God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 910: It hurts self-esteem

On the banks of Liyun River, Song's Villa!

Bo Hong stood respectfully in front of a table!

Behind the desk, a middle-aged man with an elegant face was holding a writing brush and practicing calligraphy with a smile at the corner of his mouth!

This person is the second son of the Patriarch of the Song family, Song Minghe!

"The news, does that guy named Gal know?"

Song Minghe asked!

"Yes! According to your instructions, the news has been given to him! That Gal is also considered interesting. He hinted to us through the young lady that he has accepted this favor!"

Uncle Hong said respectfully!

"Hmph, he just knows the love, right, what about Xiaoyue?"

"Miss is resting upstairs!"

"Heh, I thought she would have jet lag! This little girl is usually not so honest—"

Before he finished speaking, Song Minghe suddenly trembled and painted a large ink on the rice paper!

Uncle Hong also reacted, his ears moved directly, and his expression suddenly changed!

"There is no lady's breath upstairs!"

"Naughty! Where did this little girl go?"

Song Minghe's expression suddenly changed!

"Sir, miss will you..."

Hong Bo suddenly spoke!

"You mean, she followed that Gal to Los Angeles?"

Song Minghe's eyes widened suddenly!

"This... Miss has been abroad for a long time, she has a detached personality, it is very likely..."

Although Hong Bo hasn't finished speaking, he obviously agrees with Song Minghe's words!

"Asshole! What place is Los Angeles! Jiang Fan's methods are vicious and his heart is gloomy, even the Zhou Patriarch dares to fight! If Gal is against Jiang Fan, I'm afraid Xiaoyue..."

Song Minghe's face changed directly!

"Uncle Hong! You immediately arrange for someone to find Xiaoyue!"

"No! Let someone else do this. If you take a plane to Los Angeles, you must stop her!"



Beijing Airport!

With a roar, an airplane landed slowly!

Then, the sickly No. 2 and the child-like No. 13 finally got off the plane!

"This is China? Why is it different from what Western countries advertise? It doesn't look poor at all!"

The 13th looked surprised!

"That was originally a way for the West to belittle China. In today's world, China is the fastest growing place in the world!"

No. 2 looked at the phone without looking up!

"Hehehe, it doesn't matter anyway, huh? That woman's ring is good, I want it!"

On the 13th, he looked at a woman not far away, and suddenly his eyes lit up!

"I advise you to be honest! It is said that the first presiding judge of the Holy Light Judgment was beaten to death by the other party because he offended a deliveryman!"


No. 13 was taken aback, and looked at No. 2 dumbfounded!

"You, are you talking nonsense? Although the Holy Light Judgment is just a garbage organization, the first judge is a fourteenth-level peak!"

"No nonsense! Remember, one of the rules of survival in China is not to be presumptuous! This is different from any country you have been to before!"

After saying this on the second, he finally raised his head!

"According to the positioning of the ring, Lord Lord should be in a city called Los Angeles. There will be a plane in half an hour. Let's hurry over!"


The two re-entered the airport lobby, passed the airport security check and entered the terminal, but they were shocked at the same time!

Involuntarily, the main gaze turned to a man sitting on a chair near the boarding gate!

Upon receiving the induction, the man also looked sideways at the 2nd and 13th!

The eyes of the three people flashed at the same time!

No. 13 took a step back suddenly, but No. 2 took a step forward!

for a long time!

No.2 suddenly nodded to the man!

Then carefully stepped back two steps, and took the number 13 directly to another seating area!

"Number two, just now, that guy is level fourteen?"

The thirteenth was in shock, and asked in shock!

"Well! Very strong! Almost reached the middle stage of the fourteenth grade, even better than me!"

No. 2 has serious eyes!

"Damn it, why did you meet such a master when you first came out?"

Obviously a little nervous on the 13th!

"Looking at his attitude, he should not be hostile to us, but sitting here, he must also go to Los Angeles! Try not to contact him!"

"I'm only the top of the thirteenth level, how dare I provoke him!"

On the 13th, shook his head hurriedly!

And the man over there!

"Gal, do you know those two?"

Song Yue on one side suddenly asked!

The man just noticed on the 2nd and 13th was Gal!

"I don't know, but he's also a master! One of them is at level 14! The other is only at level 13, but it makes me feel a little threatened. It seems that the ability is very unusual!"

Gal's eyes are a little gloomy!

When he first came to China, he was very proud!

I feel that with my own strength, I can definitely walk sideways in China!

But who would have thought that reality is such a ruthless face slap!

Not to mention the Song family, now these two international friends are so amazing!

how? Do you have to have a grade standard for traveling to China?

Can't enter with dogs below level 13?

Gal's face was gloomy, and suddenly he burst into a deep sense of inferiority!

After finishing the business, leave Huaxia immediately!

It hurts self-esteem to keep staying!

"Song Yue, if you come out with me secretly, your family won't be angry, will they?"

Gal changed the subject!

"It doesn't matter, I grew up influenced by Western culture! Whatever I want to do is my freedom! I just want to use action to oppose their ignorance of human rights!"

Song Yue smiled triumphantly!

Gal's mouth twitched!


The word human rights was originally advocated by Western ruling classes like them in order to control those foolish people!

Anyone who has a bit of status and a bit of brain knows that this is pure nonsense!

Unexpectedly, such an excellent nation as Huaxia, there are actually stupid believers in this!

Hey, it seems that the hard work of those Western politicians for so many years is not without effect!

Just at this moment, the boarding gate opened, and the two immediately lined up to enter the cabin!

"Three hours! We will be in Los Angeles in three hours! Jiang Fan..."

A strange color suddenly flashed in Gal's eyes!


And at this moment, on a remote island!


With a roar, the two helicopters quickly stopped on the beach!

If No. 2 and No. 13 are here, you can easily recognize that this is the island where he killed the thirteenth-level brawny!

The cabin opened, and a graceful woman stepped off the plane!

She has a very young and charming face, but her face is tattooed with a black flame, and in the flame, there is a blood-colored vertical pupil!

This horrible tattoo gave her a trace of hideousness involuntarily!

Stepping off the plane, the woman suddenly took a breath of sea breeze in intoxication, and then slowly closed her eyes!

In the other helicopter, a team of men in camouflage uniforms quickly ran out!

As soon as they ran off the plane, they were divided into two teams. One team quickly entered the rain forest, while the other team quickly checked the body of the strong man on the beach!

After a day of exposure to the sun, the corpse of the brawny man, coupled with the pecking of waterfowl and rodents, has appeared to rot!

But these people didn't change their faces, they just checked carefully with expressionless faces!

Soon, one of the men has come behind the woman!

"Master Mia! Director Stanford was killed by a mysterious ability, and the opponent is powerful. According to the intensity of the final blow, the lowest is at the 13th level!"


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