God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 799: Nine dollars and nine free shipping

Seeing Jiang Fan took a picture!

Long Yan was surprised!

But it didn't dodge!

Jiang Fan smiled with satisfaction and directly gave Long Yan the two skill books "Seven Injury Boxing" and "Dragon Claw Hand"!


With a flash of white light, Long Yan only felt his head dizzy!

In the next moment, he suddenly changed color!

"Brother Fan! This, this is—"

What a powerful technique!

Dragon Claw Hand is fierce and powerful, it is indeed a first-class technique! However, what excites him the most is "Qi Shangquan"!

The Qishang Fist can be hard and soft, and it can be blasted with one punch, seven kinds of changes! For Long Yan, who has reached the stage of cathodic positivity, it is like tailor-made!

The most important thing is that Jiang Fan just patted his head, he actually learned it!

This, this is simply the legendary fairy family means!

"Brother Fan!"

Long Yan looked excited!

"Calm down, this is just a small reward! Follow me, there will be a lot of benefits in the future!"


Long Yan could not wait to kneel at Jiang Fan's feet to show his loyalty!

so amazing!

Following Brother Fan, the future is boundless!

No wonder Yue sees Han's grandson so desperately!

So many benefits!


If I knew this earlier, I should have come out early and followed Brother Fan!

Long Yan's feelings for Yue Jianhan are just like the concubine Hua and Huan Huan who are competing for favor in the harem!

He was thinking about Yue Jianhan with righteous thoughts, and he saw Jiang Fan suddenly tick the corner of his mouth, looking straight into the distance!

"Hidden what? Can't come out yet!"

Everyone was startled, and the next moment, a storm-like terrifying aura suddenly rose to the sky!

Immediately afterwards, a sharp sword aura, with a scalp tingling scream, went straight to Jiang Fan!

That sword aura is like a rainbow, fierce and fierce, as if to penetrate everything in front of you!

"There are assassins!"

Wang Yi suddenly let out a scream, and rushed into Curtis' arms without saying a word!

The Douglas brothers and sisters were even more shocked, and they didn't dare to move a bit by this terrifying sword pressure!

Only Long Yan's eyes were fierce, and he stepped in front of Jiang Fan!


"Go aside!"

Jiang Fan took away Long Yan with one hand, and flicked the long sword in his right hand!

Everyone only heard the sound of "Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka"!

That terrifying incomparable sword aura was blown into starlight by Jiang Fan's long sword in an instant!

Douglas brothers and sisters are almost staring out!

so horrible!

In front of that sword aura, they can only wait for death!

But Jiang Fan made a casual shot, and even shattered this sword qi!

One increase and one decrease, they only feel that their tenth level is like Jiang Fan, as if they are nine dollars and nine free shipping!


It's also level ten, why is he so rubbish?

Do not!

Not your own rubbish!

It's an adult, too strong!

With the explosion of the sword qi, a figure suddenly rushed into the hall and knelt directly in front of Jiang Fan!


This person is indeed Yue Jianhan!

"You kid, you dare to test me now!"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evokes!

But my heart was shocked!

Yue Jianhan's sword aura became more and more terrifying!

He originally thought that a sword could break the sword qi, but the power of that sword qi was even stronger than he expected!

Although Yue Jianhan at this moment is only level ten, it is absolutely easy to kill the same level in seconds, and even a level eleven master may not be able to block his sword!

This kid is really a genius in kendo!

"Master's forgiveness is really a newly practiced one-style swordsmanship, which makes your hands itchy for a while!"

The eyes that Yue Jianhan looked at Jiang Fan were even more shocked!

Not long ago, the strength of the two seemed to be different, but now, Master has already left him far away!

I'm afraid that even if I explode with all my strength, I can't hurt Master at all!

so horrible!

Master is simply an evildoer!

But when they heard Yue Jianhan's words, Douglas was shocked!

Such a terrifying kendo master turned out to be Jiang Fan's disciple!


How many talents do adults have!

"Uncle Zhong, find a room for them to rest first!"

Jiang Fan looked at the Douglas brother and sister, and suddenly spoke!


Brother Douglas knew that Jiang Fan must have something to say to these confidants next, and immediately agreed and left with Uncle Zhong!

It's just that both of them are a bit bitter!

After all, being able to be recognized by Jiang Fan will have endless benefits in the future!

Seeing the two left, Jiang Fan immediately took out Justin's body from the backpack!

And Curtis also took out the bead that wrapped Justin's soul!

With a cry of pain, this little necromancer worth hundreds of thousands of causal points finally opened his eyes!

"My lord, this, where is this?"

Justin looked terrified!

These guys around, the aura is too strong!

It makes him feel like a little white sheep has reached the Jurassic!

"This is China, don't worry, you are safe!"

"Hua, Huaxia?"

Justin was startled, and suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with gratitude!

He thought that Jiang Fan was just talking about saving himself, but he didn't expect that Jiang Fan really fulfilled his promise!

A promise!

Huaxia people, really trustworthy!

"Long Yan, just leave it to you, send him to Lu Zhenglong, and let Lao Lu take care of him! Never let him get hurt!"

Justin is now able to find the map of the Tomb of the Dark God DiscoTripoca!

But the tomb of the dark **** Disco Triboca represents hundreds of thousands of causal points!

So Justin, there is absolutely nothing to lose!

"Yes! Brother Fan!"

Long Yan didn't ask much, and when he mentioned Justin, he turned around and left!

Jiang Fan looked at Curtis again!

"You are about to break through soon, don't stay here, hurry up!"


Curtis also left!

Wang Yi looked around and was about to leave!

"Where are you going?"


"You are the future housekeeper. Uncle Zhong will come back in a while and learn from him. Don't be so embarrassed by hanging a big golden chain every day!"


Wang Yi was wronged, and said that this golden chain was not given by you!

There is also a string of ancient Aztec gold coins hanging on it!

After dealing with these things, Jiang Fan finally looked towards Yue Jianhan!

"During this time, Autumn..."

Jiang Fan felt a little nervous!

Although I really like Xia Fanxing, I can't forget Qiu Mingyue in my mind!

Life is really tangled!

"Master, don't worry! Everything is fine, Master! However, recently there was a level 9 bodyguard around her!"

Yue Jianhan knew what Jiang Fan meant, and suddenly spoke!

"Level nine? I remember that the only people around her should be Yu Feng and others who were subdued by her last time, right?"

"Yes! But this ninth level, the master also knows! She is the bodyguard before Qiu Yuanfeng, the cold feeling that is good at hiding things!"

"is her?"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

"After Qiu Yuanfeng disappeared, this woman found her mother and said that she was ordered to protect her!"

"Huh! Qiu Yuanfeng, the old fox, is just in Los Angeles, just press a Ming chess!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"I have time to meet this woman, now, I will teach you a set of swordsmanship!"


Yue Jianhan's eyes lit up!

The last time the master gave himself a sword to ward off evil, although he couldn't practice it, the benefits he received were hard to imagine!

This time, is there another surprise?

"Yes! The name of this set of swordsmanship is called Dugu Nine Swords!"

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