While still in the car, Ma Desheng had already taken out a headgear and brought it to his head!

Jiang Fan almost didn't smile when he saw this headgear!

"Director Ma, you, why do you want to take a big-headed son? Isn't it bad to be a father?"

"you shut up!"

Ma Desheng became angry from embarrassment!

"Do you think I'd like to bring them? There are only two types in that store. Dad's headgear is too small, I can't bring them in at all!"

After the two got off the car, they went straight to the hall!

Because we have been notified in advance, there are already many security personnel in place at this moment!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan actually met an acquaintance in the lobby!

Zhao Guoliang, the head of the Black Shield Security!

Seeing Jiang Fan, Zhao Guoliang was obviously also startled!

Jiang Fan impressed him too deeply!

At the time of the Seven Kingdoms Tournament, he was calculated by Jiang Fan and had no room to fight back!

Later, I went to see Jiang Fan with Long Yan, and was even more startled by Jiang Fan's terrifying force!

In my mind, Jiang Fan has long been regarded as an idol!

"Mr. Jiang? Are you in this lottery?"

"No, a friend!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"You are responsible for the security this time?"

"Well! As you know our identity, we are generally responsible for the security of such state-owned enterprises!"

Zhao Guoliang said hurriedly!

"Stop talking, hurry up and go!"

Ma Desheng was impatient, grabbed Jiang Fan and walked inside!

At this moment, not only the person in charge of the lottery hall, but also several financial and technical personnel, including bank staff, are there!

Everyone looked at Ma Desheng with envy!

When the two came to the front desk, Ma Desheng immediately shook the lottery ticket!

"I want to redeem the prize!"

"Okay, this...Mr. Son, please fill out the form!"

"You are the son! This is the big-headed son!"

"Almost! Hurry up, hurry up!"

Jiang Fan urged Ma Desheng!

Ma Desheng took the form and frowned!

"Why do I have to fill in personal information? Wan Xian went out, isn't my identity exposed?"

"Sir, don't worry, we have our own management system and will never disclose your information!"

"This... okay!"

Ma Desheng looked at Jiang Fan behind him, suddenly full of confidence!

Soon, after filling in the information, determining the authenticity of the lottery ticket, verifying the amount, and supervising by financial and banking personnel, 8.5 million was directly transferred to Ma Desheng's personal account!

Seeing the account information popped up on the phone, Ma Desheng almost cried with joy!

"Great! Jiang Fan! Great! Unexpectedly, Ma Desheng, I will have a lucky day!"

"Okay, let's go! The reporters should be around in a while!"

Jiang Fan and Zhao Guoliang said hello, led Ma Desheng to avoid a group of reporters, and drove away quickly!

"Director Ma, the matter is done for you, when will the 100,000 yuan be given to me?"

"You, it's so easy for you to make money!"

Ma Desheng woke up from joy instantly as if being poured with a bucket of cold water!

"It doesn't matter, this is what we agreed before!"

"Haha, Jiang Fan, how about a discussion? Ten thousand yuan!"

Ma Desheng smiled mischievously!

"Hehe, since Director Ma is unwilling to keep his promise, I will find a newspaper to publish your information soon!"

"You, you bastard! Vampire blood!"

Ma Desheng roared!

"So, you promised you?"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Humph! One hundred thousand is one hundred thousand! I'll give it to you tomorrow!"

Ma Desheng braked and stopped the car on the side of the road!

"Hurry up! I'm going home!"

Jiang Fan was not angry at all, just waved his hand!

"Director Ma has a good journey, I want cash tomorrow!"


Ma Desheng gritted his teeth, stepped on the accelerator, and went away instantly!

It was already 6 o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Fan took out the bicycle and asked for a bowl of rice in a small restaurant!

As soon as I sat down, I saw the news being broadcast on the restaurant's TV!

"... It is reported that the two deceased were both employees of Juyou International Group in the Beihai Building! According to their internal staff, the two deceased were related to an internal project of the company before their deaths, and that the project was also involved. The company’s Li, Zhong, Hu..."


Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly!

After eating, Jiang Fan immediately began to run a single to learn the experience of the bicycle!

Soon it's ten o'clock in the evening!

Jiang Fan was about to go home to rest, and at this moment, his mobile phone suddenly rang!

The caller ID is actually Zhong Qing's!

"Miss Zhong?"

"Jiang Fan! Save me!"

"where are you?"

"Tianhe Warehouse in Nancheng District!"

"I'll be there soon!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Fan suddenly turned the car and hurried towards Nancheng District!

In only twenty minutes, Jiang Fan had already arrived at a freight center!

On one of the warehouses, the words "Tianhe Trade Warehouse" are being written!

Jiang Fan walked to the door of the warehouse and kicked it out without hesitation!


A loud noise!

The warehouse door flew upside down suddenly and hit the ground directly!

The scene in the warehouse also completely appeared before Jiang Fan!

I saw three strong men fighting against the landlord around a small table!

Zhong Qing was tied to a chair!

Seeing Jiang Fan's violent appearance, everyone was stunned!

Open your mouth stupidly!

Zhong Qing was the first to react!

"Jiang Fan! Save me!"

Hearing Zhong Qing's scream, several strong men also reacted!

One of them suddenly took out a pistol from his back and pointed it directly at Jiang Fan!

However, before he could shoot, Jiang Fan had disappeared before their eyes!

"What about people?"

"Where did he go?"

"Damn it?"

Several brawny men opened their eyes wide, and their faces were shocked!

But the next moment!

"Are you looking for me?"

Jiang Fan's voice suddenly sounded from behind a few people!

A few people looked back and saw Jiang Fan looking at them with a smile!

"This kid, why is it so fast?"

"Hurry up and shoot! Kill him!"

"Damn! Go to hell!"

The leading brawny screamed and pulled the trigger directly at Jiang Fan!

However, before the bullet was out, Jiang Fan had already kicked it out with three kicks!

"Boom boom!"

The three brawny men didn't even have time to scream, they had already flew upside down!

Has not yet landed, has completely passed out!

Zhong Qing on one side was stunned!

"Are you OK?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"It's okay! Thank you!"

Zhong Qing looked happy!

"Help me untie the rope!"


Jiang Fan walked over quickly and pulled the rope off!

"Jiang Fan!"

Zhong Qing stared at Jiang Fan affectionately, and suddenly hugged him tightly!

The next moment, she actually took a three-pointer and kissed Jiang Fan directly!

Jiang Fan raised his eyebrows, but seeing the other party getting closer, he actually kissed Zhong Qing as well!

And at this moment!

In silence, the two wooden boxes behind Jiang Fan suddenly turned into a piece of sawdust!

In the next moment, the two figures suddenly sprang out of the wooden box, as if teleporting, they were already behind Jiang Fan!

At the same time, two daggers suddenly popped out of their hands, piercing Jiang Fan's heart like thunder!

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