Open the character panel, new attributes appear immediately!

Name: Jiang Fan (strong man status)

Level: Level 11

Occupation: Intermediate Wanjie Takeaway

Equipment: Heavenly Master Robe (Black Iron Grade Armor), First Generation Predator Mask (One of the Silver Suits), Yunmeng Bow (Bronze Grade Weapon), Water Jade Sword (Silver Grade Weapon), Blood Talisman Peach Wood Sword (Black Iron) Grade magical tool), folding stool (black iron grade weapon), gold brick (damaged)

Combat skills: Wing Chun fist, bull power, circular ballistics, evil swordsmanship, extreme archery, nine solitary swords, water-saving swordsmanship, great movement of the universe, surging waves, nine yin and nine yang!

Ability: Level 5 (danger prediction, elemental wind energy)

Magic: Level 5 (No spells yet)

Taoism: The Secret Method of Maoshan Tianshi (Incomplete)

Dharma phase: Three heads and six arms

Mount: Demonized Nightmare

Servant: Li Shishi, Lu Bu

Pet: Alien Newborn Body (Rich and Noble)

Looking at the panel, Jiang Fan was not happy, but rather melancholy!

Too much money!

Not to mention his skills, Master Li is only at level eight now, and it will cost more than 20,000 to upgrade to level eleven!

And once Sadako was picked up, she had to smash a lot!

Since the abilities and magic have been obtained, they have not been upgraded!

It's all money!

Jiang Fan is trapped by money, and suddenly evil grows to the guts!

Your own strength is almost the same, do you want to do snake repair?

Or go to plan the grave of the dark **** DiscoTripoca first?

Jiang Fan has a grim expression and gritted his teeth!

After calculating it again and again, he still shook his head!

No way! Hold on!

Now is not the time for waves!

I haven't got the information on Snake Cultivation yet. After you get it, you can evaluate your strength and choose not to do anything!

Although Disco Tripoca is said to be dead, there is still a sword of thorns staring at it. Isaac and the group are also looking for the grave of this dead ghost!

Forget it, let's train the Jinglingzong to become a second way dealer first!

Still doing business is relatively stable, there is no risk but a wave of wretched development!

Let the system heal his eyes, and Jiang Fan immediately left the system space!

At this moment, outside the kitchen, everyone only felt that Jiang Fan's breath had suddenly and completely disappeared!

The complexion of No. 2 and others changed drastically, and they were about to rush into the kitchen!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan's breath reappeared strangely!

Compared to before, although this breath does not seem to have changed, everyone actually feels scalp numb!

Inexplicably felt a trace of heart palpitations!


Jiang Fan pushed open the kitchen door and finally reappeared in front of everyone!

"grown ups!"

Two people bowed unconsciously!

"Yeah! Go and rest!"

Jiang Fan nodded, turned around and left!

Dou Yichang hurriedly followed up and showed him the way!

Jiang Fan returned to the room and fell asleep immediately!

Replenish your energy and bring Sadako out tomorrow!

Two hours later!


Bai Meng looked at the ancestral house of the Bai family, and tears flowed down again!


The taste of home!

finally came back!

Jiang, you wait for me!

Bai Meng entered the door and hurried directly to a strange building!

This building covers an area of ​​500 square meters and is all built of rocks. Its appearance is a bit similar to a temple in ancient times, and it looks extremely rough!

Just look at the moss on the wall, you know, this is definitely an ancient building with a history of less than a hundred years!

Bai Meng gasped at the door, and then walked in cautiously!

The first thing that catches the eye in the building is a huge pit measuring 100 square meters! And around this pit, there are dozens of small pits of about ten square meters!

These deep pits are surrounded by a circle of stones, and the stones are also engraved with weird talismans, and those talismans exude a strange smell of herbs!

In the deep pit, all kinds of weird worms screamed continuously!

This is the Gu Cultivation Center of the Bai Family!

And behind these deep pits, a group of elderly people are sitting on the ground, around a table with a few candles, playing Pai Gow!

These old people are dressed plainly, with wrinkles all over their faces, dangling smoke, and occasionally ranting a few words. They look the same as the old farmers in the country, and there is a simple taste everywhere!

But playing cards in this kind of place is obviously not something normal people can do!

"Grandpa, grandpa! You have to call me the shots!"

As soon as Bai Meng came in, he thumped on his knees, and began to cry in tears!

Several old people were startled, and they were shocked when they saw Bai Meng's appearance clearly!

"The natal Gu is abolished!"

"Have you hurt someone by putting Gu?"

"Who did it?"

"Are you doing bad things again!"

Unexpectedly, a few old people opened their mouths as a scolding!

And one of them seemed to be the oldest finally speaking!

"Amen, what the **** is going on?"

This person is the principal of the Bai family, Bai Hongzhuo!

"Grandpa! Don't blame me!"

"I went to Dou's house to play, I don't know, I met a bastard!"

"That man seems to be a thug hired by the Dou family. He beat me indiscriminately and said that our Bai family is all rubbish! Let's wash our necks and wait for death!"

Bai Meng howl and cry!

Several old people looked at each other, but they didn't say a word!

Bai Hongzhuo knocked on the dry pipe, and suddenly stood up!

Bai Meng's heart is overjoyed!

Hehe, grandpa must be going to make a move!

Grandpa's Gu technique is very powerful, the surname Jiang, you will suffer this time!

However, the joy on his face just appeared!


Bai Hongzhuo directly drew a cigarette into his face!

Immediately afterwards, the old man roared suddenly!

"Bastard! Are you stupid, or think we are stupid!"

Bai Meng's big teeth were lost!

Mouth is full of blood foam!

But he didn't care about the pain, just looked at Bai Hongzhuo in horror!

"Grandpa! I, what I said is true! It is indeed—"


Bai Hongzhuo dropped a cigarette again!

Bai Meng was smashed and felt that his brain was about to explode!

And Bai Hongzhuo's roar almost pierced his eardrum!

"What is the relationship between our Bai family and Dou family? That is a century-old friend!"

"Although we seldom go out, we can see how the Dou family talks to the Bai family!"

"Even if it wasn't for this, they would definitely not dare to do anything to the Bai family for the sake of Puppet Gu!"

"Now I will hit you somehow, do you think we are all confused?"

Bai Meng was stunned!

"Grandpa, I, I..."

"Shut up! If you dare to quibble, I will abolish you!"

Bai Hongzhuo scolded angrily!

"Say! What the **** is going on!"

If Dou Yichang and others are here, I'm afraid my eyes will pop out!

The reality is the same as Jiang Fan said before!

Not only did Bai Meng fail to blame, he was beaten for nothing!

Bai Meng, who was beaten so dumbfounded, didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore, and could only tell the matter honestly!

"What are you talking about? Rejuvenating?!"

After hearing what Bai Meng said, not only Bai Hongzhuo, Bai Hongzhen, Bai Hongcai and others were all shocked!

Looked at Bai Meng incredulously!

"Yes, yes! I saw with my own eyes that Dou Yichang is now like a man in his forties!"

Bai Meng said hurriedly!

"And all this was done by the young man surnamed Jiang?"


Bai Hongzhuo and others looked at each other, and then showed ecstasy at the same time!

"Great! The ancestor is saved!"

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