God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 914: I let you off just because of my kindness

Hong Bo was trembling all over!

"You, if you dare to do this, the Song family won't let you go!"

"What does that have to do with you?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Song Hong, remember your identity! You are a dog of the Song family, and you are not qualified to bark with me here!"

"I will write down this matter today!"

"Go back and tell Song Minghe, I let you go today, it's just my kindness!"

"If you Song family dare to make any small actions behind your back, then I guarantee that you will be more miserable than the future Zhou family!"

"Now, give it to me, get out!!"

Along with Jiang Fan's roar, Hong Bo's face changed and changed, and finally he grabbed Song Yue, turned and left!

"Hey! What are you doing! Gal hasn't—"

Before Song Yue finished speaking, Hong Bo directly pinched her neck, and Song Yue fainted immediately!

Seeing Hongbo dare not even say a word of cruelty, leaving dingyly, everyone's eyes looking at Jiang Fan have evolved from shock, panic, and admiration to worship!

It's too fierce!

He even smoked three big mouths at the fourteenth level, and trampled the Song family's reputation on the ground, but the other party didn't even dare to let go, so he could only leave dingyly!

The most important thing is that Jiang Fan just moved his lips, and even force is useless!

In this world, there is no one who can do this, except Jiang Fan!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan like gods and demons, even Gal!

This monster, this demon!

This kind of exaggerated character can't be dealt with by a fourteenth-level shrimp like his own!

The George family wanted to move him, it wouldn't work without a master!

"Jiang, Jiang Fan, me, I was really wrong!"

"As long as you let me go, I swear that I will never come to China for the rest of my life!"

"Uuuuu...I, I beg you, let me go!"

"As long as you let me go, our George family will never trouble you again..."

"To shut up!"

Jiang Fan looked at George coldly!

"Your family, why are you looking for me!"

"I, I don't know--ah!!!"

Before Garr had finished speaking, Jiang Fan stepped on his severed hand!

Gal suddenly let out a miserable howl, and then suddenly screamed!

"I just heard Elder Brandon say that it was because you offended someone in our family! I swear, what I said is true! I only know so much!"

"Offended someone in your family?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

Searching for memories, the only time I had contact with someone from the George family was when I was looking for someone to make a claim in Citi. At that time, there seemed to be someone named Aaron who was from the George family!

If the George family knew their name, they should have heard it from him too!

In addition, he does not remember any intersection with the George family!

Could it be that the thing before the crossing?

However, it doesn't matter anymore!

Don't say who has offended him, he has done Gal so miserably, if the George family doesn't ask for an explanation, it is impossible!

This hatred is definitely forged!

And for the enemy...

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled at Gal!

Then, his right hand suddenly flicked!


A long sword with radiant silver light suddenly disappeared from Jiang Fan's hand!

In the next moment, Gal's head flew high!

Everyone trembled!


Jiang Fan killed Gal so easily!

He is not afraid of enmity with the George family at all!

When Jiang Fan finished killing Gal, his eyes floated directly to the bodies of No. 2 and No. 13!

"Plop! Plop!"

Seeing Jiang Fan's bloodthirsty eyes floated over, the two of them trembled and knelt without saying anything!


This lord is not only powerful! Cruel and tyrannical! Most importantly, he has no idea what fear is!

For those who dare to come, there is only one dead word!

Facing such a monster, there is no other way out except kneeling!

"Oh? Are you not going to challenge me? Why are you kneeling?"

Jiang Fan looked surprised!


Why do you remember this!

"Big, my lord!"

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

"We swear that we will follow you to the death in this life! Never betray!"

"If you violate the oath, you will be burned by the fire of hell, and your soul will fall into the abyss forever!"

The two opened their mouths at the same time trembling, sweating profusely, and even tears came down!

"So, you are not going to challenge me?"

"No, no, no, no!"

The two of them swayed like Hot Wheels!

"Oh! Okay! I accept your allegiance!"

Jiang Fan put away the folding stool!

Quite a feeling of unfulfilled meaning!

Everyone wiped a cold sweat!

The two on the 2nd are even more lucky to have a life back!

"Okay, all go back to sleep! Wang Yi! Wang Yi! Where did you die?"

"Hey! Here comes!"

Until this time, Wang Yi ran over in dinosaur pajamas, twisting and twisting!

The crowd was shocked!

Worthy of being the manager personally selected by Jiang Fan, this determination is super god!

"Go, arrange a place for these two newcomers!"


Wang Yi agreed, and Jiang Fan had already yawned and returned to the room!

"Dare to ask you who?"

The two of No. 2 have been completely honest, not only honest, but just like walking on thin ice!

Judging by Wang Yi's appearance, although he is innocent, he must be Jiang Fan's confidant!

The two dare not offend at all!

"My name is Wang Yi, and I am the master's housekeeper!"

"It turned out to be Manager Wang!"

The two are good at Chinese and speak authentic Mandarin!

After reaching the tenth level, the human body's potential is developed and the learning ability will be greatly improved. It is not difficult to master a certain foreign language with a little thought!

"Manager Wang, your concentration is really strong! It's like this outside, you can still fall asleep!"

The two looked admired!

"Small scene! As long as the master makes a move, there is nothing wrong with it! You will know in the future!"

Wang Yi smiled slightly!

"Then, Manager Wang, do we need to pay attention to anything in the future? For example, do adults have any taboos?"

"Hehe, nothing else, but one thing, you must remember!"

Wang Yi smiled!

"Please speak!"

The two hurriedly spoke!

"Betrayal! Master doesn't care about his stupidity or greed, the only taboo is betrayal!"

Wang Yi's eyes suddenly got cold!

Two people's hearts are stunned at the same time!

At this moment!


A strong breath suddenly burst from a small second floor not far away!

"Twelfth level peak?"


Two people were surprised at the same time!

"Oh, that's Curtis. I went out with the master some time ago. I don't know what benefits the master gave him. He has been directly promoted from level ten to level twelve!"


The two of them opened their eyes wide, and they couldn't believe it!

In a short period of time, people can be directly promoted to level 12. What is this ability?

It's just against the sky!

"Haha, little scene, little scene! Less than a month ago, he was only at level nine, just upgrade quickly, it's no big deal!"


The two of them almost stared out of their eyes!

At level 9, it became the peak of level twelve in less than a month!

This is also called a small scene? This is also called no big deal?

It was exaggerated to go from level ten to level twelve just now!

But it's still a category of quantitative change, and it's finally acceptable!

But raising a person from level 9 to level 10 is a real qualitative change!

No one can do it!

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