God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 800: Good peace and prosperity


Accompanied by a loud noise, a terrifying sword aura suddenly rose into the sky in the Jiang Mansion!

The sword gas condensed without dispersing, and it flew out for a full hundred meters before it slowly decomposed and disappeared!


Wang Yi opened his mouth wide, staring blankly at his head!

In front of his eyes, even the roof was blasted with a big hole over three meters in diameter!


How much does it cost to fill the hole!

Unlike Wang Yi, Jiang Fan's eyes are also full of shock!

Just now, he just told the essence of Dugu Nine Swords, and Yue Jianhan actually broke through!

Level eleven!

At this moment, Yue Jianhan had actually become an eleventh-level kendo master!

This kid, the upgrade is too fast!

After Jiang Fan was shocked, he was overjoyed!

Needless to say, Yue Jianhan's stunned loyalty, his strength, of course, the stronger the better!

However, the most shocking was Yue Jianhan!


Yue Jianhan fell on his knees without saying anything!

This swordsmanship is too subtle!

Simply unheard of!

He had a hunch that if he could fully understand this set of swordsmanship, he would not be far from the Great Master!

The value of the sword technique that can make people enter the realm of masters all the way is unimaginable!

Such a precious thing, the master passed it to himself without hesitation!

This is utterly crushed and unrepayable!

"Master! Thank you Master!"

Yue Jianhan's voice was choked up!

"Get up! Only a set of swordsmanship, there will be more in the future! You just broke through, to stabilize your realm!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Yue Jianhan wiped the corner of his eye without a trace, and left quickly!

He wants to improve himself as much as possible while the perception just now has not faded away!

"Master, what about Xiaobu?"

Wang Yi suddenly spoke!

He and Lu Bu are good brothers in Da Health!

Deep feelings!

Jiang Fan smiled and waved, Lu Bu suddenly appeared!



"Boo! I have stepped on it! The nightclubs in Los Angeles are all owned by the master, this time, we are blessed!"

"Foster father is mighty! Great!"

The two of them had tears in their eyes!

Jiang Fan has a headache!

It seems more appropriate for them to run a nightclub!

Fortunately, Uncle Zhong has returned at this time!

Jiang Fan gave a few words, and he immediately left Jiang's house!

At this moment, the sky is bright, after breakfast, I just went to see the group of bear kids!

Taking out the bicycle, Jiang Fan put on his mask and sprinted!

"So fast!"

"It's a takeaway star!"

"Oh my God! He is finally back!"

"Idol! Welcome home!"

Fans on the road beckoned!

Jiang Fan also waved in greeting with a smile!

This is the feeling of home!


Soon, Jiang Fan has arrived at Blue Eagle!

It's just that he just walked to the teaching building!

"Jiang Fan! You violated school discipline and school rules, I am awe-inspiring and Ma Desheng will never--"

"Director Ma!"

Jiang Fan gave a warm hug without saying a word!

Ma Desheng looked dumbfounded!

"You, what are you doing! I, I warn you, my hemorrhoids are not healed, don't go too far!"

"Ah! That's right! I said before to help you treat hemorrhoids! Come on! Let's find a place for you to see!"

"No, don't! Stay away from me! Me, me, Jiang Fan! Let you go! Hurry up and go back to class!"

Ma Desheng's scared face turned blue!

"Well! Since Director Ma is taboo from doctors, let's go!"

Seeing Jiang Fan go away, Ma Desheng finally wiped the cold sweat from his forehead!

This bastard!

He, why did he come back so soon!

damn it!

Actually, I still have a heart for my beautiful Ma Desheng!

No way! You can't let this kid go!

Ma Desheng touched his chin and tried to make a trick, but he didn't notice at all. A man was watching him far away!

The man was in his twenties, wearing a casual suit, was thin, and his thin face covered with pockmarks was full of scumbags!

This person is really the killer that Zhou Ning asked Cheng Yu to find because of Zhou Ming's will, Hu Xiaoqiang!

At that time, Zhou Ming was killed by Qiu Yuanfeng, and a notebook was found while sorting out Zhou Ming's relics!

It was full of resentment towards Ma Desheng deceiving him!

Zhou Ning took this as Zhou Ming's last wish and asked Cheng Yu to find someone to kill Ma Desheng!

Cheng Yu ordered the matter to go down and pass it from level to level. In the end, he didn't know who it was and found such a Hu Xiaoqiang who didn't even reach the first level!

"Ma Desheng! Hehehe, you have this one million, I will make it!"

Hu Xiaoqiang looked greedy!

At that time, I heard that someone had paid 1 million to buy Ma Desheng's life, so he immediately contacted him!

The two contacted on WeChat, and Hu Xiaoqiang made a humiliation and made himself a desperate, peerless killer!

The other party was also a second-hand, actually believed that it was true, and without saying anything, directly transferred a deposit of 50,000 yuan!

Hu Xiaoqiang was thinking of cheating some money and it was done, but when he saw the 50,000 yuan of real money, he was suddenly excited!

Oh shit!

Isn't it just killing people?

My strong brother is not afraid of it!

I have to make the remaining 950,000, Brother Qiang!

Looking at Ma Desheng fiercely, Hu Xiaoqiang suddenly sneered!


Tonight is going to kill this fat man!

Make up his mind, Hu Xiaoqiang turned around and left!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has already arrived at the third shift!

Haha, haven't been back for so long, these little cuties must miss me very much, right?

This time I went out, but I brought you a lot of good things!

Let Teacher Jiang, give you a surprise!

Jiang Fan held back his excitement and put his hand on the doorknob!

Just prepare, give Class Three a surprise!


"Hey! Who just ate the lamb I ordered?"

"Enoki! It's time to download Enoki!"

"Miao Yu, the Douyin said that Kaiserlu can beautify it!"

"Listen to their nonsense! You have to wipe your face with something stuffed in your butt, you are a fool!"

"Lu He! You a nanny hit Nima's wild!"

"Hong Lei! The grandsons of Class 6 are looking for trouble again, and they are **** his mother after school!"


Jiang Fan's complexion got worse and worse, and even the handle of the door was deformed!


Kick open the door!

The scene inside, almost didn't make him angry!

I saw that in the huge classroom, three tables were side by side, and Cao Le, Zhu Le, He Duoduo, Wu Chengliang and others were boiling hot pot!

Lu He and Feng Jin played games with cigarettes in their mouths!

Miao Yu, Su He, Yu Guo and a group of girls gathered together and checked the push online shopping on their mobile phones!

Qian Yan is studying several financial projects he invested in!

Luo Xiang, Hong Lei, and Liang Kai made a phone call with a sneer!

Even Murongcui is playing with a gunpla!

The whole room was yelling, smoky and all kinds of smells churning!

It's almost like entering a vegetable market!

What a peaceful and prosperous world!

"You, you guys!"

Jiang Fan gritted his teeth and churned murderously!

And when they saw Jiang Fan, everyone was stunned!

"Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang, Jiang Fan?!"

"Fuck! He, why did he come back?!"

"Didn't it mean that he took half a month's leave?"

"It's over, it's over!"

"Jiang Fan! Listen to our explanation!"

Everyone in Class 3 looked horrified!

I just think my pants are going to be wet!

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