The power system is divided into three categories, the element system, the enhancement system, and the mystery system!

Among them, the polarization of the mystery system is extremely serious, and some abilities are not as good as nothing, but some abilities are so powerful that they are abnormal!

There are even several of them, if you use them well, you have the possibility to leapfrog your opponents!

"Mystery? Haha, the sword of thorns looks like it has got another good sword-handling!"

Mia's voice was hoarse, full of charm!

However, the man's face didn't even have a slight expression on his face, as if it were a machine!

And so is the fact!

These people are completely castrated emotionally, only knowing to do what is ordered!

"Let's go! Go and see the base!"

Mia said, walking towards the rainforest first!

Soon, a group of people came to a very inconspicuous two-story building!

But at this moment, it is full of corpses. The point is that almost everyone is dead!

One of them seems to have been divided into dozens of segments by some kind of sharp weapon, and the cut is even smoother than the position where the knife cuts butter!

Mia turned a blind eye to all this, and soon followed a door opened by violence and walked all the way to the ground!

Having entered a position about ten meters underground, an empty place suddenly appeared below!

It seems that this should be some kind of experimental base, but now it is a mess, and everything has been destroyed!

"These **** bastards!"

Mia's eyes were so gloomy!

Although this base is not important, it was constructed using countless manpower and material resources!

"My lord! There is a discovery!"

At this moment, a subordinate suddenly came over with a small computer covered in blood!

Mia took a look and was startled!

"This is the special signal of the Sword of Thorns?"

"Yes, my lord, according to the results of our latest research, the intercepted signal is of a very high level, absolutely surpassing the hand of the sword!"

"The level exceeds the hand of the sword..."

Mia murmured, she suddenly lifted her spirits, and a trace of ecstasy flashed in her eyes!

"Lord Thorns! This must be the signal of Lord Thorns! Can you find out where it is?"

Lord of Thorns!

If you compare the sword of thorns to an army, their family forces are all lieutenants, and the hand that holds the sword is the backbone of these lieutenants!

The Lord of Thorns is the general who holds the life and death of the colonel!

This is an unimaginable big fish!

Killing a Lord of Thorns is equivalent to cutting off one-fifth of the strength of the Sword of Thorns!

For the organization, this is simply an unimaginable huge gain!

Although he may not be the opponent of Lord Thorns, as long as he is found, it is a great achievement!

"It's not certain for the time being, it can only be estimated from the East!"

The subordinate answered quickly!

"Check! Bring back this signal logo, try your best to crack it, and be sure to determine the exact location of the other party!"



Los Angeles!

It's midnight!

Jiang Fan doesn't know anything about what happened outside, he is now lying on the bed and asleep!

But at this moment!

"Boom! Boom!"

Two extremely powerful auras suddenly rose from outside the gate!

In an instant, Jiang Fan jumped out of the bed!

At the same time, the breath of Lu Bu, Long Yan, Douglas and others also appeared one after another. Obviously, they also found the people outside the door!

Two breaths!

A thirteen level peak!

There is another one, which is as high as level fourteen!

A cold light flashed in Jiang Fan's eyes, he quickly put on his clothes and went straight to the gate!

At this moment, Long Yan and the others already looked out the door with solemn expressions!

Outside the gate, a sick Yangzi and a little boy are looking at everyone with a smile!

"Hi! Hello! Excuse me, is our noble lord here?"

Talk on the 13th!

The sword of thorns is strictly hierarchical, and the superior has absolute command power over the subordinate!

So the two got off the plane and immediately followed the signal signs on the ring to Jiangzhai!

When they heard the words of the two, the Douglas brother and sister's eyes changed directly!

"My lord! They are swordsmen!"

"Broken! Both of them have too strong aura!"

"Don't talk about the fourteenth level, even the thirteenth level peak, it can kill us all!"

"My lord! How can you call them? It's too dangerous!"

Douglas and Christine looked anxious!

Although the Sword of Thorns has a distinct organization, it all speaks by strength!

With Jiang Fan's eleventh level ability, these two monsters can't be suppressed!

Even, they will definitely behead Jiang Fan and take the position of Lord of Thorns!


"Hand holding the sword?"

Jiang Fan looked overjoyed and immediately took a step forward!

"I am!"

As Jiang Fan said, he lifted his hand directly!

Seeing the ring in Jiang Fan's hand, No. 2 and No. 13 suddenly changed their expressions!

"See your lord!"

Both of them were half kneeling on the ground!

"Get up!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand at will!

Stand up on the 2nd and 13th!

Afterwards, the two looked at each other, their eyes all becoming weird!

"Level 11!"

"Hehe, it looks like this leader has changed!"

"On the thirteenth, do you want to grab it too?"

"Hey, number two, although you are one level higher than me, but when you really fight, I may not be worse than you!"

After the ceremony on the 2nd and 13th, they ignored Jiang Fan and sneered at each other instead!

"Brother Fan, these two people seem to ignore you!"

Long Yan whispered!

"I'm not blind!"

Jiang Fan said angrily!

"Haha, Lord Lord, you should know the rules of the Sword of Thorns, right?"

Suddenly looked at Jiang Fan on the 13th!


Jiang Fan nodded!

"That couldn't be better! Now, I, the hand holding the sword, challenge you on the 13th!"

"Of course, if you are sensible, as long as you hand over the Ring of Thorns, I can't kill you!"

No. 13's little face is full of hideousness!

"It's over! Your lord, promise him quickly!"

"Yes, my lord! Just hand over the ring!"

"If you don't agree, they will really kill you!"

Douglas and Christine were in cold sweats!

However, Jiang Fan just smiled slightly, and suddenly looked at Number Two again!

"What about you? Are you planning to fight for the position of Lord of Thorns?"

"of course!"

A bloodthirsty smile suddenly appeared on the sickly face of No. 2!

"Lord Lord, I, Sword Hand Two, challenge you! If you are smart, you should know who should give this ring of thorns!"

Seeing that both of them were staring at each other, Douglas' tears were almost coming down!

This is not a joke!

Really will die!

"This... can't everyone get along peacefully? It's really hurtful to do it!"

Jiang Fan looked bitter!


"Breaking feelings?"

The two were stunned, and then they all couldn't help laughing!

"I heard that the sixth Lord of Thorns is a pervert with high IQ. I didn't expect that he was such a fool!"

"Obviously I don't have the strength to be a lord, so I dare to call us!"

"The point is, now I actually have feelings with us!"

"Boy! Your head was caught by the door, right?"

"Hurry up and hand over the Ring of Thorns! Otherwise, die!"

"If you want to blame, blame yourself for being stupid!"

No. 2 and No. 13 looked at Jiang Fan coldly, with ridicule and killing intent in their eyes!


Jiang Fan sighed!

"Since the two of you have decided, then I'm not welcome! You two, let's go together!"

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