At this moment, Jiang Fan's face was full of soul and soul, as if he did not know the crisis behind him!

At this moment, those two daggers were only a few ten centimeters away from his waist!

Seeing that Jiang Fan was about to die, the two assassins were so excited that they couldn't control their aura anymore, suddenly exuding a hint of aura!

Level twelve!

These two assassins were all level 12 masters!

Such a distance, such a timing, even if it is thirteenth level, never want to avoid it!

Seeing, the dagger is about to pierce Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan, whose eyes were dizzy, suddenly raised a smile at the corner of his mouth!

His right hand swung backwards abruptly!


Two crisp sounds suddenly sounded!

The next moment, the daggers in the two twelfth-level hands suddenly rose to the sky!

The complexion of the two twelve levels has changed a lot!

However, the clever one didn't retreat. Instead, he turned his palms into claws and buckled Jiang Fan's legs directly!

Jiang Fan jumped, and the two had grabbed Zhong Qing!

"Don't move!"

"Otherwise we will kill her!"

The two suddenly roared!

Jiang Fan turned over to the ground, looking at the two with frowning!

"Let her go!"


The two sneered, one of them suddenly stroked Zhong Qing's neck with his finger!

A faint blood stain suddenly appeared on Zhong Qing's neck!

"Jiang Fan! Save me!"

Zhong Qing trembled and looked at Jiang Fan helplessly!

"Don't be afraid! It's okay!"

Jiang Fan looked at the two with a gloomy expression!

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"Hey, it seems you are very concerned about this chick!"

The two sneered!

After that, he looked at Jiang Fan gloomily!

"Tell you, this little girl broke our good deeds. If you want her to be okay, I will eat this!"

The two said, throwing a pill directly at Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan took it, sniffed slightly, and his complexion suddenly changed!

"This is a drug that suppresses internal forces!"

"Yes! After eating it, we will let go of this woman!"

"Otherwise, kill her now!"

The two looked fierce!

"Jiang Fan! Save me!"

Zhong Qing trembled all over, looking at Jiang Fan in despair!

"You are too shameless!"

Jiang Fan looked angry and looked at the two with gritted teeth!

"Hehehe, yes, we are shameless!"

"But what can you do?"

"Either I took the pill, or the woman died!"

"You have no choice at all!"

The two were proud of their faces!


Jiang Fan shouted angrily!

"You kill her!"

"Hahaha, you really—what?!"

Both of them were stunned!

Even Zhong Qing's face is covered in circles!

"I said, kill her!"

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed!

The color of anger and anger on his face disappeared even more!

Instead, it is full of banter!

The two killers were dumbfounded!

"You, are you crazy? This is your woman!"

"So what? I have so many women!"

Jiang Fan shrugged!


One of them gritted his teeth and suddenly stroked Zhong Qing's neck!

Suddenly, a few drops of blood flowed out!


Zhong Qing screamed in fright!

But Jiang Fan didn't change his face, but shook his head dissatisfied!

"Can you kill anyone? Mark the aorta next to it. As long as you cut it off, you will die in a while!"

"You, what are you crazy!"

The two were completely stunned!

Jiang Fan actually didn't care about Zhong Qing's life and death!

"Why? Can't you do it? Well, I'll help you!"

Jiang Fan suddenly sneered, and suddenly took out the revolver, and shot it up with a shot!


The bullet hit Zhong Qing's forehead instantly!

However, what is strange is that one of the killers suddenly pushed Zhong Qing and let her avoid the bullet directly!

"Jiang Fan! What are you doing!"

Zhong Qing screamed suddenly!


Jiang Fan sighed!

"It's all this time, do you still want to act?"

"You, what are you talking about?"

The faces of the two killers changed drastically!

"Okay, I'll tell you where the flaw is!"

"The normal level twelve is a master enough to dominate a city!"

"Even in the seven giants and the four largest families, the twelfth level is still the mainstay! How can you kill an ordinary person like Zhong Qing?"

"This is obviously a game against me!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

The corners of the eyes of the two killers twitched, and there was a hint of surprise in their eyes!

"Jiang Fan, what are you talking about? No! Hurry up and save me!"

Zhong Qing's complexion was obviously stiff, but she still screamed!

"Stop acting! If I'm right, you are all from the Zhou family, right?"

"how do you know?!"

The two killers suddenly opened their eyes!

"Although I have many enemies, but few know my true strength!"

"Two twelve-level sneak attacks happened to kill me!"

"Within Huaxia, I can count my strength so accurately. In the near future, there are only a handful of them!"

"And the only one who knows how to use a woman to threaten me and succeeds is only once! And it was the game with Zhou Ning!"

"Speaking of it, your Zhou family is really ineffective, and you want to use the same trick twice! It seems that Zhou Ning is useless, you really can't play any new tricks!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Jiang Fan! You, what are you talking about? I'm Zhong Qing! What Zhou family?"

Zhong Qing looked sad!

Jiang Fan looked at her, after a long time, finally sighed!

"Miss Zhong, do you think I am a fool?"

"What do you mean?"

"I really recommend you to study with my students, because this trick is left to them!"

"Explain briefly! The call you made to me is too abrupt. When someone was kidnapped, you can call me and give me the detailed address. What is the kidnapper's stupidity?"

"Besides, the two people before Juyou International were killed directly. Why did they kidnap you instead of killing you this time?"

"The point is, after I came in, your first sentence was not to tell me to call the police, but to help me!"

"Unless you believe in my strength abnormally, believe that I can kill these three gangsters with a raised hand!"

"But I don't remember making a shot in front of you, so how did you know?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

All three of them were stunned!

It's just such a short period of time after entering the door, this monster has actually analyzed so many suspicious points!

"Jiang Fan, listen to me, it's not what you want! It's them..."

Before Zhong Qing finished speaking, Jiang Fan shook his finger gently!

"Actually, I suspected you a long time ago!"

"Haha! Blind date is indeed an easy way to approach me, but do you read too many novels? Do you really think the story of the domineering female president and the poor boy is true? Or do you think you are qualified to be another— -Xia Fanxing?"

Jiang Fan looked cold!

Zhong Qing's complexion changed directly!

Jiang Fan continued to speak!

"Your previous acting skills are indeed okay, but I am suspicious by nature and I always like to observe in the details!"

"During the blind date, your reaction was so strange. I have already said so many shortcomings, but you still want to hire me! Don't you think this approach is too deliberate?"

"You, what are you talking about? Me, I just think you have a good character!"

Zhong Qing said hurriedly!

"Okay! Even if what you said is true! I think too much! But when in Beihai Building?"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

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