God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 859: Longyan Daigan Yang Jian's order

"Ding! Please give Yang Jian a calm, chilled chayote!"

Yang Jian!

Emperor Wen of Sui Yang Jian!

It really is him!

Yang Jian's great achievements are definitely enough to rank among the top ten among all emperors!

Even higher!

He ended the chaotic situation since the fall of the Jin Dynasty and brought China to the real unity of North and South!

During his reign, taxes were reduced, corvee, water conservancy was built, and the accumulated grain cloth was not used up until Tang Taizong succeeded to the throne for more than ten years!

During this period, there was not only the scourge of Emperor Sui Yang, but also the Wagang Uprising, all kinds of chaos, and the money consumed was more than 10,000!

It can be said that just for filling the national treasury, almost no one can compare with him in history!

Moreover, when Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was reigning, he was not only Wenzhi Wushuang, but also counterattacked the Turks externally. Under the strong offensive, he actually broke the Turks into two parts!

In the end, not only Turks, Tuguhun, Goryeo and other countries are also paying tribute every year!

The most important thing is that the imperial examination system started with him!

The system of three provinces and six departments is also determined by him!

And Emperor Wen himself lived more frugally!

Even if his carriage broke down, he just ordered people to repair it casually!

One year when the Guanzhong disaster struck, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty set an example to prevent all people in the DPRK from drinking and eating meat until the disaster was over!

His third son, Yang Jun, lived a luxurious life and used loan sharks everywhere. Emperor Wen of Sui was furious when he learned that he was immediately put under house arrest!

Many ministers used to intercede, but Emperor Wen of Sui said that anyone who commits a crime must be punished in accordance with the law, so that after Yang Jun died, Emperor Wen of Sui didn't even set up a monument for him!

In history, there is no emperor who is unparalleled in Wenzhi, martial arts, and so self-disciplined for the people!

Many historians even believe that Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty is truly the strongest emperor!

And the poem just now was made by Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty in the tenth year of Kaihuang!

Can actually deliver food to this eternal emperor!

Jiang Fan was directly excited!

Stride towards the door!

"Sir! Where are you going, sir?"

Dude was stunned!

"I'm going to deliver a takeaway!"


Everyone looked dumbfounded!

"But, but the boss is still waiting for you!"

"Then let him continue to wait!"

Jiang Fan turned around and left without looking back!

Compared with Emperor Wen of Sui, even if this boss is awesome, it is still a broken reminder!

Everyone looked shocked!

Too domineering!

Actually let the boss wait!

Pang Xiwen and others are even more happy!

Jiang Fan, this idiot!

This is obviously not giving face to the boss of Hongwenzhai!

It seems that there is no need to make a move by yourself, someone will deal with him!

But Bao Dabao was pale!

Go chasing Jiang Fan in a hurry!

It's just that the street is empty at the moment, and there is no shadow of Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan rode a bicycle, racing along the way!

Pedestrians on the road suddenly turned their eyes!

"So fast!"

"It looks like a bicycle!"

"This speed, is it a takeaway star?"

"Oh my God! The takeaway star has come to Xiangzhou!"

"Idol! Wait for us!"

The crowd was directly excited!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and waved his hand immediately!

The crowd suddenly cheered again!


Jiang Fan soon came to a restaurant!

"Boss! Let's pack a cold chayote! Add a can of Wanglaoji!"


Soon, a refreshing cold chayote has been packaged!

Jiang Fan picked up the takeaway and rushed into an unmanned alley in a hurry!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the Ten Thousand Realms begins! It is about to enter-561 AD!"

561 AD?

At this time, Yang Jian was only twenty years old and had not yet become emperor!


Jiang Fan reappeared, already outside the gate of a house!

I saw the majesty of this house, with the four characters "General Yang's Mansion" written on it, and two guards at the door!

In 560 AD, Emperor Wu Wenyong of Zhou Dynasty ascended the throne, and Yang Jian was appointed as Xiao Gongbo. He became the governor of Suizhou and became a general!

It seems that this is Yang Jian's home!

Jiang Fan walked inside!



At this moment, the two guards suddenly stepped forward and directly blocked Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan wanted to show off his yellow jacket, but in this era, yellow is not exclusive to the royal family, and can also be used by civilians. It only became the royal family's exclusive use after the Tang Dynasty, so this thing is useless now!

"Two! I'm here to see the general!"

"Huh! What a status as the general, can you see if you see it!"

"Especially your attire is so weird, it's an assassin sent by Yuwen Hu!"

Yu Wenhu was the power minister at the time. He killed one emperor before and after, and abolished two emperors. In history, he was a powerful existence!

It's a pity that Zhou Wudi Yu Wenyong, Yang Jian's in-laws, was killed!

Of course, these are all things to follow. At this moment, Yuwen Protector is in the crowd, but he is quite afraid of the young Yang Jian, who wants to murder him again and again!

That's why these two guards are so cautious!

Jiang Fan frowned!

This is the trouble with delivering meals to the ancients!

He was about to break in directly, but at this moment!

"Not good! The general fainted!"

A scream suddenly sounded!

The two guards trembled all over, and Jiang Fan couldn't take care of the others any more, so he rushed in!

I saw that in the general's mansion, several subordinates were surrounding a man who was half paralyzed on the ground with a panic look!

This man is extremely tall and has a peculiar appearance. Not only is his forehead slightly protruding, there are five bulges next to his hairline, and his lower jaw is extremely long. Simply put, it's just one word-ugly!

However, when he saw this man, Jiang Fan's eyes lit up!

"Book of Sui" records that Yang Jian "is a dragon-jaw, with five pillars on his forehead, his eyes shot outwards, and a text in his hand saying the king, long and short, deep and serious!"

This person is Yang Jian!

And this face is even more like a real dragon!

And it is the "Longyan Daigan" who is extremely respected!

According to the legend, the human emperor Zhuanxu is exactly like this!

"Get out of here! Let me come!"

Jiang Fan yelled and rushed directly to Yang Jian, raising his hand to lose a ray of real energy!


Stimulated by the true energy, Yang Jian suddenly woke up!

Only when he saw Jiang Fan, he was startled!

This temperament opposite is full of domineering but elegant! The face is like a crown jade, but it is full of masculinity! There is a contradiction everywhere!

But what is strange is that this completely different style is perfectly integrated in him!


It is absolutely truly unique!

"Thank you Mr. for your rescue! Dare to ask Mr.'s name?"

"My name is Jiang Fan, I'm here to deliver food to you!"

"Outside, takeaway?"

Yang Jian's face is hooded!

"Your heart is hot and unbearable, and your blood is surging. It is obvious that your mood is too excited. After eating it, I will protect you immediately!"

As Jiang Fan said, he passed the cold chayote directly!

"General! No!"

"This person is unidentified, beware of fraud!"

The faces of several guards suddenly changed, and they aimed their weapons at Jiang Fan!


Jiang Fan smiled disdainfully!

A backhand blasted out!


A loud noise!

A seven-to-eight-meter-long section of the wall was actually blasted into a piece of powder by Jiang Fan's hand in the air!

Not even a broken brick left!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at the wall with a dazed expression!

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