God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 956: Truth, Goodness and Beauty

Many years ago, Sun Chuanyi and Qian Xiangchuan were still friends, but they fell in love with a woman at the same time!

The two decided to gamble privately for this woman!

Whoever wins can pursue that woman!

And the comparison between the two is naturally medical skills!

The match was two wins in three rounds, the first two rounds were tied, and the final match was acupuncture!

Sun Chuanyi and Qian Xiangchuan each picked a patient with the same symptoms and gave them an injection for rescue!

Qian Xiangchuan knew that in acupuncture and moxibustion, he was inferior to Sun Chuanyi and would definitely lose, so he secretly used the forbidden "ghost needle" for the patient!

Strictly speaking, this ghost needle does not belong to the scope of medical art, but is just a method to stimulate the vitality of normal people, and the effect is extremely overbearing!

Even patients who are dying will be no different from ordinary people after the injection!

But if you use this technique on normal patients, you will lose your lifespan in the slightest, and you will easily die in severe cases!

As a result, the needle went down, and something happened!

Qian Xiangchuan killed the patient, aroused the anger of Yaomen, and directly exempted him from his qualifications as a disciple of Yaomen!

Fortunately, his family has a lot of money to pave the way and dredge the relationship, and this saves the prison!

As for the qualifications to pursue that woman, of course they are gone!

However, Sun Chuanyi was proud of the spring breeze. Not only did he marry that woman, he was also appreciated by an elder of the Medicine Gate and accepted as a disciple!

Now, he has become one of the elders of Medicine Gate!

"Since Qian Xiangchuan was exempted from the Yaomen disciple qualification, how did he become the principal of Peicheng?"

Jiang Fan frowned and asked!

"Because I borrowed his son's light!"

Sun Chuanyi sighed!

"After Qian Xiangchuan was expelled from Yaomen, he honestly settled in Peicheng, and later got married and had children!"

"Unexpectedly, his son Qian Zhenxin is a genius studying medicine. He entered the Yaowanggu study in Yaomen in his twenties. Ten years ago he got married with the niece of a deputy head of Yaomen! From now on, it will become more and more prosperous!"

"A few years ago, Qian Zhenxin found out about our gambling fight, saying that Qian Xiangchuan was completely framed by the patient's family, and he took out some cases hidden by the family——"

"Everyone knows this. In fact, it's just that he spends money to make that man-made fake it!"

"The key is that he is very smart. He only talked about the patient's family, and didn't mention anything about the gambling fight between Qian Xiangchuan and me!"

"Since there is no internal battle in the medicine gate, and because of the face of the master of the medicine gate, it is considered to have acquiesced in this matter, and because of the deputy master, Qian Xiangchuan was arranged to become the master of the city Pei. The person involved, said it was compensation for the wrong case that year!"

"In the past few years, Qian Xiangchuan, relying on his son's relationship, has made friends with elders everywhere. Just a few days ago, he finally became the deputy head of the Law Enforcement Hall in the northern part!"

After listening to Sun Chuanyi's remarks, everyone was stunned!

This is so expensive for a father to depend on his son!

Others fight for father, Qian Xiangchuan actually fights for son!

good job!

"Teacher, this time Qian Xiangchuan is going back. I must tell the truth. Do I need to do something?"

"No need!"

Jiang Fan rebuffed, and at the same time a yin smile appeared on his face!

Everyone was shocked!

"Master, you, are you planning to go to the northern branch to kill people?"

Curtis asked carefully!

"Mie your sister! Use your brain! Can you not always think about these violent things every day? Is there no truth, goodness and beauty in the world?"

Jiang Fan scolded angrily!

Everyone looked at Jiang Fan in embarrassment!

You actually told us not to be violent, the world is true, good and beautiful?

Brother, are you the most violent?

"Hehehe, it's fine if they don't come anyway, once they come, hehehe..."

Jiang Fan smiled sullenly, and the group of people watching trembled!

"Okay, let's go to my own business!"

Allowing a group of subordinates to move freely, Jiang Fan went out of the Heisei Medical Center and directly found a spicy soup shop!

It was already afternoon, Jiang Fan hadn't eaten for a day, and he was already hungry!

Quickly choose it!

"Boss! Two servings of Mala Tang, one for eating here, one for me!"


Soon, Mala Tang was served!

Jiang Fan was very happy to eat!

Sadako can be brought out in a while!

Just after eating, Jiang Fan was about to use the item card, but just now!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The phone rang suddenly!

"Teacher! Help! Hong Lei is going to be killed!"

As soon as the phone was picked up, Liang Kai's scream full of horror rang directly!

Jiang Fan was startled!

After all, this kid Liang Kai has been with Cui Cheng for a while, and ordinary fights are commonplace. How could he be so scared?

And Hong Lei is so strong, who can beat him?

"what happened?"

"You'll know when you come to school, you must be fast!"


Hanging up, Jiang Fan rushed to Blue Eagle non-stop!

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the school, I saw a group of people on the playground surrounded there!

There are still a few security guards lying on the ground!

And the screams are one after another!

"Stop it! It will kill you!"

"Damn! Did you hear that!"

"Asshole! They are all students!"

"Damn it! Why hasn't Jiang Fan arrived yet?"

The shouts of the crowd are getting louder and louder!

"Stop! What's the matter!"

Jiang Fan shouted angrily!

Hearing Jiang Fan's voice, the crowd suddenly dispersed!

The scene inside is directly exposed!

Lu He, Feng Jin, Luo Xiang, Liang Kai...More than ten boys in the third class are all lying on the ground with a look of pain!

And the two men with gloomy faces ignored Jiang Fan's drink and stopped, and they slapped Hong Lei's face expressionlessly!

At this moment, Hong Lei was kneeling on the ground, his face covered with blood, and the whole person seemed to be in a trance!

At first sight of this scene, Jiang Fan only felt his eyes were red!

With a sudden roar, he arrived in front of the two men in an instant!

"So fast!"

"who are you?"

The two men were suddenly surprised!

They are all ten-level masters!

But I didn't even find out how Jiang Fan appeared!

"I am your ancestor!!"

Jiang Fan shouted angrily, grabbed one of the men's arm, and suddenly squeezed hard!



The bones of the man's entire arm were directly broken into powder!


The man suddenly let out a miserable howl!

But Jiang Fan kept on hand, kicking another man's leg!


There was another explosion!

The whole right leg of the other man was all broken bones in an instant, as if it had become a mess of meat!

Jiang Fan forcibly suppressed the murderous intentions, and regardless of these two men, he just supported Hong Lei!

This is the school, you must not kill anyone!

Take these two **** out of school in a while, and kill them again!

"Hong Lei! How are you?"

"Old, teacher..."

With his swollen eyes, Hong Lei barely saw Jiang Fan's appearance!

"It's me, don't be afraid, the teacher is here!"

"Haha, oooooo... Teacher, it hurts..."

Hong Lei, who is 1.9 meters tall and looks like a teddy bear, started crying when he hugged Jiang Fan!

"Hey, don't cry or cry, the teacher is here, no one can hurt you!"

"Liang Kai, how are you doing?"

Jiang Fan felt very distressed!

Tears are coming down!

These are my own students!

Even if I cleaned them myself, I had never done this kind of cruelty!

Especially two tenth level, dare to bully so many children!

Jiang Fan's killing intent almost rushed to Tian Ling Gai, and hundreds of ways to kill these two men flashed in his heart!

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