God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 912: Flip over a folding stool

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, not only Douglas brother and sister, but also No. 2 and No. 13 were stunned!

In the next moment, the two suddenly looked at Jiang Fan very viciously!


"you wanna die!"

There is a murderous flash in the eyes of the two, and they must shoot at the same time!

But at this moment!


A sudden brake sound suddenly sounded from behind the two!


"Jiang Fan!"

A voice full of ecstasy suddenly sounded!

Accompanied by it, there is an extremely terrifying fourteenth-level aura!

Everyone was taken aback, and at the same time they looked towards the other side!

Suddenly saw a happy-faced Gal, striding towards Jiang Fan!

Behind him was Song Yue with an arrogant expression!

"Level Fourteen!"

"The master at the airport!"

"What's the matter? Is he a friend of this kid?"

"Damn it! No wonder he has no fear, it turns out that he has such a helper!"

The complexion of No. 2 and No. 13 has changed a lot!

But soon, a ruthless look reappeared in their eyes!

"Huh! Dare to find others to help with the challenge, this is a broken rule!"

"We don't need to act, Lord Isaac will deprive him of his lordship!"

"This kid will either accept our challenge, or lose his lordship forever!"

"It depends on how he chooses!"

Both of them looked at Gar cautiously!

But seeing Gal appeared, Jiang Fan looked blank!

"who are you?"

"Gal! Gal George!"

Gal smiled proudly!

The form on the field is extremely clear!

Those two masters on the plane seemed to be bothering Jiang Fan!

On Jiang Fan's side, there were just a group of level ten chops!

Jiang Fan himself is only Level 11, so it is not a concern at all!

"Gal George? George... are you from the George family?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

"Yes! I am from the George family!"

Everyone's complexion changed as soon as Gal's words were spoken!

"The George family?"

"One of the top ten forces of Citi State!"

"In Citi, the George family is like the four big families!"

"Why would he come to see an adult?"

Everyone looked shocked!

Even No. 2 and No. 13 have a glimmer of jealousy in their eyes!

Although the sword of thorns is strong, the George family is not weak either!

Damn it!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fan had something to do with the George family. Today, it seems that there is no hope!


"how can I help you?"

Jiang Fan frowned and looked at Gal!

"Of course! Elder Brandon of our George family is looking for you. If you know you, follow me back to Citigroup immediately!"

Gal looked at Jiang Fan contemptuously!

This group of idiots actually knew about the George family, it seemed that things were easier than they thought!

This time, not only can I bring Jiang Fan back, but I also got acquainted with the Song family by the way. My position in the family will definitely go further!


"I don't know, I'm busy! Get out of here!"

Jiang Fan is now preparing to teach two disobedient subordinates, how can he care about him!

"Asshole! You, how dare you be so rude to me!"

George was directly angry!

"Are you sick? Who told you to come to your home to find and scold you!"

Jiang Fan waved impatiently!

"Hurry up and get out of here while I'm not angry!"

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan in shock!

It's too steel!

As expected of Brother Fan!

The George family are not used to it!

No. 2 and No. 13 are even more stunned!


Too domineering!

I have never heard of it, who would dare to be so rude to the George family!

"Boy! There is a kind of you say it again!"

The murderous flicker in Gal's eyes, the powerful aura directly suppressed Jiang Fan!

He wants Jiang Fan to kneel down and admit his mistake!


"I said, get out!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

"You, you rubbish! You **** inferior nation! Yellow-skinned monkey! I want—"

"you wanna die!"

Before Garr finished speaking, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly flashed with murder!

He is most proud of this black-eyed and black-haired Chinese blood!

Gal's words have completely ignited Jiang Fan's anger!

Jiang Fan grabbed it with his backhand, and a big golden nugget with dazzling light appeared!

Gold bricks!

The next moment, Jiang Fan tossed his right hand!

The gold bricks are like teleporting, they hit Gal's head directly!


Gal hadn't reacted yet, his head was opened by the bricks!

The whole person stayed in place motionless!

Ten seconds of dizziness!

And then, Jiang Fan shook his left hand, and a black folding stool suddenly appeared!

"Standing on the land of Huaxia, I dared to scold me Huaxia! Today I will teach you how to be a white pig!"

Jiang Fan roared and kicked Gal!

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying strength of the folding stool carrier hit Gal's head heavily!


A loud noise!

The ground under Garr's head trembled suddenly!

Seventeen or eight terrifying cracks have been cracked across the entire cement road!

Everyone was stunned!

Looking at Jiang Fan in horror!

One-fold stool shoots the 14th-level powerhouse!

This is too exaggerated!

However, this is just the beginning!

"Grass mud horse! Make you arrogant!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"You white pig! I will make you a yellow-skinned monkey! I will make you a yellow-skinned monkey!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Come on! Give me another try!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"You dare to come to China for **** like you!"

"Boom boom boom!"

In Jiang Fan's frantic beating, the whole land rumbling like an earthquake!

The blood in Gal's mouth was even more violent!

The whole person has almost become a blood gourd!

At the same time, he was full of bone cracks!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan who was extremely tyrannical, and their faces paled in shock!

Jade Fangzi's several cultivators were sweating profusely!

The second and the thirteenth are almost the same as the **** toys in the island movie!

Sweat beads crackled like rain and fell down!

so horrible!

Jiang Fan is definitely the scariest one among the six lords!

Do not!

Even more terrifying than Master Isaac!

It's ridiculous that they wanted to challenge Jiang Fan just now, it's just looking for death!

Thanks to the idiot Gal who jumped out!

Otherwise, it is them who are unlucky!

God bless you, Lord Lord, don’t have such a good memory!

Damn it, how can you let the adults calm down!

The two turned their minds crazy, and Gal finally woke up from the dizziness!

Just after waking up, he suddenly let out a scream!


At this moment he only felt that the bones of his whole body were almost broken!

He didn't even have the strength to raise his hand!

"Jiang Fan! You, you dare to hurt me! You are looking for death! You are provoking the entire George family!!"

Gal snarled frantically!

"Huh? Actually dare to pretend to be forced!"

Jiang Fan smiled grimly, and suddenly slammed his palm into a knife, and hit Gal's left hand directly!


Gall's left hand suddenly rose to the sky!


Gall's screams almost resounded through the sky!

Others are even scared of scalp tingling!

And Jiang Fan had already picked up the folding stool and blasted it up even more brutally!

"Boom boom boom!"

"What's wrong with me hurting you?"

"Boom boom boom!"

"I still abolished you!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"I just provoke you, what about the George family!"

"Boom boom boom!"

"Who the **** do you think you are! I dare to beat up the Patriarch of the Zhou family, what kind of thing are you!"

"Boom boom boom!"

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