Everyone was stunned!

Then there were applause!

"Good fight!"

"Mr. Jiang is mighty!"

"This kind of stuff, you should teach him how to be a man!"

"Looking like a king, it turned out to be just a MAX pretender!"

The students looked excited!

More people have taken out their phones to take pictures!

And the zodiac's whole person is not good!

Yu Qingzi is one of the elders of Jing Lingzong!

Is an eleventh level master of foundation building!

Jiang Fan, just a **** who knows some furry skills, actually slapped him away? !

At this moment!


The trash can suddenly exploded!

Yu Qingzi had jumped out of the trash can in desperation!

"You, you ant! How dare you attack this seat! Dare to be disrespectful to this seat! You simply--"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Fan had already come to him in a ghostly manner!


Yu Qingzi suddenly shut up, his eyes widened in horror!


Not a sneak attack!

This Jiang Fan--

Before his brain could react, Jiang Fan had already punched Yu Qingzi's stomach suddenly!


Everyone just felt their ears roar!


Yu Qingzi did not move, but his incomparable robes looked like glass, with numerous cracks appearing from head to toe!

next moment!


This Taoist robe was blown to pieces!


Yu Qingzi suddenly screamed!

This robe is a magic weapon that he has painstakingly trained!

Enough to withstand the twelfth-level foundation-building powerhouse!

But now, he was actually bombarded by Jiang Fan!

Is this Jiang Fan a stronger existence?

No way!


Must escape!

Yu Qingzi was so frightened that he suddenly smashed a jade pendant on his neck!


The moment Yu Pei was crushed, a light mask suddenly appeared all over his body!

This is a bodyguard jade pendant, another life-saving weapon on his body, the released protective formation can withstand the full blow of the 11th-level master!

Then he quickly touched an iron bracelet on his wrist, and suddenly, a small sword that was no more than three inches long was already in his hand!

"Jiang Fan! Give me--"



Jiang Fan stretched out one hand and pressed against the mask, the mask was already bursting into pieces while the internal force was in the air!

But Jiang Fan's right hand drove straight in, and he had already clasped Yuqingzi's neck!

"Weird, monster!"

Yu Qingzi trembled all over, looking at Jiang Fan in horror!

too strong!

Jiang Fan had already grinned, pinched Yu Qingzi's neck, and directly lifted him up!

"Make me suicide? You're so **** kind!"


Jiang Fan suddenly slapped out!

This slap was almost like a cannonball, and it directly cracked half of Yu Qingzi's face!

"Asshole! This seat is the elder of the Jinglingzong! It is a high-level cultivator! How dare you—"


Without saying anything, Jiang Fan's backhand was another slap in the face!

This time, Yu Qingzi's cheek on the other side was also dripping with blood!

Mouthful teeth all fly out!

"You dare to pretend to be forceful at this time, you are more kind than I thought!"

Jiang Fan was murderous, and suddenly made a fist!


It's just that there is a sonic boom in the fist!

If this punch strikes, Yu Qingzi will definitely die!

"Bastard! I'm fighting with you!"

Yu Qingzi suddenly threw the small sword into the sky, and then pinched a magic trick!



That little sword grew long in the wind, and it turned into a three-foot long front in an instant, and it stabbed at Jiang Fan suddenly!

"Fuck! Feijian!"

"This pretending to be a king is really a cultivator!"

"The cultivators in the novel move mountains and fill the sea, exploding the stars!"

"It's horrible! Our Blue Eagle is going to disappear!"

A group of students screamed in horror!

But Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully, turned his fist into a palm, and shook it suddenly!


A long sword overflowing with silver light, impressively in hand!

Silver weapons! Shuiyu Zimu Sword!

"Xu Mi Mustard Seed?!"

Yu Qingzi suddenly exclaimed!

And Jiang Fan has already made a backhand sword without changing his face!


A crisp sound!

In the horrified gaze of everyone, that flying sword was actually cut off by the Shui Yu Zi and Mother Sword with a single sword!


When Feijian was destroyed, Yu Qingzi suddenly spouted blood!

And the students are already dumbfounded!

"This Feijian, such a dish?"

"This, this stuff, is really a cultivator?"

"Fake! It must be a parallel import!"

"No! Teacher Jiang must be too awesome!"

"Awesome, my teacher Jiang! Sling the cultivator! This is really a king of gods!"

The students all looked at Jiang Fan in admiration!

And the zodiac is shaking like chaff, and the urine is coming out!

He had seen the power of the master's flying sword once, a profound iron the size of a table was chopped into two pieces with one sword!

But now, such a powerful Feijian has been attacked by Jiang Fan with one sword and two stages!

How fierce is Jiang Fan?

Yuqingzi is even more unbearable!

At this moment, he no longer had the courage he had before, just looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

"Senior! No! The god! The **** is forgiving!"

"Forgive me? At the gate of the school full of truth, goodness and beauty, blatantly preaching shameless remarks and vainly attempting to conduct personal attacks. Do you expect me, an excellent teacher, to forgive you?"

Jiang Fan hit Yuqingzi's stomach with a backhand punch!


Yuqingzi spouted another mouthful of old blood!

With my eyes, I fainted!


Jiang Fan took a sip and turned to look at the zodiacal!


The zodiac knelt directly!

"Shangxian spare my life! Shangxian spare my life!"

"It's me who is not good! I shouldn't covet your magic weapon, let alone hurt your students!"

"I beg the gods! As long as the gods let me go, I am willing to serve the gods forever!"

The zodiac's face was full of tears and nose, and his forehead was torn!

Jiang Fan narrowed his eyes and suddenly spoke!

"Fine, God has a good life, come with me, I will take you to heal your injuries!"

"Ah? Thank you, God! Thank you, God!"

The Zodiac was overjoyed, took over the unconscious Yu Qingzi, and followed Jiang Fan!

And at the moment, on the playground!

"It's got it!"

Ma Desheng's teeth trembled and his head was sweaty!

"It's got it!"

Cao Le trembled twice, tears streaming down his face!

"It's got it!"

A group of bear children in Class 3 hiding behind the window, each of them stared in horror, their eyes scattered, like a group of quail huddled together for warmth!

"Damn it! Jiang Fan this monster!"

"Nima! Isn't the cultivator in the novel going to heaven? Why is it like melon in front of Jiang Fan?"

"It's Jiang Fan who is too strong! It's a superman with a punch!"

"Asshole! This idiot doesn't seem to have lost a fight!"

"He is right! Violence reaches its limit and it can really solve all problems!"

"Shut up! Just think about what to do next! This **** is very small-minded! I don't want to be missed by him!"

"Cao Le! Push them all on Cao Le!"

"Yes! Just do it!"

A group of bear kids shamelessly and without turning back, betrayed their teammates!

And Jiang Fan has returned to Jiangzhai with Huang Daoren and Yu Qingzi!

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