In Jiang's house, Jiang Fan's team is gathering in the living room to eat watermelons!

And Uncle Zhong is talking about the glorious past of the Jiang family!

"Back then, the wealth of the Jiang family was nothing short of a pile of mountains and seas!"

"Don't say anything else, the cars that the young master drives are all custom-made, and the cost is not lower than eight figures!"

"You have to start with a five-figure meal for an ordinary meal!"

"Just now this house, compared to the Jiang family's old house, it is not even a lavatory!"

"Do you know the level of the servants of the Jiang family who took care of the flower garden?"

"A serious PhD in botany!"

"Just wave a hoe, three million a year!"

"Tell you more about the clothes the young master wears! That's..."

The saliva that Uncle Zhong said was flying!

An old face is shining!

And Wang Yi and others are even more glaring at listening!

Too rich!

"Down with the Zhou family! Regain the wealth!"

Wang Yi suddenly howled!


"Down with the Zhou family! Regain the wealth!"

"Down with the Zhou family! Regain the wealth!"

"Down with the Zhou family! Regain the wealth!"

Brother Douglas, Lu Bu, and even Long Yan were roaring in excitement!


For them, money is a number!

But when this number reaches a limit, let alone them, even the gods are tempted!

Not to mention loyalty and the like, even for so much money, you have to follow Jiang Fan with all your heart!

"Howling what?"

At this moment, Jiang Fan had already walked into the hall with the Zodiac!

When I saw the tenth-level powerhouses full of the hall, the Zodiac couldn't even move his steps!

It's so scary!

The breath of these people is almost like a rolling ocean!

Even Yu Qingzi, who had fainted, was awakened by the terrifying breath!

When he saw Long Yan and the others, he suddenly trembled!

Forget the others, the aura of Long Yan and Lu Bu has far exceeded the scope of the tenth level!

Definitely the kind of special warrior who can leapfrog and kill people!

At this moment!


A sword intent suddenly burst from a house not far away!

That sword intent was fierce and decisive, but it seemed to bring endless changes!

This kind of sword intent, even Yu Qingzi has never heard of it!

And the next moment, a powerful aura that had reached the eleventh level, had already passed away in a flash!

Yue Jianhan!

After the comprehension, his strength has skyrocketed again!

Long Yan watched gritted his teeth!

This grandson has improved so fast!

But Jiang Fan looked happy!


The kendo master at the top of the eleventh level, definitely has the strength to kill the twelfth level!

His subordinates finally have a strong man who can really calm the scene!


Yue Jianhan rushed out of the house and soon arrived in front of Jiang Fan!


Yue Jianhan looked happy!

Dugu Nine Swords shocked him too much!

If it weren't for fear of entering too fast and leaving hidden dangers, he really wants to continue to break through!


Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction!

And Yuqingzi's face turned pale!

This kind of powerhouse is actually Jiang Fan's, disciple? !


Without a word, he slapped the Zodiac in the face, and then hurriedly fell to his knees!

"Shang Xian! Xian Xian! I have eyes but do not know Mount Tai! You, you will be merciful, let me go!"

Before he could finish his words, another horrible breath rose into the sky in another residence!

That breath is dark and gloomy, full of strong magic waves!

Surprisingly, Curtis broke through!

grade ten!

Ten more levels!

Jiang Fan laughed!

Double happiness is coming!

A tenth-level Necromancer is nothing, but the tenth-level Necromancer under his own will definitely smash dozens of streets at the same level in the future.

In the future, when you encounter a high-dimensional world, you will have to get Curtis some first-class goods to say anything!

The best is the dragon corpse!

After all, who doesn't want to be a dragon knight?

And Yuqingzi's tears are about to come down!


Just a little bit more time, watching Jiang Fan's two consecutive breakthroughs!

What does this probability indicate?

It shows that the base of Jiang Fan's men is absolutely beyond imagination!

What I saw, said badly, is just the tip of the iceberg!

The zodiac is a scam!

Didn’t it mean that Jiang Fan was up to level eight?

This is so now that there are more than five in the tenth level!

There are three, and it is super level!

If I don't die today, Zodiac, I must take your soul out and practice it alive!

Yu Qingzi gritted his teeth bitterly, but was even more afraid of Jiang Fan, even knocking his head regardless of his identity!

"Shang Xian! Xian Xian forgive me! As long as you let me go, let me do anything!"

Seeing Yu Qingzi crying for his father and calling his mother, a group of people suddenly looked surprised!

"Brother Fan, who is this person!"

Long Yan speak first!

"If you say you are a cultivator, you don't know if it is true or not!"


Everyone was taken aback!

Long Yan frowned even more!

"Cultivators have always avoided the outside world, why did they come here?"

"Do you know them?"

Jiang Fan asked!

Long Yan nodded, and immediately began to explain!

Cultivators are a bit similar to Western magicians, but they are much stronger than them, and can often mobilize the vitality of the world and form spells to attack opponents!

As for the level division, it is the same as normal people, except that the name is different. Below level ten, gather source to practice qi, reach tenth level and start building foundation. Once you break through fifteenth level, you will become a golden core expert!

The higher the level, the faster and better mobilization of the vitality of heaven and earth, and finally the unity of heaven and man, the way to become immortal!

But the warrior is evolving the world by himself, reaching the limit, shattering the void!

Speaking of the two, there is no difference between the strength and the weakness, the melee or the martial artist is stronger, this group of guys is completely blown out!

Moreover, cultivation is more seeking comprehension, paying attention to the natural way of Taoism, and focusing on cultivation of the mind first!

Like Yu Qingzi, who is so careful, let alone become a god, it is still unknown whether he can break through the golden core in this life!

Besides, in addition to ancient legends, there are also a few wise men in ancient times. For so many years, I have never heard of immortals!

After listening to Long Yan's account, Jiang Fan suddenly understood!

Practitioners in the real world are obviously different from the Nezha or Journey to the West that they have experienced!

People are the cultivators of immortality, and they are just another form of magician!

It is estimated that those skills of refining alchemy will be nothing more than skinny!

Otherwise, in the world of "Shushan", how can the real Feijian have such a dish!

"These guys are guarding the gates of the mountains, and they are good at themselves. Sometimes they come out, all of them are invincible!"

"Anyway, normal people are reluctant to provoke them. It's very troublesome to kill one of them and come out in a nest!"

Long Yan's tone was just like talking about a mouse!

"Asshole! How dare you—"

When Yu Qingzi saw that Long Yan was disrespectful, and arrogantly sprouted, he immediately cursed!



Jiang Fan's backhand is a slap! Yuqingzi had a bleeding in his mouth and nose!

"Did I let you talk?"

"Yes, yes! What the Shangxian taught!"

Yuqingzi is honest, and dare not talk too much!

Long Yan and the others were shocked!

As expected of Brother Fan!

No one is used to it!

"Cultivator, hehehe, so, is there a magic weapon?"

Jiang Fan looked at Yu Qingzi greedily!

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