God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 948: System you finally grow up

There were countless crazy howls in Jiang Fan's ears!

"Give me my life! Give me my life!"

"You executioner! You devil!"

"Jiang Fan! You have today too!"

"You should feel the pain we endured, too!"

"This is your retribution!"

"Accept the trial of fate!"

Countless people who died tragically in Jiang Fan's hands were screaming and shouting desperately!

In another dimension, countless arms stretched out, desperately tearing Jiang Fan's soul!

Jiang Fan trembled, and the cracks in his eyes were getting more and more!

But at this moment!

"Judge me? You are not qualified yet! I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time!"

"I control my own life!!"

Jiang Fan burst out fiercely and suddenly roared!

The countless arms that involved his soul were all shattered!

And Jiang Fan's eyes were full of murderous aura for an instant, staring at the evil spirit knight firmly!

"Damn it! Let's play pupil technique! I'll accompany you for fun!"

"Eye of Fear!"

This prop was given by Sadako when Jiang Fan entered "The Ring of Midnight"!

It was also the first gold-level item that Jiang Fan got!

For Jiang Fan, this thing is not just a prop, it also means that he has never forgotten his promise to Sadako!

Therefore, Jiang Fan has never used it for a long time!

But this time, there is no way!

The original description of this prop-

Eye of Fear: Gold-level props!

Remarks:? ? ?

Minimum requirements: transfer!

But with Jiang Fan's use, this prop finally revealed its true face!

Eye of Fear: Gold-level props!

Remarks: This is the top item that Sadako took away her eyes and spent all the psionic energy!

Explanation: Sacrificing an eyeball can launch a lethal attack that kills all gold ranks!

Sadako's message: Brother Jiang Fan, don't forget me...


I will definitely bring you out!

Take you out of that dry well!


Jiang Fan's left eye suddenly exploded to pieces!

At the same time, in his eye socket, a pale eyeball appeared out of thin air!

These eyes seemed to have their own will, and they turned twice before suddenly glaring at the evil spirit knight!

next moment!


The evil spirit knight let out a miserable cry!

The flames all over his body gasified strangely!

At the same time, his skeleton body was also slowly disappearing!

"no, do not want!!"

The ghost knight howls desperately!

But it's useless!

That Qihua directly broke the law of immortality. Although his skeleton body was constantly regenerating, it couldn't stop the pace of disappearing at all!

Mephisto, who was watching here, almost didn't scare to pee!

so horrible!

What kind of power is this!

That eyeball, that weird eyeball, caused him, the **** lord, to feel an uncontrollable sense of fear!

The most weird thing is that that kind of inexplicable power, following the curse of the evil spirit knight, began to transmit it to him!

Mephisto didn't dare to watch anymore, and even to cut off the connection, he fled directly back to the **** where he finally came out!

Seeing the evil spirit knight howling desperately, Jiang Fan was completely indifferent!

Only a slow killing intent was left in his eyes!

And at this moment!

"Ding! The system has been adjusted! As Wanjie's unique takeaway system, this system upholds the principle of customer first!"

With the sound of the prompt sound, a light suddenly shed!

The evil spirit knight had disappeared half of his body, but he was actually healed!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Fan's heart was half cold!

Just, the next moment!

"Ding! But if a client makes a rude attack on a host recognized by this system, the host has the right—what the **** is it!"

The sound of the system had just ended, and the evil spirit knight who was relieved suddenly let out a sharp and miserable howling that was even more miserable than before!

Visible to the naked eye, his body continued to turn into powder, and then he was reborn again!

Real life and death!

Jiang Fan looked overjoyed!

But this is not over yet!

"Ding! In view of the large loss of the host this order, the system will award two gold-level draws!"

"Ding! Remind Wanjie customers again! You have the freedom to order food! We also have the right to fight back! Don't take our sincerity as the capital of your indulgence! In a word, be presumptuous to us-no! Good! Make!"

Domineering my system!

This is the first time Jiang Fan has seen the system so powerful!

Usually this product is like a computer with no emotions!

That voice just now carried a trace of anger!

Compared to before, it seems to have changed the system!

Jiang Fan was so relieved that some of his sons and daughters were finally sensible and knew how filial piety was!

system! You are finally grown up!

"Ding! This order has ended. Will the host return?"


Jiang Fan did not hesitate!


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan has returned to the system space!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting 10,000 causality points!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving Johnny's apology-Ghost Rider Transformer (one time)!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the fear of the evil spirit knight-fire immunity (intermediate)!"

Ten thousand causal points?

It seems that this is the compensation provided by the system!

The point is that the two props obtained this time, you can tell by their names, they are all top quality!

And there are two gold draws!

Two gold draws!


Jiang Fan took a deep breath and first looked at the Ghost Rider Transformer!

This thing is a small skull with a flame sign!

Ghost Rider Transformation Device (one time): Pulling cool and blasting into the sky, glamorous and noble! That's right! it is me!

Note: With this item, you will become a ghost knight and can use all the abilities of the opponent! The duration is ten minutes!

Johnny's message: Brother Fan! I swear! Everything has nothing to do with me! It's just that stupid skull head that caused trouble by himself! You have to believe me!

Haha, it's nothing to blame for you!

See how I clean up you next time!

Jiang Fan is notoriously prudent, so it's strange to let him go!

The flame immunity is a small red flame!

Flame Immunity (Intermediate): Flame is my best friend!

Note: By absorbing this item, you will be permanently immune to all fire damage below the gold level!

Message from the Ghost Rider: Big Brother! Johnny and I are one! If the idiot couldn't control himself, how could we be disrespectful to you! Let me go! Please!

Okay, next time I meet you and beat you up, forget it!

Next, it's the highlight!

But this time, Jiang Fan thought for a moment, and then he spoke!

"System! Your reaction is too slow this time! If it weren't for my quick reaction, I'm afraid I would be dead!"

"Ding! Host, please don't insult the system IQ! The system knows how many cards you have!"

Your sister!

"Then I don't care! The hole card is my own hard work! Anyway, you have to admit that you are not doing well!"

The system is silent for a moment!

"Ding! The system can compensate the host within the reward range!"

What I want is this sentence!

"Of the two gold draws, I want to specify one draw!"

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