The Nine Suns True Scripture is out of date for Jiang Fan now!

But no matter which world, this technique can be said to be the first to lay the foundation!

With it as a foundation, learning other exercises is extremely fast!

But the Great Shift of the Universe is different, it is Silver+ in itself!

After training, combat effectiveness will rise exponentially!

Although this technique is too dangerous for others to practice, but with Wentian's aptitude, there is absolutely no problem!

I don’t know what it will be like after practicing these two kinds of martial arts!

Jiang Fan quickly transferred the Nine Suns Scriptures and the Great Movement to Wentian and explained them again!

Asked the sky ignorantly, but the Jade Lord was shocked!

In this era, all kinds of powerful characters have not yet been born, and the Nine Suns Scripture alone can be regarded as a first-class technique!

If you can practice these two sets of martial arts, you will definitely become a first-class figure!

The Jade Lord looked at Jiang Fan in surprise!

This young man is so high in martial arts that he even passed this secret book to Wentian. Could it be that he is a good friend of Nangong Yi?

"These two sets of martial arts are nothing compared to your future achievements, but they are of great help to lay a solid foundation. Practice hard!"


Asking the sky a look of joy!

At this moment!

"Wen God! Still not apprentice!"

The Jade Lord suddenly shouted in a low voice!

The old man has already seen that Jiang Fan is definitely an expert outside the world. With his support, Wentian will surely have a worry-free life!

Wentian was startled, and immediately fell to his knees honestly!

"Master is here, I am worshipped by my disciples!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully collecting the third disciple of Ten Thousand Realms! Because of the extremely high dimensions of this world, the system will reward you with a silver draw!"

Jiang Fan was startled, and then he looked happy!

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected gains!

But since I have been apprentice, I have to give something!

Jiang Fan directly took off the poisonous nail ring from his hand!

With his current strength, this thing is not useful anymore, it is better to give it to Wentian!

"You take this well. If you encounter a strong enemy, turn the ring to see the opponent's flaws clearly! In the future, when you awaken your heavenly eye and break your soldiers, the combination of the two will definitely have a stronger effect!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Asking the sky a look of joy!

And the Jade Lord directly stared!

Can you see the opponent's flawed ring?

Isn't this thing a magic weapon?

This guy named Jiang Fan is really too generous!

He wants to apprentice!

"Jade Law King, you must have remembered the two sets of kung fu just now, but you can practice the Nine Suns. As for the great shift of the universe, you are not qualified enough, don't touch it!"

"Yes! The old man understands!"

The Jade Lord nodded hurriedly!

"Wen God, I'm leaving now, and when I encounter trouble in the future, I will desperately want to eat one piece!"

Jiang Fan rubbed Wentian's hair and said softly!

"Hmm! I remembered it!"

Wentian nodded hard!

"Eh yeah~~"

Wen Cai in his arms couldn't help but stretch out two small hands to Jiang Fan!

"Hehe, little girl, grow up happily!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"System! Back!"


Jiang Fan is back in the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 653 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Wentian's gratitude-Tianyan broke the soldier (once)!"

Eyes of the sky breaking the soldiers? !

At this time, the ability to perceive the weakness of any weapon!

In the original book, Wentian used this ability for the first time and directly smashed a third-level magic weapon!

According to the system classification, the three-level magic soldier must be at least the silver level!

And Wentian's strength at that time, he didn't even reach the tenth level!

Heavenly Eye Breaking Soldier: Wentian's body contains the green beads of the Heavenly Crystal Sword, so she possesses part of the Heavenly Crystal power!

Remarks: Using this item, you can see through the weaknesses of the opponent's weapon, gold level and below, it will be broken in one blow!

Damn it!

Is it so fierce?

Gold weapons can be shattered!

Worthy of asking God!

Put away the props happily, and Jiang Fan directly summoned the lottery turntable!

Rub your hands hard!

Leave you!


The silver-white turntable spun quickly, and finally stopped on the skill column!

Jiang Fan was stunned, and this was the first time he got the exercise!

Nine Yin Scriptures!

It must be the Jiuyin Scripture!

Jiang Fan roared frantically!


"Ding! Congratulations to the host for extracting a silver level skill-the secret method of acupuncture point!"

What? !

Acupuncture secret method: This technique is the unique skill of Master Fang Shiyu Li Guobang. Once it is shot, the chicken will be hit!

Remarks: After learning this skill, the host will master the secret method of tapping acupuncture points, and any living thing that is tapped by the host will be immobile!


Is it so domineering?

Acupuncture is basically available in the martial arts world, but in reality, people can be frozen, but it does not exist!

With such a thing, Jiang Fan doesn't know if it's useful!

Forget it, learn it first!

Leave the system space and return to the car!

"Master, what should I do next?"

Curtis asked hurriedly!

"According to the original plan, go to Hengyao!"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth raised slightly!

"Great show, it's just beginning now!"


Seeing Jiang Fan and others leave, Dou Yimao suddenly roared at a group of people!

"A bunch of idiots! We were all injured without seeing it! What are you doing in a daze!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

A group of people were taken aback, and hurriedly and cautiously helped the three of Dou Yimao into the room!

Dou Yimao's leg was suddenly broken by Jiang Fan, but it was just a fractured bone. As long as he didn't use his strength, he could heal him in half a month at the latest!

As for Dou Lianji and Dou Wenxiu, they have the same injuries!

After driving out a few servants, Dou Yimao immediately took out his mobile phone!

"Big Brother!"

"Yimao, why did you think of contacting me?"

The voice of Dou Guizhi's father, the head of the Dou family, and Dou Yichang was heard directly on the opposite side!

"Big brother! You have to call the shots for me!"

Upon hearing Dou Yichang's voice, Dou Yimao's tears came down!

"Big Brother! That Jiang Fan is here!"

"Jiang Fan? What Jiang Fan?"

Dou Yichang was startled!

"It's Jiang Fan who started the Pang family in Xiangzhou!"

"It's him? Didn't Lian Kui kill him? Why did he get to you?"

"It's not just running to me! You robbed me! Yilin's vault, except for two European oil paintings that he didn't see, the rest are completely empty!"

Dou Yimao wailed like a bereavement concubine!


Dou Yichang's voice suddenly rose eight degrees!

"Why don't you stop?"

"I can't stop it! Not only did he rob, he also discounted the legs of me, Lien Ji and Wen Xiu!"

Dou Yimao cried even more sadly!

The old man in his seventies cried worse than Dou E, and his nose filled his beard!


Dou Yichang, who was far away in Xichuan, directly smashed the table!

"You, you are at level fourteen! Even Ji and Wenxiu are also strong at level twelve! How could that Jiang Fan hurt you!"

"Jiang Fan is indeed not strong, but his subordinates actually have a fourteenth level and two thirteenth levels! Benefiting here, we are not his opponents at all!"

"This, how is this possible?!"

Dou Yichang trembled all over!

If Jiang Fan's subordinates are so powerful, then Dou Liankui--

At the thought of this, Dou Yichang was sweating all over his head!

"Yimao! Immediately send someone to watch Jiang Fan's itinerary! Never let him run away!"

"I have sent someone to follow, and just now a subordinate reported that it was a display from the airport that he had already rushed to Hengyao!"

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