The limbs that Gal was beaten were all deformed, and the breastbone collapsed deeply!

As if it will die in the next second!

But because of the horrible nature of the folding stool, he did not die!

However, this kind of injury will only make him more painful!

Seeing Jiang Fan showing no sign of stopping, Gal was finally scared!

"Don't fight! Don't fight!"

"I was wrong!"

"Uuuuu...please! Hurry up and stop!"

"Ah!!! It hurts! It hurts!!!"

"Jiang Fan! I was wrong! I was really wrong! As long as you let me go, let me do anything!"

Gal cried heartbreakingly and kept begging for mercy!

But Jiang Fan just kept his face cold!

It's like a pile driver with no emotions!

At this moment!

Song Yue, who was trembling all over, finally reacted!

She screamed suddenly!


But Jiang Fan ignored her at all!

"Asshole! Jiang Fan! I order you to stop!"

Song Yue suddenly roared!


Jiang Fan's hand suddenly stopped in the air!

He slowly turned his head and looked at Song Yue!

"what did you say?"

Being watched by Jiang Fan, Song Yue almost sat on the ground in shock!

However, she immediately smiled proudly!

"Huh! Don't pretend you can't hear it! I know, you stopped because of my order!"

Everyone was shocked!

Looked at Song Yue blankly!

This girl is pretty good, but is there all eggs in her head?

The idiot knows that Jiang Fan stopped, just because I couldn't believe it, someone would be stupid to this extent!

Order Jiang Fan?

Such a person is probably not born yet!

"Little girl, I admire your courage! So, get out of here!"

Jiang Fan sneered, and when he raised the folding stool, he would continue to start!

Gal **** out!

Still fight?

He's really dead for two more clicks!

Jiang Fan, the devil!

He wanted to beat himself to death!

"Asshole! Jiang Fan! If you dare to fight again, my Song family will never die with you!"

Song Yue screamed suddenly!

Jiang Fan suddenly looked back!

"Song family?"

"Yes! It's the seven giants, the Song family!"

Song Yue raised his neck proudly!

What is Jiang Fan! What is the Jiang family!

It's just a small rich man in a remote area!

Her Song family, but the wealthy of the capital! It is by no means comparable to such a rich native!


Just looking at Jiang Fan's reaction, he knew that he was absolutely frightened!

"Song family?"

"How does this matter have anything to do with the Song family?"

"Could it be that the George family and the Song family have joined forces?"

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan's eyes were even colder!

"So, this idiot, was your Song family brought here?"

"Asshole! Don't say that to Gal!"

Song Yue shouted angrily! Then he smiled coldly!

"Not bad! I brought it here!"

"Very good! So what you said just now is endless, did you mean it, or... the Song family?"

Jiang Fan's eyes, with an inexplicable deterrence, only caused Song Yue's scalp to explode!

She faintly felt that if she said something wrong, she would definitely bring a huge disaster to the Song family!

It's just that the arrogance that has been always overwhelming fear soon!

She didn't believe that Jiang Fan would dare to provoke the Song family with **** like this!

"Huh! I tell you! This is our Song family—"

Song Yue sneered and spoke proudly!

But she didn't finish her words!

"shut up!"

An angry roar suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, an old man appeared in front of Song Yue as if teleporting!

Exactly, Hong Bo!

He directly followed Song Minghe's instructions and rushed to Los Angeles!

Finally, at the critical moment, Song Yue was stopped!

Everyone's expressions changed as soon as he saw Hongbo appear!

Fourteenth level!

And it's still the peak of level fourteen!

How could such a terrifying master suddenly pop up again!

Even Jiang Fan's expression sank!

"Uncle Hong? Great! Hurry up and help me rescue Gal! Also, this Jiang Fan actually dared to threaten me and clean him up for me!"

Song Yue looked happy!


"Miss, you still don't want to participate in this matter!"

Hong Bo speaks directly!

"What are you talking about? Gal is my friend!"

"Miss, this is what the master meant!"

"I don't care who meant it! Gal must be rescued!"

Song Yue yelled directly!

Hong Bo frowned!

After all, Gal is a member of the Georges family. If he could be saved, it would definitely be an adult's favor!

Thinking of this, he suddenly looked at Jiang Fan with a smile!

"Young Master Jiang, can you give me a face and let Garr go?"

Although Hong Bo smiled mildly, but there was a trace of contempt in his eyes that could not be concealed!

Jiang Fan has offended the Zhou family. If he is acquainted, he should have a good relationship with the Song family!

What's more, the strongest among his group of subordinates is only level fourteen!

And he is the pinnacle of level fourteen!

You can kill everyone with a single shot!

If Jiang Fan is smart, he should know how to do it!

As soon as Hong Bo spoke out, everyone's complexion changed!

After all, the opponent is the pinnacle of the fourteenth level, and he belongs to the Song family. Although he is polite now, the threat is too obvious!

This face is obviously because Jiang Fan must be given!



Jiang Fan suddenly sneered and looked at Hong Bo with disdain!

"What kind of thing are you? Song Minghe's dog legs are just you, and you are worthy of me to give you face?"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, everyone was stunned!

No. 2 and No. 13 were so scared that they almost didn't pee!

Is it too steel?

This is not ordinary steel, it is titanium steel!

Do not!

Jiang Fan is simply a steelmaking plant!

Not to mention the Song family, just facing the existence of such a fourteenth-level pinnacle, they dare not say "no"!

But Jiang Fan not only refused, but also threw a mockery backhand!

Lord Lord!

The hatred is too big!

Our small body can't hold it!

Uncle Hong's face flushed with anger, his eyes were fierce, and a trace of murderous aura suddenly burst out!

"Jiang Fan! You are just a bereaved dog! Don't be shameless!"

"You ungrateful animal?"

Jiang Fan's face suddenly sank, and he walked directly towards Hong Bo!

Then, in the eyes of everyone's unbelievable eyes, suddenly raised his hand and slammed a big mouth on Hong Bo's face!


A crisp sound!

This slap not only frightened others, even Hong Bo was stunned!

He looked at Jiang Fan incredulously, his face stunned!

"You, you, dare you... hit me?"

"You are the **** who hit you!"


Jiang Fan's backhand is another slap in the face!

"Bastard! You are looking for death!"

Hong Bo roared suddenly, and he was about to slap Jiang Fan with a palm!


"you dare!"

Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly fierce!

Hong Bo's heart twitched for no reason, and his whole body was needled, and there was a big fear of death for no reason!

His palm stopped in the air involuntarily!

"Jiang Fan, I advise you to be smarter, apologize now, it's still too late! Otherwise--"

Hong Bo stared at Jiang Fan!



Among everyone's horrified eyes, Jiang Fan actually slapped another slap for the third time!

Hit Hong Bo directly!

"Old guy! Which green onion are you? You dare to threaten me?"

"Believe it or not, as long as you dare to move half of my finger, this little **** will perform an island 36P directly in front of you?"

Jiang Fan pointed at Song Yue!

Then he stared at Hong Bo fiercely, the ferocity in his eyes, even Hong Bo was frightened!

"You, dare you!"

"I dare not? I dare not do a lot of things, but definitely not including this one! Old fellow, I'll give you a chance, do you want to take a gamble?"

Jiang Fan grinned!

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