God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 951: I'm sorry for my Bai family

Early the next morning, there was a loud knock on the door of the quiet Dou's house!

"Damn! Who! It's a death in the morning!"

The son of the Dou family cursed and opened the door!

Just as soon as the door opened, he was stunned!

Outside, the several old men and old ladies of the Bai family were all looking at him with a smile!

This hapless disciple almost didn't cry!

If this is because he offended the Bai family, Dou Yichang would have to shoot him to death!

But, he hasn't waited for an apology!

"Is Patriarch Dou here?"

Bai Hongzhuo suddenly smiled and said!

"...Yes, Patriarch is resting! I'll call him right away!"

"No, Yichang is busy with business, let him sleep well, let's wait for him!"

The old ladies of the Bai family all smiled!

This disciple was embarrassed!

But that being said, how dare this disciple let them wait!

Arranging a few people to drink tea in the main room living room, he immediately hurried to call Dou Yichang!

Dou Yichang almost stayed up all night because of what happened yesterday!

It is definitely a good thing to be able to get such a backer like Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan hit Bai Meng, and the relationship with the Bai family will definitely drop to a freezing point!

This disadvantage cannot be seen in a short time, but as long as the puppet Gu is lost, the Dou family is equivalent to losing the source of zombies. As time goes by, the more zombies wear out, and in the end, the strength will definitely decrease!

At that time, if the weak Dou family loses value in Jiang Fan's eyes, the consequences will be extremely miserable!

Just when he sighed to find a way, the disciple came straight over!

"What?! The Bai family is here?"

Dou Yichang was shocked!


"Damn it!"

Dou Yichang cursed angrily, it must be the Bai family who came to settle the accounts!

He immediately asked the disciple to greet the rest of the Dou family, and then quickly walked towards the main hall!

Soon, under the leadership of Dou Yichang, all the uninjured people from Dou's family came to the hall!

"Brother Hongzhuo, what happened yesterday..."

Dou Yichang wants to apologize!


"Yichang! I'm sorry for your Bai family!"

Before Dou Yichang had finished speaking, Bai Hongzhuo grabbed his hand and spoke emotionally!


It turned out to be true!

Dou Yichang was really rejuvenated!

At the Bai Family's instant, everyone's hearts beat like crazy!

Bai Hongzhuo spoke even more excitedly!

"We really didn't expect that the children of the Bai family would be so shameless these years!"

"Even if I run to you every year for good! And I'm so disrespectful to you!"

"My Bai family is ashamed of the ancestors and ancestors!"

"Yichang! Don't worry, starting from today, the few of us who are not dead will definitely discipline this group of bastards!"

Dou Yichang and the others were dumbfounded!

This, what's the situation?

When the Bai family came here so early, it turned out not to be looking for trouble, but to apologize?

"By the way! Yichang, there are ten puppet Gus here, all of which have been saved before! It is a bit of apology from our Bai family, and your Dou family must not take these things to heart!"

As Bai Hongzhuo said, he had already taken out a brocade box!

Ten red pills sealed with puppet Gu are neatly placed in the box!

Everyone in the Dou family has their mouths open!

Look sluggish!

After that, everyone just felt cold!

Suddenly Jiang Fan's words from yesterday rang in his ears!

"...Don't worry! He will feel better when you go back! By the way, starting early tomorrow, the Bai family's compensation is estimated to arrive early!"

This, what I actually said to Jiang Fan, is not bad at all!

Oh my god!

Could Mr. Jiang be able to predict the prophet?

Even rejuvenation can do it, it's not impossible to know the prophet!

The point is that if you beat someone up, you can make people come over and apologize!

Mr. Jiang's methods are simply perfect!

How many roads did the Dou family have built in their previous life? Only then was it lucky to meet Mr. Jiang!

The excitement tears of a group of people are about to come down!

"Haha, Brother Hongzhuo, you and my family have been dating for a hundred years. How can my Dou family dare to accept such a big gift for this little thing!"

Dou Yichang said, and quickly pushed the brocade box back!

"Yichang! Are you looking down on us? Hurry up!"

"This...Okay! Thank you Hongzhuo brother! It just so happened that the Dou family recently got a rare golden horned snake, and he gave it to Hongzhuo brother as a gift!"

"I can't make it! My Bai family came here to apologize, how can I still want your things!"

"Brother Hongzhuo, what's the relationship between us? Why are you still so different? Come on, get that golden horned snake!"

As both parties give gifts to each other, the atmosphere is directly superb!

There is a smile on everyone's face!

A few people made a few more polite words, soon!

"Yichang, why are you so young suddenly? I almost didn't recognize you!"

Bai Hongzhuo finally spoke!

"It's true, it's really because a distinguished guest came from my Dou family! All of this is thanks to him!"

Dou Yichang understood Bai Hongzhuo's intention at once!

No wonder I came so early and prepared this kind of gift. It turned out that it was all because of Mr. Jiang!

That being said, thanks to Mr. Jiang, these ten puppet Gus won in vain!

The opportunity for the Dou family has really arrived. Jiang Fan walks through the door with the front foot, and the Dou family gets this benefit on the back foot!

When I think of this, everyone in the Dou family is even more grateful to Jiang Fan!

"Yichang, can you introduce this gentleman for us?"

Bai Hongzhuo hurriedly spoke!

"This... that gentleman is a distinguished person. He is resting now. We don't dare to bother him rashly. Brother Hongzhuo, look..."

"Understand! Let that gentleman rest first!"

Bai Hongzhuo laughed!

Now that the news is correct, what does it mean to wait a while?

Moreover, looking at the respectful attitude of the Dou family towards Jiang Fan, it is obvious that Jiang Fan definitely has a lot of background, and it is definitely not the Bai family can be presumptuous!

Then the crowd chatted and drank tea. Even a master like Dou Yichang ran four or five times to release the water in the bathroom. Jiang Fan finally got up!

Jiang Fan slept very comfortably this time!

The day before, he rushed all the way to Dou's family, fighting for wit and strength, and then went to the world of evil spirit knights, what a great battle!

The physical exertion is too great!

Waking up at this moment, I felt completely comfortable all over!

at this time!

"Master! The Bai family is here!"

Outside the room, Curtis' voice suddenly sounded!

"How long have you been here?"

"I don't know, but I heard that one of the kettles burned out when drinking tea!"

"Damn! It seems that the Bai family really begs me in a hurry!"

At this time, a Dou family kid who had been guarding outside also came to report!

Jiang Fan washed, and finally brought a few of his men to the hall!

As soon as Jiang Fan appeared, Bai Hongzhuo jumped up and grasped Jiang Fan's hand!

"Mr. Jiang! I'm sorry for your Bai family!"

"What's wrong with your house?"

Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

"That kid Bai Meng yesterday..."

"Oh, a trivial matter, just give me a hundred or eighty puppet Gus!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand directly!


Bai Hongzhuo almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood!


Are you an earthworm in this vegetable garden? One shovel down a lot!

This is Gu worm!

"It's funny! Don't worry, I am not that small!"

That's strange!

If a group of students in Class 3 hear this, I'm afraid they will all have to run away!

They have never seen Jiang Fan's careful eye!

But Bai Hongzhuo didn't know!

"So! Thank you Mr. Jiang!"

Several elderly people from the Bai family looked grateful!

And Dou Yichang hurriedly began to introduce the Bai family!

Soon, everyone was seated again!

"Old man Bai, come straight to the point! Come, for whom do you want to borrow your birthday?"

Jiang Fan took a sip of tea and spoke casually!

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