"Cheng Yu! Cheng Yu! Jiang Fan! You let him go! Let him go!"

Zhou Ning howled desperately!

"Well, since you are so sincere, then I will let him go, but I will use your life in exchange!"

Jiang Fan lay on Zhou Ning's shoulder and spoke softly!

"Okay! Just use my life!"

Zhou Ning suddenly spoke!


"Shao Ning! Think about it, let's talk about it!"

"There are servants, but you have only one life!"

"You can continue to seek revenge from me if you are alive! But if he is alive, what's the use?"

"Are you really willing to die for him?"

Jiang Fan's voice is like the whisper of a devil!


Zhou Ning opened her mouth, but she couldn't utter the word at all!

"Shao Ning, now the sword tip pierced only the outer membrane of the heart. If it pierces the aorta and pierces the atrium, then he is really dead!"

"There are three seconds left! Don't miss the opportunity!"

"I, I, I..."

Zhou Ning's tears, nose, and sweat mixed his face!

He spoke several times, but he couldn't make that determination at all!

Jiang Fan is right, he is alive, he is definitely more useful than Cheng Yu's alive!

But, but—


Zhou Ning's heart trembled, only that the long sword had penetrated something!

The next moment, he suddenly woke up!

It's the heart!

The long sword has penetrated Cheng Yu's heart!

Cheng Yu convulsed all over, spurting a stream of blood from his mouth!

He smiled reluctantly, and suddenly his head dropped!

Cheng Yu, dead!

Zhou Ning was stiff!

Look at the picture in front of you in disbelief!

Cheng Yu died like this!

My most loyal subordinate, unexpectedly died like this!


Jiang Fan shook Zhou Ning's hand and suddenly pulled back!

Suddenly, the blood spurted from Cheng Yu's heart was directly splashed on Zhou Ning's face!

That warm blood directly awakened Zhou Ning!

"Jiang Fan! You beast!"

Zhou Ning suddenly roared!

A backhand sword is about to slash towards Jiang Fan!

However, Jiang Fan just touched the long sword, and had already taken the long sword back directly!

"Jiang Fan! You killed Cheng Yu! You killed Cheng Yu! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Zhou Ning snarled frantically and slammed Jiang Fan with a punch!

"Wake up! Cheng Yu killed himself!"

Jiang Fan took a step back, avoided Zhou Ning's attack, and smiled!

"Nonsense! Obviously you killed him! It was you who held my hand and pierced the sword into his heart!"


Jiang Fan suddenly looked directly at Zhou Ning!

"I gave you a chance! As long as you die, Cheng Yu can live!"

"But how did you do it? You didn't hesitate to kill Cheng Yu to survive for yourself!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evokes!

"You, you bullshit! It's you! It's you!"

Zhou Ning roared angrily!

"Zhou Ning, think about it carefully! Did I really try hard?"

"I just held your hand!"

"The real effort is actually yourself!"

"You blame me, just because you can't accept that you killed Cheng Yu with your own hands and find a reason for yourself!"

"Hey, Zhou Ning, even I didn't expect that you could really kill Cheng Yu in order to survive!"

Jiang Fan smiled with great relief!

"Impossible! You, you bullshit! It's you! It's all you!"

Zhou Ning trembled all over!

"Don't believe me? Ask them! They can all see clearly! You can even go to see the Zhou family's surveillance. At the end of my time, I had already let go!"

Jiang Fan's mouth hooked!

"No! Impossible! Second Uncle! Yes, is it true?"

Zhou Ning suddenly looked at Zhou Yanzheng!

"No, no! Don't listen to Jiang Fan's nonsense!"

Zhou Yanzheng's heart trembled and barely spoke!

But from the look in his eyes, Zhou Ning had already seen the facts!

"No, it's not me! It's not me...not me!"

Zhou Ning knelt on the ground with a "plop"!

Not only the eyes were dizzy, but the spirit of the whole person plummeted!

Jiang Fan finally let go of his hand!

Zhou Ning subconsciously stabbed the sword because of his previous inertia, and even more so because of the interference of Jiang Fan's language!

Everyone just feels that their scalp is numb!

too frightening!

Jiang Fan, a monster, didn't even plan to kill Zhou Ning, let alone torture him!

He did all this to completely destroy Zhou Ning's spirit!

"Oh! I never thought that Young Master Ning was so cruel in order to survive!"

"I was moved by Cheng Yu and your master and servant. As long as you can hold on to those three seconds, I originally planned to let you go!"

"It's a pity! You actually killed Cheng Yu with your own hands!"

"Young Master Ning! You are cruel enough, I take it!"

Jiang Fan shook his head and sighed!

However, Zhou Ning's body trembled even more severely when he heard Jiang Fan's words!

He didn't know if what Jiang Fan said was true!

But because of this, the pain in his heart is deeper!

Jiang Fan's meaning is very clear. It was he who killed Cheng Yu, and it was because of him that he gave up a chance for both of them to survive!

When the others heard Jiang Fan's words, they only felt that a chill suddenly rose from the back and rushed directly to the Tianling Gai!

Jiang Fan's methods are simply venomous!

His last words directly made Zhou Ning completely accept the fact that he killed Cheng Yu!

For the rest of his life, he shouldn't even want to jump out of this mood!

After the tenth level, the perception of martial arts is the decisive factor to enhance the strength!

Jiang Fan is equivalent to destroying Zhou Ning's martial arts heart!

Zhou Ning's strength can never go further!

If he forcibly enhances his strength, he can only become crazy!

Even worse, everyone would only know that Zhou Ning killed his most loyal subordinates to survive!

In the future, I am afraid there will be no one who will truly be loyal to him!

Kill the heart!

Three birds with one stone!

Too ruthless!

Jiang Fan's method of revenge was more desperate than killing Zhou Ning!

And Jiang Fan, with a chuckle, put away the nuclear bomb and turned into the car!

Obviously the contract has expired, but no one in the huge Zhou family dared to stop him!

Faced with such a monster, even at level fourteen, he has no guts to do anything with him!

Everyone could only watch, Jiang Fan disappeared completely!

"Jiang Fan, absolutely can't let him continue to grow!"

"We underestimated him! This monster! This lunatic!"

"Sooner or later, he will really destroy the Zhou family!"

Zhou Yuande muttered!

In his eyes, there was all uncontrollable fear!

The most terrifying Jiang Fan is not strength, but the kind of means to manipulate people's hearts!

With just a few words, one of the most outstanding young disciples of the Zhou family was actually dismissed by him!

Can't let him live!

Jiang Fan, must die!


"Jiang Fan can kill the twelfth level, the strongest strength that can burst, is at least the twelfth peak!"

"It must be level 13 or above to shoot!"

"Who to send?"

"You should ask who will go! Don't forget that he still has a nuclear bomb!"

"Yes! Unless you are not afraid to die together!"

Several fourteenth levels of the Zhou family spoke!

It's just that at the end, everyone is silent!

Anyone who reaches level ten or higher is not a genius!

To kill Jiang Fan is equivalent to going to die!

This kind of self-sacrificing is possible for other families!

But Zhou's family, but they are all a group of little affectionate guys!

The crowd looked at each other, and suddenly they all dispersed!

On the spot, only Zhou Ning was left with a dull-eyed look!

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