God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 918: Lingbo Weibuluo socks give birth to dust

After killing the crane in the cloud, Jiang Fan finally slapped him!

"Okay! It's okay!"

"Thanks, thank you grace!"

Mu Wanqing looked admired!

This domineering shot is simply full of heroism!

Unfortunately, I have already made an agreement with Duan Yu, otherwise, I must pursue him!

"Brother Jiang! Thank you so much!"

Duan Yu also looked admired and grateful!

I really want to be like Jiang Fan!

"You're welcome! I should go, too, I have trouble in the future, don't forget to order my takeaway!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and waved directly!

"System! Back!"


Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 495 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Duan Yu's gratitude-Ling Bo Weibu!"

Ling Bo microsteps!

Jiang Fan was directly excited!

Light effort!

Finally got light work!

And it's the top light work!

Unfortunately, there is no Beiming magical power!

If you have that technique, your own internal strength can definitely enter the state as if you are hanging out!

It doesn't matter, Duan Yu didn't get it here, isn't there still a virtual bamboo?

Can't wait to show up Lingbo Weibu cheats!

Lingbo Weibu (Silver Level): The body is fast and flying, erratic like a god! Ling Bo stepped slightly, Luo Socks gave birth to dust! If it is impermanent, if it is at stake! Enter and stop the difficult period, if you go back!

Remarks: This skill is a top-level light-weight technique. After it is cast, it will be as fast as a surprise! Every step you take, your internal strength can be strengthened by one point!


It is worthy of the top light work!

Other light exercises consume internal power, but Lingbo Weibu actually runs stronger and stronger!

Choosing to study without hesitation, Jiang Fan suddenly felt lighter!

After taking two steps at random, layers of phantoms appeared all over the body!

With this technique, chasing and killing in the future is no disadvantage!

By the way, there is something exploded by the dead ghost of the crane in the cloud!

Indian sacred oil: Akei coolie monkey and sub-monkey ben~ Dida Lugongga monkey fights black~ Change sei to red and kill Ouya~ also blacks sei monkey in bia!

Remarks: Internal use is strong and fierce, external application is invulnerable!

What's so...

Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

Cloud Crane is really at the forefront of the trend!

After collecting this thing, Jiang Fan finally left the system space!

Back in the car, a few people immediately continued to rush to the airport!

Curtis had long been accustomed to Jiang Fan's frequent running to the hotel, but Bao Dabao looked surprised!

Soon, a few people came to the airport and took a direct flight to Xiangzhou!

And at this moment, the capital!


A white porcelain paperweight was viciously thrown to the ground by Song Minghe, smashed to pieces!

"Jiang Fan! He, did he really say that?"

Song Minghe looked at Hong Bo with an angry look!

"Yes, Jiang Fan really said that!"

Hong Bo nodded, he just reported on his previous trip to Los Angeles!

"More than! Dad, that Jiang Fan is too much! It is inhumane! You, you must rescue Gal!"

Song Yue was crying and crying!

"Jiang Fan! You are so arrogant! Let us go? Where is your confidence!"

"If it weren't for your embarrassment on the Zhou family, I can kill you now!"

Song Minghe suddenly roared, shocking both Hong Bo and Song Yue!

Even Song Yue's tears were held back!

"Master, the last time I went, it was because there was a young lady, and I threw a rat! This time, let me take action and kill Jiang Fan!"

Hong Bo looked gloomy!


Song Minghe took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it!

"No! Jiang Fan is still alive!"

Song Minghe spoke slowly!

"He is alive, it will be a blow to the Zhou family! Killing him will only make the Zhou family cheaper!"

"What about Nagar?"

Song Yue suddenly became anxious!

Gal is in Jiang Fan's hands, surely there is no good fruit to eat!

In the spirit of humanitarianism, she must rescue Gal!

"Don't worry, Jiang Fan will never kill Gal! The biggest possibility is to lock him up! After all, although the George family has no influence in China, but in North America, they have a hundred responses! Jiang Fan has absolutely no guts to kill Gal!"

"But, but..."

Song Yue looked anxious!

"Okay! This time, if you didn't secretly follow along, how could Jiang Fan anger the Song family!"

Song Minghe frowned!

"During this time, you stay at home honestly and are not allowed to go anywhere!"

"You, you are a dictatorship! I am a free citizen, I have human rights!"

Song Yue shouted angrily!

Song Minghe was startled, and suddenly sighed weakly!

How can I have such a stupid daughter!

"Uncle Hong! Watch her!"


Hong Bo agreed and couldn't help but speak!

"Master! Then Jiang Fan..."

"Keep him for now! The Zhou family will not let him go anyway!"


Hong Bo agreed and immediately took Song Yue out of the study!

It's just that no one saw it, a trace of irritation and...unwilling flashed in Song Yue's eyes!


Soon, after more than two hours, the plane has arrived in Xiangzhou!

It's just that Jiang Fan and the others have just left the airport, and several Cherokees have directly surrounded them!

The door opened, and the proud Pang Xiwen slowly got out of the car!

"Jiang Fan! You really came!"

"Pang Xiwen!"

As soon as he saw Pang Xiwen, Bao Dabao's eyes went red!

However, Jiang Fan smiled!

"What is it for Wen Shao to do?"

"Huh! Jiang Fan, I know that you came to Xiangzhou to avenge Bao Dabao's waste! I'll give you a chance. Now come back to Pang's house with me. As long as you can beat my third uncle, our Pang's family is at your disposal!"

Pang Xiwen smiled proudly!

Ever since the Bao family's accident, Pang Shifang knew that Jiang Fan would definitely come even for this place in Xiangzhou!

So Pang Xiwen would have been waiting here long ago!

"Well, since there are few literary invitations, it's better to be respectful than fate!"

As Jiang Fan said, he ran directly to a car and walked over!

"You guys please too! One car per person, no one wants to run!"

Pang Xiwen smiled coldly at Bao Dabao and others!

But at this moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly opened the car door, dragged the driver off the car and threw it out!

"You, what are you doing?"

Pang Xiwen was stunned!

Jiang Fan ignored him at all and looked directly at the remaining two big men in the car!


The two Pang's bodyguards swallowed and spit, and ran out of the car without saying anything!

"Dabao, you come to drive and go directly to Pang's house!"


Bao Dabao took the driving seat directly!

"Jiang Fan! You are too presumptuous!"

Pang Xiwen looked annoyed!

"Shut up! If you are acquainted, go quickly, otherwise it will be too late for you to go back, I'm afraid the Pang family is gone!"

Curtis smiled sullenly, turned around and Douglas got in the car too!


The car roared and went away in an instant!

Pang Xi gritted his teeth with temper!

"Jiang Fan! You, you bastard! I see how you die in a while!"

He glared at a group of men again!

"A bunch of trash! Not leaving yet!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of subordinates got into the car in a panic!

And Pang Xiwen has picked up the phone!

"Dad! Jiang Fan is here!"

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