God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 860: Twenty years later to be crowned emperor


Everyone swallowed and spit!

Then they all looked at Jiang Fan!

Too wild!

What is this special method?

It's just against the sky!

Yang Jian was even more stunned!

He is extraordinary in strength. What warrior hasn't seen any warriors in the march?

But Jiang Fan is so wild, he has never heard of it!

"You, don't think you are great!"

"Yes! That's right! We, we are not afraid of you!"

Several guards resisted the fear and pointed at Jiang Fan tremblingly!

"shut up!"

Yang Jian's complexion sank, and he took the takeaway without hesitation!

"If Mr. Cai Jiang wants to kill me, who of you can stop? Don't retreat!"


Several guards left in a desperate manner!

And Yang Jian has already opened the takeaway!

Suddenly, a refreshing smell floated out!

Yang Jian's complexion was shaken, and he couldn't help taking a free taste!

"It's delicious! It's delicious!"

"This, what is this? Why have I never tasted it?"

Yang Jian looked surprised!

"This is called a chayote! It came from more than a thousand years later!"

Chayote was introduced to China from outside in the 19th century, and Yang Jian certainly has never eaten it!

"One, more than a thousand years later?!"

Yang Jian was shocked directly!

The others were even more stunned!

"Thousands of years later? Now, who is this gentleman?"

"Could it be that the immortal is not possible?"

"This kind of upside-down method can only be done by an immortal!"

"Surely it can be favored by immortals! It seems that the general is really a great fortune!"

Everyone is excited!

Yang Jian is even more happy!

"Sir, no! God, thank you, God!"

"Don't thank me! By the way, why are you so emotional?"

"This is because……"

Before Yang Jian finished speaking, an exclamation suddenly came from a room inside!

"General! Madam, Madam can't hold it anymore!"


Yang Jian was sweating profusely and suddenly pulled out Jiang Fan!

"Shangxian! Please save my wife!"

"what happened?"

"Madam has a dystocia, everyone is helpless. I was so excited just now that I was dizzy!"

Yang Jian looked pained!

But Jiang Fan's expression moved!

"Your wife? Dugu Jialuo?!"

"Huh? The **** also knows my wife?"


Of course I know!

Dugu Jialuo is the famous Dugu queen in history!

This woman is not just as simple as Yang Jian's wife, her influence on the entire dynasty is rare in history!

Yang Jian acted arbitrarily, but he almost obeyed the words of Queen Dugu!

Including the famous official of the Sui Dynasty, Gao Xiong (jiong), she was the one who advocated the activation!

Moreover, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty was discussing matters in the last dynasty, and the Queen Dugu was waiting outside, and when the matter was undecided, Emperor Wen of the Sui immediately sent an **** to the Queen of Dugu for advice!

In the palace, the two are even more called "two saints"!

The point is that in the whole world, the only thing Yang Jian is afraid of is her!

And less than a year after she passed away, Yang Jian missed her illness and couldn't afford it!


I can actually meet two big coffee today!

"Leave it to me!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and strode towards the room!

A few maids and a steady woman in the room are in a hurry!

Several doctors are more like headless flies!

And on the bed, there was a woman with a beautiful face and an elegant temperament!

Dugu Jialuo!

It's just that Dugu Jialuo's face is pale at the moment, his teeth are closed, and his head is covered in cold sweat!

"who are you?"

"Is this a place you can get in? Get out quickly!"

A group of people were shocked when Jiang Fan came in!

But Jiang Fan ignored them at all, went directly to the bed, and put one hand on Dugu Jialuo's wrist!

Fortunately, it doesn't matter!

"Wenpo! Ready to deliver the baby!"

Jiang Fan snorted, directly energized his two fingers, and began to massage the acupuncture points of Dugu Jialuo!

At level ten, Jiang Fan can be called a master of the human body!

As long as Dugu Jialuo’s muscle contraction is well controlled, giving birth is not difficult!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan blankly!

next moment!

"Boy! This is so much about giving birth! You have a fart for massage!"

"Yeah! Don't mess with it! Go!"

"What's the matter with the general, how can you let people in indiscriminately!"

"There must be a limit to rushing to the doctor in an emergency!"

A group of people rushed towards Jiang Fan, they were about to drag him away!

But at this moment!


Dugu Jialuo suddenly snorted!

next moment!


A cry of a baby suddenly sounded!

"Born, born?"

"Massage, actually has this effect?"


"Master! Please enlighten me!"

"This craft is simply a woman's savior!"

The crowd looked at Jiang Fan with admiration!

Jiang Fan had already cut off the umbilical cord quickly, picked up the child, washed it with warm water, and carefully wrapped her up!

At this moment, Yang Jian, who heard the child's cry, rushed in!

"Goddess! How is my wife?"

"Congratulations, General, mother and daughter are safe!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Yang Jian was overjoyed and jumped directly to the bed!

"Kara, you, how are you?"

"I'm fine, more comfortable..."

Dugu Jialuo opened his eyes slightly, smiled softly, and then looked at Jiang Fan gratefully!

"Thank you too to this gentleman, if it weren't for him, I'm afraid I wouldn't survive today!"

"You are welcome! You can get used to this kind of thing like having a baby in the future!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and handed the child to Yang Jian!

Seeing that his wife was okay, Yang Jian finally took over the child!

"Shangxian, this is our first child, and he was saved by you again! Why don't you pick the name of this child for us!"

"Your first child?"

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!

Sure enough, he is another big coffee!

"This child, let's call it Yang Lihua!"

Yang Lihua, the last queen of Northern Zhou Yuwen's family!

Yang Jian's family now has three people in total, but there is actually one emperor and two queens!

It's so expensive!

The point is that all three of them were rescued by themselves!

"Lihua? Good name!"

Yang Jian is overjoyed!

"Shangxian, I'll let someone prepare wine and food..."

"No need!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand, suddenly waved back everyone, and spoke softly!

"excuse me!"


Before Yang Jian could react, Jiang Fan went up and faced his **** with two feet!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Because you beat Yang Jian violently, the current progress of Emperor's Death is 410!"


Four out of ten!

"Shang Xian! You, you are..."

Yang Jian looked dumbfounded!

"You have the look of an emperor, and I am helping you to eliminate disasters!"

Jiang Fan flicked casually!


Yang Jian was stunned!

Dugu Jialuo's eyes widened even more!

"Shang Xian! You can't talk nonsense about this!"

"Hehe, if you are not the man of heaven, why should I come here?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


A strange color suddenly flashed in Yang Jian's eyes!


If it were not for the destiny of heaven, how could immortals come!

"Remember, only after twenty years can you be called emperor!"

"System! Back!"


With the white light falling down, Jiang Fan has disappeared!

"Twenty years later..."

In Yang Jian's originally mild eyes, a sharp glow suddenly flashed!

And Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 1134 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for being worshipped by Yang Jian-fear of Neka!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for the gratitude of Dugu Jialuo-Friends of Women!"

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