God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 953: It is said that because of his wife

What Jiang Fan has in his hands is the priceless treasure that can last his life-Ambergris!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan incredible!

Shocked almost speechless!

Jiang Fan actually has such a baby!

Looking at this thing, Jiang Fan finally figured out a timeline in his mind!

Two years ago, Miss Yu's Yu Xiaodie was poisoned. After the treatment failed, Zhu Tianxing decided to use Ambergris to continue her life!

Gentle volunteered to come out to look for it, and finally met herself in Shencheng!

After that, Gentle came to Miaozhou and got this ambergris from the Bai family!

It happened that when she returned to the capital, she was also in the capital!

After meeting, go to Yu's house together!

After solving Yu Xiaodie's troubles, the Yu family changed hands and gave this thing to herself with a bunch of treasures!

But unexpectedly winding around, I actually brought this ambergris to the Bai family again today!

The world is really amazing!

"Mr. Jiang! This, this ambergris, where did you get it?"

Bai Hongzhuo trembled with excitement!

Originally, his Bai family thought that the ancestor was about to drive a crane to the west!

Unexpectedly, it is not only Liu Yinghua who has Jiang Fan, a peerless expert who can rejuvenate and rejuvenate, but this peerless expert actually has the priceless ambergris!

As long as Jiang Fan is willing to make a move, this is double insurance!

The ancestors are definitely saved!

And Bai Hongzhen, Bai Hongcai and others looked at Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Mr. Jiang! Please also take action to save our ancestors!"

"Yes, Mr. Jiang! As long as you are willing to make a move, no matter what you want, my Bai family will definitely offer it with both hands!"

"Yes! Regardless of money, herbs, or gu worms, as long as you want, our Bai family will definitely give it to you!"

Everyone in the Bai family begged!

Looking at Jiang Fan's gaze, it was like looking at a straw!

And Dou Yichang's eyes widened!

He thought it was a miracle that Jiang Fan borrowed his birthday book, but he didn't expect Jiang Fan to take out such a precious treasure with his backhand!

The Dou family is really the right person!

"Everyone, don't worry!"

Jiang Fan smiled and said slowly!

"The Bai family and the Dou family are at the turn of a century, and within my power, I can do it!"

As soon as Jiang Fan spoke, it was not only the Bai family, but Dou Yichang was grateful!

Mr. Jiang, this is asking for favors from the Dou family!

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

Bai Hongzhuo hurriedly spoke with excitement, and at the same time gave Dou Yichang a grateful look!

Dou Yichang didn't know what to say, he had already made up his mind to follow Jiang Fan to the death!

"Let's go! Go to Miaozhou first and see your ancestors!"

Jiang Fan stood up, ready to go!

But at this moment!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Suddenly his cell phone rang!

Jiang Fan saw that the IDD was actually a capital number!

"Hello, I am Jiang Fan!"

"Mr. Jiang! I am Zhu Tianxing!"

Zhu Tianxing's voice suddenly sounded on the opposite side, but his voice was full of panic!

"what happened?"

"Mr. Jiang, I really don't blame me! It was made by that **** Tao Yuan! You must believe me!"

Zhu Tianxing didn't answer the question at all, just kept crying!

"Shut up! What's the matter?"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly and shouted directly!

"Yes! Still, it's still related to the previous Yang family..."

Zhu Tianxing didn't dare to delay anymore, and quickly told the matter again!

At that time, Jiang Fan turned Yang Qi into a vegetative, and he happened to be rescued by Zhu Tianxing!

Afterwards, Zhu Tianxing rushed back to the capital because of Yu Xiaodie's illness, leaving Tao Yuan to help Yang Qi recover!

When he was in the Yang family, Tao Yuan asked the Yang family why he didn’t seek medical treatment from the medicine gate in Los Angeles!

The Yang family said that Sun Chuanyi, the elder of the Luocheng Medicine Gate, said that he was not allowed to heal the Yang family!

