God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 917: Hehe hey little lady

South China Sea Crocodile God!

Isn't this one of the four evil men?

Although this man is bloodthirsty, he just goes straight and has no brains!

He originally wanted to accept Duan Yu as his apprentice, but later became Duan Yu's disciple!

He was loyal to Duan Yu, but unfortunately he was killed in the end!

Jiang Fan looked down and found that the cliff was not vertical. There were a lot of raised rocks on it, enough to take advantage of it!

There is still half an hour, it should be too late!

"Let's go! Go down and save Mu Wanqing!"

Jiang Fan said he was going to jump down!

"Brother Jiang! Take me!"

Duan Yu yelled in a hurry!

"Oh? You have Beiming Divine Art and Lingbo Microsteps. It's easy to get down!"

"This...I haven't finished training yet!"

Duan Yu looked embarrassed!


Almost forgot, Duan Yu now is not as fierce as in the later period, it is completely a stunted crap!


Jiang Fan grabbed Duan Yu and jumped directly toward the cliff!

The strong visual impact, the gust of wind, the goose bumps all over Duan Yu's excitement!

"Damn! It's really~it's~too~sting~exciting~~~"

Duan Yu suddenly screamed!


Jiang Fan's speed is so fast that he has come under the cliff in a while!

Duan Yu looked at Jiang Fan with excitement and admiration!

"Big Brother Jiang! You are too good! Jumping off the cliff is so cool!"

"Hehe, chic is just one of the least outstanding among my many advantages. You didn't expect this to be discovered by you! I have to say, you have a vision!"

Jiang Fan smiled helplessly!

With a touch of sadness that can't conceal excellence!

Duan Yu was shocked!


It's so free and easy to pretend, it's worth learning!

At this moment!

"Haha! Good boy! You are finally down!"

A man with a short stature, a big beard, and a wicked look directly rushed over!

This person is the youngest third of Nanhai crocodile Shenyue!

"Good boy, have you figured it out? Hahaha...oh? Who are you?"

Seeing Jiang Fan, Yue San was startled!

And Jiang Fan frowned when he saw Yue Lao San!

The four wicked men are not such outstanding characters, Yue Lao San can only be regarded as medium in this world at best!

But this guy actually reached level twelve!

It seems that although the world dimension of Tianlong Babu is the same as that of Yitian Slaying Dragons, there are obviously more masters!

"Forget it! No matter who you are! Good apprentice! Hurry up and apprentice!"

No matter what Jiang Fan is, Yue Laosan wants him to apprentice Duan Yu!

"Wait! I'll talk about it later, how about Wanqing?"

Duan Yu is in a hurry!

"She asked me to throw it aside in the bushes, and I will let you reunite after the teacher's apprenticeship!"

Old Yue San can't wait!

But at this moment!

"Ah! Help! Duan Lang! Help me!"

A beautiful female voice suddenly sounded from not far away!

At the same time, a wave of wretched laughter also rang!

"Hey hey! Don't be afraid of the little lady, your husband doesn't want you, I want you! Treat me to this bottle of Indian oil and wrap you..."

Before that person had finished speaking, Yue San was immediately anxious!

"Asshole! Crane in the cloud! If you dare to touch Lao Tzu's apprentice, I will screw your head off!"

While talking, Yue Lao San had already jumped and rushed over!

And Jiang Fan quickly hurried with Duan Yu!

I saw that among the grass, a pure and beautiful woman was sitting on the ground in shock, it was Mu Wanqing!

Not far away, Yue San was chasing a very thin and wretched man!

This person is definitely the number one thief in the Heavenly Dragon and Eight Worlds, the crane in the cloud!

Speaking of this person, I have to mention Xu Zhimo!

Mr. Jin is Xu Zhimo's cousin, but he has never been ashamed of his chaos and abandonment, so when creating the Tianlong Ba Bu, he directly wrote about a crane in the cloud!

The name Yunzhonghe is exactly Xu Zhimo's pen name once!

It's just that, although this crane in the cloud is also at level twelve, it has a weird body and a very light skill, and the whole person is chaotically all over the sky, like a phantom!

Lao San Yue couldn't catch him at all!

Seeing Duan Yu appeared, Mu Wanqing suddenly cheered!

"Duan Lang!"

"Sister Qing!"

Duan Yu looked excited and was about to hug Mu Wanqing, but Mu Wanqing saw Jiang Fan beside Duan Yu clearly and was stunned!

As soon as he stretched out his hand, he subconsciously pushed Duan Yu away!

So handsome!

So handsome!

Standing next to Duan Yu, he turned Duan Yu into a scum!

Duan Yu was stunned and hurriedly introduced!

"Sister Qing, this is my savior, Jiang Fan!"

"The little girl has seen a benefactor!"

Mu Wanqing's face turned red, and she nodded to Jiang Fan!

"You're welcome!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


More handsome!

Mu Wan's heart is like a deer hit!

At this moment!

"Hey hey! Little lady, I'm back again!"

The voice of the crane in the cloud suddenly sounded!

Several people looked back and saw that Oldest Yue was obviously drugged and was lying on the ground in a daze!

And Yun Zhonghe had already walked towards Mu Wanqing with a smile on his face!

"Oh my God! Why is this thief so powerful!"

"This is over!"

"Duan Lang! You, you killed me! Never let him insult me!"

Mu Wanqing trembled all over!

Cloud Crane is notorious in martial arts and is the worst of the four villains!

Duan Yu couldn't protect himself at all, so he might as well die!

"Hehehe, death? I have no woman in Yunzhonghe's hands that can escape! Even if you die, I will take you, hehe!"

Duan Yu was sweating, and suddenly grabbed Jiang Fan!

"Brother Jiang! You, save us!"

"Don't worry, I'll be there and you'll be fine!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Haha! Boy, your tone is not small, but I have never been interested in men, so I will kill you two first!"

A fierce light flashed in Yunzhonghe's eyes, and he rushed to Jiang Fan two people extremely fast!

Seeing, he was about to slap two people to death!

Even Mu Wanqing was already screaming in horror!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

Suddenly he rounded his arms, the last hair came first, and a big mouth was thrown on Yun Zhonghe's face!


A crisp sound suddenly spread all over the bottom of the cliff!

The next moment, the crane in the cloud had already let out a miserable cry, flew upside down, and hit a big tree not far away!


A loud noise!

The big tree hugged by the two was blown to pieces!

But the crane in the cloud continued to cast away, rolling seventeen or eight laps on the ground, and finally hit a rock again!


The rock trembled suddenly, and then it broke to the ground!

Until this time, Yunzhonghe's eyes rolled, and he looked at Jiang Fan with a look of horror!

"you you……"

Before Yunzhonghe had finished speaking, his neck crooked and hung up!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for killing the evil thief Cloud Crane and successfully extracting the Indian God Oil (a bottle)!"

India, Indian **** oil? !

Jiang Fan looked dull!

And Mu Wanqing and Duan Yu have already been trapped!

Looking at Jiang Fan in shock!

Cloud Crane is one of the four villains!

In the martial arts, it is also a resounding existence!

But Jiang Fan was slapped to death!

so amazing!

And Yue Lao San, who had just woke up, was even more frightened!

It's too fierce!

This slap is more fierce than the eighteen slaps of Jianglong mentioned in the biography!

and so on!

With such a strong palm, could it be that he is the legendary Qiao Feng?

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