"Cheng Yu! Cheng Yu..."

Zhou Ning stared at Cheng Yu's corpse blankly, and her whole body was in a trance!


Completely defeated!

Jiang Fan lost his lover and even became disabled!

But what he, Zhou Ning lost, is the whole future!

Starting today, all his real power in the family will be taken back and he will completely become a marginal person!

His strength will always be fixed here, and he will never make progress in the future!

Even starting today, there will never be a person who will be sincerely loyal to him!

Zhou Ning, he is abolished!

"Jiang Fan... good means! Really good means!"

Zhou Ning laughed strangely, holding Cheng Yu's body, and slowly stood up!

Then, step by step, leaving Zhou's house in despair!


Early morning!

Los Angeles Airport!

A plane finally landed slowly!

The gangway opened, and Jiang Fan, dressed in casual clothes, finally came out!

Jiang Fan is still coming back alone, and Xia Fanxing is still in the capital!

But now, as long as he didn't die for a day, the Zhou family would no longer have the guts to embarrass Xia Fanxing!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, his broken arm and residual eyes have completely healed!

You can't see the slightest injury!

Although this time I used props to enter the world, I could not get recovery and rewards, but when I traveled through "Journey to the West" last time, the recovery opportunity that time was not used!

The reason why he had to go to Zhou's house with that horrible injury before was to show the Zhou family to see his embarrassed appearance!

If the Zhou family knew that he had killed those people unscathed, it would only evaluate his strength even higher!

And the broken arm and the broken eye have just become a means for him to hide his true strength!

The Zhou family was deterred by his aura, and the temporary assessment may be too high. When he reacted and realized that he was disabled, the strength of the manpower sent would never exceed level 12!

The most important thing is that it can only be no more than twelve levels!

That group of unreasonable bastards, powerful figures above thirteenth level, absolutely no one would dare to take risks!

And as long as it is not above level 13, you will have to die as many as you come!

And in the time wasted by those idiots, his strength will continue to improve like a rocket!

When the Zhou family fully reacted, it would be too late for anything!


Taking a deep breath of the familiar air, the corner of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused!

Los Angeles! Home!

finally came back!

My friends, students, don’t know what’s going on!

Thinking of those bear kids, Jiang Fan smiled happily!

The rest of the day will depend on you to pass the time!


Sleeping Zhengxiang Lu He couldn't help but sneezed heavily!

"Damn! Who scolded me! I was dreaming of beating Jiang Fan violently! Hmm... Go on, connect the dream... Huhu~~"

And in a residential area!

"Hehe! Jiang Fan, you, you violated school discipline and school rules, you're done..."

"Hahaha, yes! Ask me for forgiveness! But I am awe-inspiring Director Ma and will never forgive you! Hahaha..."

Wearing a nightcap, Ma Desheng lay on the bed, snoring and laughing!

As soon as Jiang Fan got off the plane, he found that not far away, a group of people were already waiting there!

The leader is indeed Lu Zhenglong!

Behind him, Curtis, Wang Yi, Tu Kang and others all looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

"Old Lu, why are you doing such a big battle?"

"Mr. Jiang, we have all heard about your forcibly breaking into Zhou's house in Beijing!"

"Too domineering!"

"The dignified Zhou family is so embarrassed under your hands!"

"It seems that they are just a bunch of paper tigers!"

Lu Zhenglong and the others greeted them with excitement!

After Curtis and the others came back, they talked about Jiang Fan directly!

Everyone who listened was heartbroken!

That's Zhou's family!

It is now, the strongest family in China!

However, Jiang Fan single-handedly entered the Zhou family, not only retreating calmly, but also harming the Zhou family's Patriarch!

This is simply like a myth!

Their worship of Jiang Fan has reached the realm of obsession!

"It's good for you to know this kind of thing, don't spread it out!"

Jiang Fan looked straight!

"Yes! But Mr. Jiang, why? The wider this story spreads, the more it will hit the Zhou family?"

"It's true! But take a long-term view!"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly!

"Once you learn that there are gaps in the capital's wealthy families, those first-class families that are suppressed by them will be ready to move!"

"It's even very possible that some first-class families will join hands to take action against a wealthy family!"

"Although they may not be able to do it, once the situation gets messed up and becomes an unfamiliar environment, it will do more harm than good!"

"What's more, in the future, we will be one of those behemoths sooner or later. You don't want to see anyone challenging our authority, right?"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone's heart trembled!

Jiang Fan is right!

Indeed it is!

But at this time, he can still be so calm and talk freely, Jiang Fan's wisdom and vision are so powerful and shocking!

For a time, there was more awe in the eyes of everyone's worship!

"Okay, keep a low profile in the future. You don't need such a big scene to pick me up. It's still early, so everyone who should go to sleep will go back!"


The crowd quickly dispersed, and Jiang Fan returned to Wang's house with Lu Zhenglong and others!

Since the news of the destruction of the Wang family reached the capital, it has been completely renovated by Lu Zhenglong and the other families in Luocheng!

At this moment, it has become a Jiangzhai!

As soon as they arrived at the gate, Uncle Zhong and Long Yan greeted him immediately!

"Master! You are finally back!"

Uncle Zhong looked happy!

"Well, go in and say!"

Soon, a group of people gathered in the lobby of the villa!

"Uncle Zhong, contact the elders of the Jiang family. At that time, the Jiang family was destroyed, and there should be some people not affected. If they want to come back, all treatment will remain the same!"


"Old Lu, has there been any change in Los Angeles during this time?"

"Nothing has changed much, but Qiu Yuanshan is gone!"


Jiang Fan frowned!

"Yes! Qiu Yuanshan disappeared after the Zhou family sent the killer last time, but Miss Qiu didn't leave!"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

Qiuyuanshan, this old fox!

I originally planned to take him on the knife after I came back!

I didn't expect him to run so fast!

However, this old guy was deceived by himself, he had to come back sooner or later after suffering such a big loss!

Jiang Fan sneered and spoke slowly!

"Don't worry about him for now, what about the others?"

"Others are not major issues, but the Wu family and the others brought a bunch of transfer contracts. Looking at the industries above, they are all...belonging to the Jiang family before!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

These people are really interesting!

"Uncle Zhong, you will take someone to take over when the time comes!"

"Yes! But Master, didn't you say at the time, these things are considered to be given to them?"

"Huh! They are afraid of fate, but fateful flowers!"

Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

"Okay, let's all go back! Pay attention to the movement on the other side of the capital. You can make the rest of the matter yourself!"

A group of people all left, and Jiang Fan finally looked at Long Yan!

"Last time, I did a good job!"

Last time the Zhou family sent a level ten master to kill Uncle Zhong, if it weren't for Long Yan's attack, Uncle Zhong would be dead!

"It's all trivial things, Brother Fan is welcome!"

Long Yan looked respectful!

"You are my person, of course I will not treat you badly! Come here!"

Jiang Fan beckoned directly!

Long Yan immediately walked towards Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand and slapped Long Yan's forehead with a palm!

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