God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 952: Tianding Shiji must have relatives too

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, Bai Hongzhuo and the others were all startled!

"You, how do you know that we are here to borrow life?"

"It's too simple, I'm too lazy to explain!"

Jiang Fan shook his head!

When Bai Meng asked himself and him to return to the Bai family before, he had revealed that someone in the Bai family was in dire need of life!

But today these people came here so grandly, but they just settled Jiang Fan's conjecture!

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, the Bai family's faces suddenly became stagnant!

But since Jiang Fan took the initiative to speak, that's right!

"Yichang, look at..."

Bai Hongzhuo suddenly looked at Dou Yichang, then pointed around!

Dou Yichang knew what he was going to say and didn't want too many people to know it, so he spoke immediately!

"Okay! The rest of you go down!"

Soon, apart from Dou Yichang, only a few of Jiang Fan's men were left here!

Bai Hongzhuo just spoke!

"Mr. Jiang, it is true that we want Mr. Jiang to perform the rejuvenation technique for my ancestor of the Bai family!"

"The ancestor of the Bai family? Is he still alive?"

Before Jiang Fan spoke, Dou Yichang exclaimed directly!

By the way, simply tell Jiang Fan!

When the ancestors of the Dou family went to Miaozhou for Gu, the ancestors of the Bai family already existed!

If you count it to your age, by now, I am afraid it is no less than 180 years old!

The Bai family is just a family that raises Gu, and the martial arts school is not outstanding. Bai Hongzhuo is only tenth level at such an age!

Even though the ancestor of the Bai family was known to be a Gu technique for profound understanding, he definitely hadn't reached the master level!

He could live so long!

"Yes, the ancestor is indeed still alive, but I am afraid it will not last long!"

Bai Hongzhuo gave a wry smile!

"As a mortal, that's not bad! How did your ancestors survive until now?"

Jiang Fan spoke slowly!


Bai Hongzhuo pondered for a moment, then gritted his teeth!

"It's true that our ancestor Tianzong Wizard is the first in the history of the Bai family, a half-step master!"


Dou Yichang's eyes widened suddenly!

No wonder the Bai family is so weak, as the weakest of the five great families in Miaozhou, no one dares to provoke them at all!

Unexpectedly, Bai Jia has such a hole card!

Fortunately, the Dou family has always been on good terms with the Bai family. If they had a little bit of bad thoughts back then, I'm afraid the entire Dou family would be ruined!

With this news, Bai Hongzhuo has completely explained the details of the Bai family!

He did not hide it at all, and spoke directly!

"We in Miaozhou have always had few martial arts masters, and most of them rely on raising Gu as a means of attack! Some top Gu worms, such as Golden Silkworm Gu, once they are successfully cultivated and placed in the body, their power is no less than a fourteenth-level master!"

"But the ancestor used Gu worms to become a half-step master, even in the history of Miaozhou, it is rare, enough to be called the Miaozhou!"

"But who knows that there are people outside of the world, just over fifty years ago, there was a genius among the geniuses who entered the Tao with Gu and became one of China's strongest existences!"

As soon as Bai Hongzhuo's voice fell, Yu Guangzi had already exclaimed directly!

"Are you talking about the Ten Thousand Great Ding-Ten Thousand Gu Witch King?"

As soon as Yuguangzi's voice fell, everyone's heart beat!

Tianding ten poles!

That is the top person in the world!

Enough to be worshipped!

The expressions in everyone's eyes are almost full of admiration and yearning!

Only Jiang Fan squinted his eyes slightly, and the light on his eyes flashed like a computer!

Unexpectedly, the Witch King was actually from Miaozhou!

So, Miaozhou should have his relatives?

If this can be contacted, wouldn't there be another powerful thug?

It seems that the trip to Miaozhou is imperative!

But this matter has to be calculated carefully!

If these people here know Jiang Fan's thought of turning, they must be scared to cry!

Ten great Tianding!

That's a super character they can't imagine!

Jiang Fan actually dared to calculate this kind of people!

If you let them know again, Jiang Fan has secretly calculated a disciple of Tianding, I am afraid that these people will all be scared to pee!

"Yes! It's his old man!"

Bai Hongzhuo sighed and continued to tell!

"Our ancestor is also a figure known as a wizard of Gu technique. Speaking of which, the Witch King is still his junior, and he has also been raised by him!"

"Seeing that the achievements of the Witch King surpassed all the predecessors, the ancestor was not convinced, so he wanted to follow suit and cultivate a stunning Gu worm!"

"It's a pity, halfway through training, but something went wrong!"

"I don't know what happened, the Gu worm ran into the body of the ancestor by himself!"

"And using the body of the ancestor as a hotbed, begin to transform!"

"The ancestor Tianzong wizard, is also a half-step master, and his vitality is extremely tenacious!"

"But it is impossible to expel the Gu worm at all, and the vitality is swallowed up by the Gu worm a little bit!"

"Fortunately, this speed is not fast, but the ancestors persisted for more than 20 years, and finally still can't hold it!"

"Not only the cultivation base has plummeted, even the vitality has to come to an end!"

"We have no choice, so let the tribe enter the 100,000 Great Mountain to find the Witch King, hoping to let him solve this trouble!"

"It's a pity that a lot of people have been sent out, but not many have come back alive!"

"Fortunately, at this moment, one of the disciples who entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains actually brought back a herb that can sustain life!"

When Jiang Fan heard this, he suddenly spoke!

"That herb, is it called Ambergris?"

"Huh? You know that too?"

Bai Hongzhuo exclaimed!

"Yes! It's Ambergris! This thing can last three years!"

"For so many years, the ancestors have relied on the tribe to search for this thing to continue their lives!"

"Actually speaking, Bai Meng came here because he picked an ambergris not long ago, so we rewarded him with a puppet Gu!"

Yuguangzi spoke at this time!

"Since there is already ambergris, why are you still in a hurry?"

"That's the problem! The ancestor is of no use to the dragon grass! Instead, it was given to another big man!"

"Give it away?"

Everyone was taken aback!

You can continue your life baby, this thing is actually given away?

Who is the other party?

"Yes! That big man has a huge background. The ancestor said that he can no longer drag the family down. That Ambergris is better to be personal, so that when the Bai family is in trouble in the future, they can rely more on it!"

Bai Hongzhuo sighed!

at this time!

"The person you are talking about, isn't it Wen?"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"You, do you even know this?!"

This time, not only Bai Hongzhuo and the Bai family, but also Dou Yichang and others, all looked at Jiang Fan with shock!

Why does Mr. Jiang seem to know everything?

Only Curtis showed a faint look, and looked at Jiang Fan with questioning eyes!

Jiang Fan smiled slightly and nodded!

Then he flipped his hand and suddenly took out a fist-sized bottle!

Inside, there is actually a very green plant that is no more than the length of a thumb!

The moment this thing appeared, everyone in the Bai family's eyes widened!

A sudden scream with an unbelievable voice!


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