

It actually reached the thirteenth level!


Jiang Fan's pupils shrank, and he suddenly yelled!

Immortal, who has absorbed two people, has only a ninth level peak!

But when he absorbed the third person, he broke through the tenth level!

But after absorbing the last one, this monster actually reached a full thirteenth level!

Damn Nima!

Why does this monster upgrade so fast!

"Everyone! Exit all!"

Jiang Fan roared suddenly!



A harsh howl suddenly resounded through the entire tomb!

The next moment, right in front of Jiang Fan!

The thick stone wall that blocked him, layer after layer, unexpectedly all exploded into a ball of flying sand!

Almost just for an instant, in front of Jiang Fan, there appeared an open road leading straight to the direction of the sound!

At the end of this road, a handsome bald man in a robe was looking at him coldly!

Immortal sacrifice!


"Jiang! Fan!"

Immortal stared at Jiang Fan fiercely with a pair of eyes!

It's this bastard!

Destroyed all my plans!

He hurt himself severely!

In the end, he humiliated himself mercilessly!

Can't spare him!

Absolutely, can't spare him!

But watching Immortal's breath soaring and reaching the thirteenth level, Jiang Fan barely curled the corners of his lips, revealing a kindly smile!

"Hi, how are you!"

Immortal's face was expressionless!

"It was a misunderstanding last time! The scenery here is beautiful and the smell is unique. Brother Yi's house is really unique! Hahaha!"

Immortal still doesn't speak!

Jiang Fan was slightly embarrassed!

"Ahem! Brother Yi really understands that silence is gold! This, I brought a bottle of Huaxia wine, Red Star Erguotou! Why don't we sit down and have a good chat?"

The answer to him was nothing but Immortal's eager eyes to eat people!

"Big brother, you say something anyway, you look like you are more sad than constipation! Or I will bring you a bottle of corkscrew next time?"

Jiang Fan is very embarrassed!

Oh shit!

Had it not been for asking for you, I would have broken you early!


Immortal suddenly took a deep breath!


"Jiang Fan! You die for me!"

Accompanied by this roar, the next moment, Immortal has suddenly rushed to Jiang Fan!

Then, a punch blasted out!

Jiang Fan raises his arm by one stop!


A loud noise!

Jiang Fan was almost like a small stone, and he flew out with a punch from Imodun!

Strictly speaking, Immortal is only a thirteenth-level mage, but compared with a real-world mage, this guy's physical strength is not inferior to tenth-level!


Jiang Fan slammed into the stone wall behind him, and directly smashed the stone wall to pieces!

"Jiang Fan! I want to kill you! Turn you into a corpse!"

Immortal roared and appeared in front of Jiang Fan again, his fists falling like raindrops!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

In an instant, the entire tomb was full of fists!

With hundreds of punches in a row, Immortal had no sign of stopping!

He simply hated Jiang Fan!

Blame this bastard!

If it weren't for him, I must have lived happily with Ansuna now!

Damn it!

Damn it!


at this time!

Jiang Fan, who seemed to have been beaten by Immortal and unable to fight back, suddenly spoke!

"It's almost done, let's hurry up and discuss business if you feel good enough!"

Immortal's fist suddenly beat!

Look at Jiang Fan incredible!

"You, are you okay?!"

"Nonsense! If I can be beaten to death by such a powerful fist, I won't be in your turn, I'll have to die!"

Jiang Fan took a step back and patted the dust on his body!

Nine Suns True Qi protects the body, Immortal will not be able to hurt him unless he completely exhausts his true qi!

And Immortal's eyes are almost staring out!


In this world, how could there be such a powerful existence of physical power!

This kid is definitely not a person!

Could it be that he, as he thought, is also a monster that has lived for thousands of years?


There are too many Chinese legends!

This kid is so strong in his physical strength that he is the descendant of Xing Tian in the Chinese legend?

"Don't be stunned, I really have something to look for you!"

Jiang Fan gave a dry cough!

"I want you to help me—"

"You die for me!"

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, Imodun suddenly roared and turned into a sandstorm!

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