The system did not answer, but in front of Jiang Fan, a huge turntable shining with golden luster suddenly appeared!

Unlike the previous turntable, there are more categories above!

In addition to the previous props, equipment, skills, pedigree, there are also more special items, materials and more!

When I first got the system, I changed my luck to the lucky bike, which was drawn from the special items column!


With a sigh of foulness, Jiang Fan turned directly at the lottery tray!


The roulette spins quickly, and then it gets slower and slower, and finally, it stops in the special items column!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a special gold-level item-the Heart Transfer Card!"

Jiang Fan's eyes lit up and he picked up this thing directly!

Heart Transfer Card (Gold Level): The heart's direction, you must use it!

Remarks: Using this item, the heavens and the world, the host can go anywhere according to his heart!

The system really knows what it wants!

Jiang Fan held this card and laughed!

With it, you can pick up Sadako by yourself!

In fact, the value of this item is definitely better than a hundred Sadako!

Although it has similar properties to Iwillbeback, it is ten thousand times stronger than the latter!

The latter can only travel to the world once visited, but this item can directly reach the heavens and all realms!

Among other things, Jiang Fan used this prop to go directly to the Heavenly Court. Even if he only ate a flat peach, the benefits he would get were beyond imagination!

But for Jiang Fan, cruelty is okay, and he can do whatever he wants to achieve his goal, except for treachery!

Especially when he thought of that eye of fear, it turned out to be Zhenzi's guilt that Jiang Fan could not express with her eyes and her psychic energy!

Counting it all, Sadako has saved herself twice!

The first time was before I changed my job, if it weren't for the death evasion sent by Sadako, at that time, I would have been shot headshot by thunder's sniper rifle!

And this time, it was the second time!

Jiang Fan carefully put away this item, and then started the second lottery draw!


The golden roulette is spinning again!

Soon I stopped on the special props again!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the special item-the item copy card!"

Prop Copy Card (Gold Level): Are you still worrying about the lack of premium props? In front of the prop copy card, everything is not a problem!

Remarks: Using this item, you can copy any item that the host has obtained and does not exceed the gold level, and once the item appears, it will definitely become a gold level!

Damn it!

It's a big deal!

The value of this item is no lower than the previous one!

Even for Jiang Fan, this thing is more practical than the Heart Transfer Card!

This time I lost too much!

First, the gold brick used as a plug-in was destroyed, and then the powerful Sky Eye was used, and finally the Eye of Fear, which was used as the bottom of the box, was gone!

These three pieces are all top quality!

It is estimated that the system can't stand it anymore, so I have given myself so many discounts!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and stabilized his mind!

With this prop, another thing of oneself can finally be used with complete peace of mind!

And his own strength is finally about to usher in a qualitative leap!

It has been too long, since entering the tenth level, his true strength has basically not improved much!


Jiang Fan backhanded out something that looked like a pacifier!

Little Hades's pacifier: smoking a cigarette with a pacifier in his mouth, soaking in a hot spring in Wuliangye! Lord of the spirit world, I am so hanging!

Note: Using this item, you will get any item that does not exceed the Silver level!

"System! Use little Yama's pacifier!"

"Ding! This item has been used, please tell the host the name or function of the item you want!"

"I want-Jiuyin Scripture!"


A white light fell, and the next moment, a yellowed ancient book appeared in Jiang Fan's hand!

On it, the four characters "Nine Yin Zhenjing" are written impressively in the ancient compilation!

Jiang Fan took a deep breath and directly opened the exercise strengthening interface!

Then he took this exercise without hesitation!

"Ding! It has been detected that the host possesses the "Nine Yangs True Scripture" and "Nine Yin True Scriptures", which meet the standards for the evolution of the exercise method. Is it evolution?

"Ding! System prompt! If the host chooses to evolve, the current internal force will be injected into the new exercises according to the proportion! It is very likely that the host's strength will be reduced!"


Jiang Fan did not hesitate!

I have accumulated a lot of causal points!

Everything is for now!


The white light is coming down!

It can be seen to the naked eye that the two exercises are gradually merging into one. At the same time, Jiang Fan's internal strength is like melting ice and snow, and it is constantly losing!

In the end, it fell to the standard of only eight levels!

And the prompt tone of the system finally sounded!

"Ding! The cultivation technique has evolved successfully! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the silver rank (+) technique-"Nine Yin and Nine Yangs"!"

In an instant, the true energy remaining in Jiang Fan's body dropped to a level again!

Only reached the level of seven!

However, the purity of internal strength has been improved by more than one level!

Even in the inner view, Jiang Fan unexpectedly discovered that his current inner strength had turned into a smog visible to the naked eye!

This is a manifestation of inner strength to the extreme!

With this kind of internal strength, one part is enough to match the past two parts!

The most important thing is that the internal force at this moment is not only rigid to yang, but can be transformed into soft to yin according to Jiang Fan's wishes!

Even if both hands are shot at the same time, one yin and one yang can be achieved!

If it is in actual combat, the level 7 internal strength at this moment is definitely more powerful than the level 9!

Jiang Fan laughed excitedly!

Directly look at the introduction to the exercises!

Nine Yin and Nine Yang (Silver Level +): Yin and Yang, the way of heaven and earth, the observance of all things, the parents of change, the beginning of life and death, and the palace of gods!

Remarks: This exercise is divided into nine layers, reaching the limit, comparable to a master!


Jiang Fan slowly spit out a foul breath!

Not in vain to consume such a precious item!

This technique is really amazing!

"System! Upgrade Nine Yin and Nine Yang!"

"Ding! This exercise is currently at the third level, and it costs 10,000 causal points to upgrade to the fourth level. Do you want to upgrade?"



In the next moment, Jiang Fan only felt the warm current surging from all over his body, and his internal strength had directly reached level 9!

"carry on!"

"Ding! This exercise is currently at the fourth level. It costs 20,000 causal points to upgrade to the fifth level. Do you want to upgrade?"

It's so expensive!

Jiang Fan was startled, but still gave a low voice!



The internal force directly reaches the tenth level!

In an instant, the surging sense of power directly made Jiang Fan roar!

"carry on!"

From the fifth to the sixth floor, 30,000 causal points are needed!

From the sixth to the seventh floor, forty thousand!

From the seventh to the eighth floor, fifty thousand!

From the eighth to the ninth floor, a full 80,000 points are actually needed!

Jiang Fan only felt a bout of liver pain!

Too much money!

Although he had accumulated a full hundreds of thousands of causal points, he used to spend 10,000 causal points for Lv Bu's upgrade, and now he can only put the nine yin and nine yang points to the seventh level!

To reach the eighth level, more than 10,000 causal points are still missing!

But even so, relying solely on the incomparable internal strength, Jiang Fan is absolutely capable of overcoming the normal fourteenth level!

This long-lost sense of power is really cool!

Coupled with a few of his own skills, the grandmaster can't come out, and it's basically stable!

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