God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 934: Ding your running dog is online


Hengyao is another base of the Dou family!

The principal is Dou Yichang's cousin, Dou Yisheng!

It's just that Dou Yisheng has only thirteen levels!

"Damn it! This little beast! He is going to attack Heng Yao!"

Dou Yichang gritted his teeth!

"Yimao, take good care of your wounds. As for the grievances you have suffered, my eldest brother will definitely get you back!"

"The big brother, what was robbed by Jiang Fan..."

"As long as you catch him, there must be a lot of things that belong to you!"

"Hehe, thank you elder brother!"

Dou Yimao finally breathed a sigh of relief!

Jiang Fan!

You wait to die!

On Dou Yichang's side, he hung up the phone and immediately began to gather people!

Not long after being a freshman, the Dou family's existence above the thirteenth level, all gathered together!

"Lian Peng, you take Lian Rong, Jin Yang and the others, and go to Hengyao immediately!"

It was his two sons and one grandson who were named by Dou Yichang!

Dou Lianpeng and Dou Lianrong are both masters at level 14!

And Dou Jinyang and the others are all above level 13!

Such a lineup can definitely destroy Jiang Fan!

"Father, did something happen?"

Dou Lianpeng looked surprised!

All of them don't know what happened now!

"Not long ago, a **** attacked our Dou's branch in Yilin! Even your second uncle was injured!"

Dou Yichang spoke coldly!


"Who is so bold!"

"Dare to provoke our Dou family, it's almost death!"

"Find out this **** and cut it all!"

The faces of the Dou family changed drastically, and they roared one after another!

Dou Yichang waved his hand, motioning everyone to stop!

"This person's name is Jiang Fan, and he is from Xiangzhou!"

"Xiangzhou? Isn't that the place where Guizhi married?"

Everyone is shocked!

"That's right! It's there! At that time, there was a small family in Xiangzhou, who hired this Jiang Fan to attack the Pang family!"

"But then I let Lian Kui take action and ruined the Bao family!"

"It seems that Jiang Fan is here to avenge the Bao family!"

Dou Yichang looked gloomy!

"Then if this is the case, wouldn't the third brother—"

Dou Lianpeng's complexion changed!

"Well, nine out of ten, it has been detained by Jiang Fan!"

Dou Yichang said slowly!

As for Jiang Fan killing Dou Liankui, huh!

He never believed that Jiang Fan would have such courage!

Even if he has those masters in his hands, he is facing the entire Dou family!

The two sides are no longer at the same level!

"This **** Jiang Fan! Don't worry, my father, let Lian Rong and I take the shot, we will surely let the other party die!"

Dou Lianpeng looked fierce!

"Well, you go quickly, don't let this kid run away!"


Soon, Dou's private plane was ready, and a group of people went straight to Hengyao!

And at the moment!


Dou's Building!

Thirty-three floors!

Dou Yisheng is flirting with his secretary!

He is the youngest in the Dou family's "Yi" generation, he is less than fifty years old! And well maintained, he looks like a mature man with a successful career!

"Hehe, President Dou, this time I heard that there has been a change in the personnel department, don't forget me!"

The beautiful female secretary squeezed a pickled grape and gently put it into Dou Yi's mouth!

"Hey hey, dear Xiaoyue, isn't it okay to be a secretary for me? Why go to the personnel department?"

Dou Yisheng has a look on his face!

"Huh! You are a famous pervert! I am not looking for a position for myself now. When you get tired, what should I do?"

"How come! I am sincere to you!"

"Bah! Then you first give up the tigress at home!"

"Oh! Tell me what that **** is doing! Come on! Let Uncle Dou give you..."

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Before Dou Yisheng had finished speaking, the phone on the table suddenly rang!

"Damn! Good things to delay Laozi!"

Dou Yisheng answered the phone impatiently!

"Who! I don't know I—"


Dou Yichang's voice sounded directly!


Dou Yisheng was taken aback and hurriedly stood up!

"Patriarch, Hengyao's industry is booming during this time, I..."

"Shut up! I didn't ask about your company!"

Dou Yichang's voice is gloomy!

For this cousin, he knows too well!

Not good at managing companies at all!

In the past few years in Hengyao, we have been playing with women everywhere!

Had it not been for his loyalty, I would have replaced him long ago!

"Listen well! There is a **** named Jiang Fan who just snatched Yimao in Yilin! Now he is running for you!"


Dou Yisheng shivered in fright!

Dou Yimao is a master at level fourteen!

If the other party can even grab him, that's a fart!

As soon as he rolled his eyes, he wanted to take refuge in the family!

"Patriarch, I, my strength is average, otherwise, or--"

"It's okay! Just stay at Hengyao with confidence! I have let Lian Peng, Lian Rong and others pass by. They are now on the plane and will be there in an hour at most!"

"Great! I'm relieved!"

Dou Yisheng looked overjoyed!

Dou Lianpeng and Dou Lianrong are both masters at level 14!

With them, no one can get good fruit!

"Well! You let your subordinates closely monitor the airport. Once that Jiang Fan shows up, immediately watch him!"


After hanging up the phone, Dou Yisheng immediately arranged manpower to monitor the airport, and then faced the female secretary, regaining his complexion!

"Hehehe, Xiaoyue, let's continue..."

The two were flirting, reluctant to think about Shu!

But at this moment!


The door of the office was suddenly pushed open!

The security captain rushed in directly!

"Bastard! Who let you in!"

Dou Yisheng was furious!

The female secretary puts on clothes in a hurry!

However, in the face of the springtime leak, the security captain has no time to appreciate it, just watching Dou Yisheng sweating profusely!

"President Dou! It's not good! Someone has called the door!"

"What?! Then don't fight back! I still need to teach you this kind of thing!"

Dou Yisheng roared!

"No, no, President Dou, the opponent is too strong! We are not opponents at all!"

"Damn it! It's a horrible thing! Let's forget the one named Jiang Fan! Now there are others who dare to trouble our Dou family!"

Dou Yisheng was disturbed by good deeds, and he was furious. Now that he heard that the other party was so arrogant, he was even more angry!

However, as soon as he heard Dou Yisheng's words, the security captain's face turned paler!

"Dou, President Dou! The leader seems to be Jiang Fan!"


Dou Yisheng looked sluggish!

Jiang Fan? !

This, how is this possible!

How could he come so fast!

It makes no sense!

But the next moment!

"Are you Dou Yisheng?"

A lazy voice suddenly came into the office!

Immediately afterwards, a handsome man full of domineering has strode in!

Behind him, those men with different appearances were all surging with a terrifying aura that made Dou Yi full of sweat and hair standing straight!

"You, you, are you Jiang Fan?"

Dou Yisheng looked incredible!

"Yes! I am!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"You, you, I have no grievances against you, what do you want to do?"

Ding! Your No. 1 running dog Curtis is now online!

Before Jiang Fan could speak, there seemed to be a sweet reminder in his ear!

In the next moment, he saw that Curtis was already pointing at Dou Yisheng's nose and angry!

"No grievances, no enmity? I'm pooh!"

"You bastard! Your Dou family killed my master's best friend family. Do you have the face to tell me no grievances?"

"Fatty man! Tell me what to do with this!"

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