Tao Yuan said that Sun Chuanyi, as the elder of the medicine gate, did not regard saving the dead and healing the wounded as his bounden duty, so he must sue him once with his master Zhu Tianxing!

When he returned to the Beijing Yaomen branch, Zhu Tianxing happened to be treating Yu Xiaodie, and Tao Yuan directly reported the incident to the Yaomen Law Enforcement Hall!

Tao Yuan was not a figure in the Medicine Gate at all, and it was the elder of the Medicine Gate that he was telling him, so the Law Enforcement Hall never took it seriously for what he reported!

However, not long ago, the principal of Peicheng, Qian Xiangchuan, was directly transferred to the capital and became the deputy director of the Law Enforcement Hall!

Then, he accidentally saw Tao Yuan reporting Sun Chuanyi!

Qian Xiangchuan was overjoyed!

Now, I am preparing to go to Los Angeles to bring Sun Chuanyi back to the capital to ask him for his crimes!

Because Zhu Tianxing knew about the relationship between Jiang Fan and Sun Chuanyi, he immediately reported the news to Jiang Fan!

After listening to Zhu Tianxing's narration, Jiang Fan's face became more gloomy!

Knowing this a long time ago, Tao Yuan shouldn't have died so happy!

"Why did Qian Xiangchuan deal with Sun Chuanyi?"

"This... is said to be because of Sun Chuanyi's wife!"


Jiang Fan's face was covered in circles!

There was a scene of Sun Chuanyi wearing countless green hats in his mind for no apparent reason!

But if Sun Chuanyi suffers, Qian Xiangchuan has no reason to retaliate against him!

do not care!

"What are the punishment methods of your medicine gate?"

"If you follow the rules, Sun Chuanyi will probably be expelled from the medicine door, and if Qian Xiangchuan handles it, I'm afraid... I'm afraid that it will be the worst, and Sun Chuanyi's medical skills will be abolished! Also, Mr. Jiang, Qian Xiangchuan seems to be just now Already on the plane..."

Jiang Fan's face suddenly sank!

"I know!"

Hanging up, Jiang Fan looked directly at Dou Yichang!

"Immediately arrange a plane back to Los Angeles for me!"

"Huh? Mr. Jiang, then our ancestor..."

The Bai family was in a hurry!


Jiang Fan directly threw the ambergris to them!

"For the time being, I will use this to continue my life, and when I get back from my work, I will go to see your ancestors again!"

The Bai family is in contact with the Witch King, and this ancestor of the Bai family must be saved!

However, Sun Chuanyi was his nominal disciple, and when he was dealing with the Yang family, he stood on his side without hesitation, and absolutely couldn't let him happen!

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang! Thank you, Mr. Jiang!"

The Bai family and others looked grateful!

And Jiang Fan left immediately and returned directly to Los Angeles!

While still on the plane, Jiang Fan called his home and asked Long Yan and others to leave quickly to protect Sun Chuanyi!


After four hours, Jiang Fan has returned to Los Angeles!

But before he got off the plane, the phone rang!

"Long Yan? What's the matter?"

"Brother Fan, we have to forcibly lead people over there, we can't stop it!"

"They are strong?"

"It's not strong, there is not even a level ten, but, but we..."

Long Yan stammered!

But Jiang Fan understood immediately!

Yaomen, no one dares to offend!

In this world, let alone Long Yan, even a behemoth like the Four Great Families, I am afraid they can't offend the medicine gate!

The biggest reason for this is that no one can guarantee that he will never get sick for the rest of his life!

Even if you are not sick, what about the people around you?

Once intractable diseases occur, medicine gate is the only way to save lives!

It is like Yu Jia. If Zhu Tianxing, who does not have a medicine door, takes action to stabilize her condition, I am afraid that Yu Xiaodie can't wait for Jiang Fan to rescue her!

And it was precisely because he was worried that his subordinates would throw a rat avoidance device, Jiang Fan personally returned to Los Angeles!

"Anyway, stop them! I'll be there soon!"

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