God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 801: Sexy boy takes orders online

"Explanation? Need to explain?"

Jiang Fan smiled sternly and spoke slowly!

"Got it!"

"Jiang Fan! I, we are the flowers of the motherland!"

"The gentleman speaks but doesn't move!"

"You said that violence can't solve the problem!"

A group of students are terrified!

"Teacher tell you one more thing! Violence can't solve the problem, but violence reaches a limit, but it will solve all problems!"

"You little bunnies! I have to—"

Jiang Fan creaked with his fists!

But at this moment!

"Feng Jin! What are you guys doing! Keep the tower and keep the tower!"

A scream suddenly sounded!

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound in shock!

I saw that Lu He was ranting frantically with headphones on!

This guy didn't notice at all, Jiang Fan has already returned!

The unusually quiet atmosphere finally made Lu He feel a little confused!

Even, on the ass, suddenly Ping added two points of itching!

Reaching out and scratching his **** twice, Lu He finally slowly raised his head!


"Huh? Jiang Fan is back?"

Lu He blinked his eyes!

next moment!

"Mom! Jiang Jiang Jiang Jiang, Jiang Fan?!"

Lu He who suddenly reacted, his soul was almost frightened!

"Lu He! Teacher admires your courage!"

Jiang Fan flicked his backhand!

A greenish ruler is already in hand!

Lu He's natural enemy! The ruler of love!


Lu He knelt directly!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan! If you have something to discuss!"

"I, I didn't mean it!"

"This way! As long as you let me go, I will never interfere in the matter between you and my sister!"

"No, don't! Ah~~!"

As Jiang Fan's ruler fell, Lu He suddenly let out a groan of ecstasy!

"Teacher! Sorry teacher!"

"Oh my God! I'm so guilty!"

"I obviously promised the teacher to study hard! But I didn't do it!"

"I'm Lu He, what face is still alive! I'm not as good as a pig and a dog!"

"Teacher! Punish me! Push me! Humiliate me! Rape me!"

"Save me from these shameless villains!"

Lu He burst into tears, with a look of guilt and remorse, and deep affection!

Everyone just feels scalp numb!

The whole body shivered like a quail!

Too ruthless!

This trick again!

This brainwashing ruler, to them, is even more terrifying than it was when they were poisoned!


After smoking Lu He, Jiang Fan finally feels better!

"Where are Ni Wen and Zeng Liang?"

Jiang Fan pointed to two empty tables!

"He, they, they delivered the food!"


Jiang Fan shook his feet!

I asked them to deliver food, because I wanted to cultivate their will!

But so who asked them to go out during class time!

Too annoying!

Rushing at Zhou's house, pointing to the 14th-level master's nose and yelling, the arrogant Jiang Fan, but he was childishly vomiting blood!



Jiang Fan took out his mobile phone with a slightly trembling hand and dialed Ni Wen's number!

Ni Wen's voice immediately sounded across the street!

"Hello! Sexy brother, take orders online! We are Ni Liang's group! Order takeaway, find Ni Liang! Eat Ni Liang takeaway, the future is boundless!"

"... Nima!"

Jiang Fan's blue veins jumped on his forehead!

"You two bastards! Get me back!"

All morning, Jiang Fan's roar resounded in the third shift!

The teachers who came and went, their faces pale in fright!

At the same time, with endless gratification! I was so excited, tears filled my eyes!

Teacher Jiang is finally back!

During his absence, the group of **** in Class 3 almost demolished the school!

With Teacher Jiang's suppression, Blue Eagle will surely become a piece of pure land again!

"Tingling bell~~!"

Accompanied by the school bell, Jiang Fan finally walked out of Class 3 refreshed!

In the third class, a group of students finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"Jiang Fan, bastard!"

"He ate all the hot pot!"

"Eating hot pot while teaching us! Damn it! That can be Sanxianju's handmade beef balls!"

"I'm so arrogant as soon as I come back, I have to show him some color!"

A group of students are extremely annoyed!

"However, if Jiang Fan finds out that we are the one who started, then we are dead!"

"Yes! You have to find a scapegoat!"

"Haha! I have an idea!"

"Ma Desheng is Jiang Fan's number one enemy! We might as well encourage him to do it!"

"Wonderful! Just do it!"

A group of students laughed funny!

Jiang Fan was out of the third class and happened to meet Hu Guang and Yang Jianye!

"Ms. Jiang! Are you back?"

"Just right! Let's eat together!"

The two greeted Jiang Fan enthusiastically!

"No, no, I just finished eating!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile!

The hot pot made by these boys tastes really good!

"just ate?"

Hu Guang looked dumbfounded!

And Jiang Fan waved his hand, rode on the car, and went away in an instant!

"Okay! Take a few orders first, relax your muscles and bones!"

Jiang Fan opens the order software!

"Didi! You have a new takeaway order!"

okay! Leave you!

In fact, with Jiang Fan's current strength and financial resources, there is no need for food delivery at all!

However, Jiang Fan did not dare to take risks!

Your own system is called Wanjie Takeaway System! You can get it by delivery!

What if the system disappears after the real world is not delivered?

As long as there is a system, those wealth and power are all floating clouds!

If the system is gone, it will be completely abolished!

Also, the lucky bike under my crotch, but it needs constant use to upgrade!

Is there anything more meaningful than riding it to deliver food?

Jiang Fan patted his bicycle with a smile on his face!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, his mobile phone rang suddenly!

Jiang Fan took a look, and his heart jumped!

Qiu Mingyue!

It's Qiu Mingyue's call!

"Haha, Mingyue!"

Jiang Fan answered the phone with a guilty conscience!

"Jiang Fan! Why didn't you tell me when you came back?"

"This...I just came back, I haven't had time yet! Anything?"

"I can't see you if I'm fine?"

"No no!"

Jiang Fan is even more guilty!

"You haven't eaten yet? Will you eat with me at noon?"

Qiu Mingyue's voice suddenly became milder!


Jiang Fan is a very dedicated person (in his own opinion)!

Now that I confessed to Xia Fanxing, whether she remembered it or not, I really shouldn't be ambiguous with others, but he just couldn't refuse Qiu Mingyue!

"No! I don't want to see Qiu Mingyue! I want to meet that cold feeling!"

Jiang Fan justified himself!

After sending an order, go straight to Chengyu Building!

"Mr. Jiang!"

"Hello Mr. Jiang!"

Lei Yang, the security chief at the door, and the others saluted Jiang Fan immediately when they saw Jiang Fan!

Seeing a group of security guards actually salute a takeaway, all the people passing by were wide-eyed!

"Has the courtesy of the takeaways reached this level?"

"The world has really changed!"

"What's going on inexplicably trying to send it outside!"

"Don't be silly! That person is Mr. Qiu's fiance!"

"What?! Is he that Jiang Fan?"

"It turns out that Mr. Qiu's hobby is so special! I want to deliver food even more!"

The crowd looked envious!

But Jiang Fan, Lei Yang and others said hello and immediately went straight to Qiu Mingyue's office!

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