At this moment, Heisei Medical Center!

The two parties are facing each other!

Among them, it was Long Yan, Lu Zhenglong and others, and Sun Chuanyi was sitting on the chair with a decadent expression!

On the other side, there were more than a dozen people, and the leader was an old man in his sixties who was about the same age as Sun Chuanyi, with a proud look!

This man has a sharp face, a faint trace of yin in his eyes, and his scheming is obviously deep!

He is the newly appointed deputy head of the Yaomen Law Enforcement Hall, Qian Xiangchuan!

And behind him are all disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall!

Although these people are the most powerful and only rank seven, their faces are full of arrogance!

He didn't put Long Yan, Dashuang, Xiaoshuang and others on the opposite side at all!

"Hmph! I advise you to be smart! Hand over Sun Chuanyi quickly!"

Qian Xiangchuan smiled coldly!

"Impossible! I want to take away Mr. Sun, no discussion!"

Lu Zhenglong spoke flatly!

Before Long Yan heard that it was the medicine gate who came to ask someone, he was afraid that he might not be able to handle it, so he directly called Lu Zhenglong, the old Jianghu!

"Impossible? Lord Lu? It's fine for others to talk about it, don't you want to fight our medicine?"

"Don't forget, those people under yours, what will happen to them if we don't care about medicine!"

Qian Xiangchuan sneered!

Lu Zhenglong's face changed directly!

His subordinates are all eating in the community!

Injuries are commonplace!

And many people have criminal records, they are really injured, and they don't dare to go to the hospital at all!

At this time, the importance of the medicine gate is highlighted!

Especially since taking refuge in Jiang Fan, with Sun Chuanyi taking care of him, there are many benefits!

So when Long Yan said that someone was looking for trouble, he brought the troops and killed him without saying a word!

But when I came, I realized that the opposite was actually from the medicine door!

Seeing Lu Zhenglong shut up obediently, Qian Xiangchuan looked at Long Yan again!

"Fat man, Sun Chuanyi is a sinner in our medicine door. I advise you to get out of the way honestly! Don't make yourself trouble!"


Long Yan shouted directly!

"So, you are going to fight our medicine door?"

Qian Xiangchuan sneered!

Long Yan's face was green and did not speak!

"Huh! You are very strong, but how strong is it? You should always have relatives by your side? Even if you don't have relatives, what about your friends?"

"Although our medicine gate does not refuse the sick, we can save people. We sometimes come first, and sometimes we miss. Don't blame me for not reminding you. In case of any accident, it is too late to regret!"

Qian Xiangchuan sneered!

"As one of the principals of the Yaomen Law Enforcement Hall, you actually threatened people with medical treatment, don't you feel ashamed?"

Long Yan's voice is gloomy!

"Threat? I'm just explaining a fact! Boy, you are still young, there is no need to put yourself in for the sinner Sun Chuanyi?"

"Be smart, let me take him away obediently, and I promise that the new elder Yaomen will never treat you badly!"

Qian Xiangchuan looked at the winning ticket, then he waved his hand and pointed at Sun Chuanyi!

"take away!"


Several law enforcement disciples smiled triumphantly and are about to arrest Sun Chuanyi!


Long Yan gritted his teeth and suddenly stood in front of a few people!

"It is absolutely impossible to take Sun Chuanyi away!"

"Damn! Shame on your face!"

Qian Xiangchuan's complexion changed drastically!

"Boy! I'll give you one last chance! Otherwise, in Los Angeles, as long as you have a relationship with you, no one will want to get the slightest treatment from the Medicine Gate!"

Long Yan and the others went stiff!

"Forget it! I'll go with them!"

At this moment, Sun Chuanyi finally spoke slowly!

"Elder Sun, no way!"

Lu Zhenglong and Long Yan are both anxious!

"It's okay! I appreciate your kindness! However, even if you don't leave today, I'm afraid you will all be in trouble if you wait until the medicine gate to send someone to come!"

Sun Chuanyi gave a wry smile!

"You tell the master, just say I, I'm afraid I can't continue to work for his old man!"

After saying this, Sun Chuanyi went directly to Qian Xiangchuan!

"I will go with you!"

"Huh! Count you familiar!"

Qian Xiangchuan smiled proudly and winked directly at the two disciples!

The two disciples immediately took out a handcuffs with small spikes on the inner ring and prepared to put them on Sun Chuanyi!

As soon as they saw this thing, the faces of Long Yan's people all changed!

"Qian Xiangchuan! Don't go too far!"

"Haha, Sun Chuanyi was originally a sinner at the Medicine Gate. Do we deal with sinners have anything to do with you? Get out!"

Qian Xiangchuan smiled disdainfully, and smiled grimly at the two disciples directly!

"Give it to him! Wear tight!"


The two disciples laughed, and immediately started to do it!

Seeing that the handcuffs were getting closer and closer to Sun Chuanyi, Long Yan and the others couldn't help it anymore!

Oh shit!

do my best!

Compared to Jiang Fan's, Yaomen is a fart!

Seeing a few people have to do it!

At this moment!

"Yeah! Stand on my ground and let my people **** off, old fellow, you are crazy enough!"

Accompanied by this lazy voice, Jiang Fan has walked in with a sneer on his face!

"Brother Fan!"

"Mr. Jiang!"


When they saw Jiang Fan, Long Yan and the others were overjoyed!

"who are you?"

Qian Xiangchuan frowned!

This young man is so powerful!

And even though the pace is lazy, but with an indomitable domineering!

This kind of aura, even the great elder of the medicine gate does not have it!

Do not!

I am afraid that none of the deputy masters of Medicine Gate has such a momentum!

Who is he?

However, Jiang Fan ignored Qian Xiangchuan's question at all!

Just a cold glance at Long Yan, Lu Zhenglong and others!

"When I was away, even my family was not well protected! It was just a bunch of rubbish!"

Long Yan and the others all shuddered!

A trace of shame appeared on his face!

"Teacher, don't blame them, it's me..."

Sun Chuanyi spoke quickly!


"To shut up!"

Jiang Fan shouted in a low voice!

"Especially you! As the elder of the Medicine Gate, I don't believe that you have no cronies in the Medicine Gate! These **** are asking for trouble with you, so you don't tell me, do you still consider me a teacher?

"Disciple, I know my mistake! The disciple is just afraid to trouble the teacher..."

Sun Chuanyi trembled all over!

At the same time, there was a huge move in my heart!

He was originally afraid of Jiang Fan's involvement in the Yaomen. After all, although Jiang Fan is very skilled in medicine, how can he save so many people alone?

Offending Yaomen is too unfavorable for Jiang Fan's development!

So he knew it happened, but he didn't say anything!

Unexpectedly, not only did the teacher send someone to protect him, but now he rushed back straight from the south!

"Forget it this time, if you dare to do it again in the future, see how I clean up you!"

Jiang Fan's reprimand is neither serious nor serious!

"Yes! The disciple understands!"

Sun Chuanyi nodded hard, his eyes were red!

However, seeing Jiang Fan's appearance shocked the audience, Qian Xiangchuan and others looked gloomy!

At the same time, there was even more shock!

It is not difficult to tell from the conversation between the two that this kid is actually Sun Chuanyi's master!

But how is this possible?

How old is he!

"Boy, who are you?"

Qian Xiangchuan spoke directly!

But Jiang Fan just sneered at him!

"What kind of thing are you worthy of asking my name?"

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