God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 957: Who dares to accept me in the sky and the earth

"Teacher, we are all fine, it just hurts!"

Lu He and others were holding their stomachs, their faces extremely pale!

"It's okay, the teacher will heal you in a while!"

As Jiang Fan said, he walked to Lu He's side and took a look at it directly!

But seeing the injury on Lu He's stomach, Jiang Fan's face changed directly!

Lu He's belly is actually green!

Jiang Fan looked at it one by one, and several students not only had their stomachs bruised, but also had obvious blisters!

Jiang Fan was silent. After a long time, he slowly turned his head back!

"I said why I always feel that there is something missing in my power!"

"It turns out that the Xingtang is missing!"

The corners of Jiang Fan's mouth gradually aroused, and at the same time he smiled and looked at the two Tenth Levels who were still screaming!

"You, what do you want to do?"

The two tenth level panicked directly!

Jiang Fan is too cruel to start!

They will be abolished if they are shot!

It seems that it actually seems to be just the beginning!

"What do you think I want to do?"

Jiang Fan smiled more happily!

"Boy! You still don't know who we are?"

"You dare to hurt us so much! You are in big trouble!"

"Yes! We are definitely not something you can provoke!"

The two ten-level screams roared!

"Interesting, I like your kind of stray dogs who bark without thinking!"

Jiang Fan's tone was calm and he took out his phone directly!

"Curtis, get ready, I have two good materials for you!"

"Praise you my master! What do you want me to do?"

When Curtis heard Jiang Fan's voice, he knew that someone was going to be unlucky!

"The harder the better!"


Hanging up, Jiang Fan suddenly raised two tenths!

"You, what are you going to do?"

The two tenth level panicked directly!

"Boy! Let us go!"

"It's already a great sin that you hurt us!"

"Miss will never let you go!"

"Those who are acquainted immediately let us go! Otherwise, you will only have a dead end!"

Seeing Jiang Fan unmoved by the two tenth levels, he was even more panicked!

"A dead end? Hahahaha!"

Jiang Fan suddenly laughed wildly, and then his eyes suddenly fierce!

"Yes! My Jiang Fan is a dead end! But who dares to accept me from heaven and earth!!"

When the voice fell, Jiang Fan suddenly flicked on the two of them!

The yin and yang of the nine yin and nine yang, instantly like a beast, rushed directly into the meridians of the two!

As if destroying the dryness and rottenness, the meridians of the two of them were completely shattered!


The two suddenly let out a miserable howl that is almost non-human!

Everyone was stunned!

Shocked and trembling!

At this moment!

"Bastard! Stop it!"

Accompanied by this sound, an extremely violent aura suddenly spread throughout the playground!

In the next moment, an old man with an extremely dark yin-husky appeared suddenly!

The aura of this old man has reached a full fourteenth level!

And behind the old man, there was a slim girl standing!

"Boy! Let go of the two of them immediately, otherwise, I want you to die!"

The old man shouted angrily!

"You... are in a group?"

The corner of Jiang Fan's mouth evokes!

"Yes! Let go of them now and kneel down and kowtow!"

As soon as the old man spoke, everyone was stunned!

Immediately afterwards, a group of students hurriedly started to back away!

Even Lu He and others dragged Hong Lei and turned around and ran away!

"Fuck! Is this old man a dog head?"

"Nima! Who was it that was so mad at Teacher Jiang last time?"

"I don't remember, it's a terrible death anyway!"

"Go, go! Don't get caught up in the pond fish!"

Seeing the reaction of a group of students, the old man was stunned!

Even the girl behind him frowned!

"Boy! Don't kneel down yet!"

The old man shouted again!



He only felt that there was a flower in front of him, Jiang Fan had actually appeared in front of him!

So fast!

The old man was shocked, and he would subconsciously take action!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan swiped up with a big mouth!


The old man screamed, and the whole person who was pumped flew into the air!

However, he has just taken off, Jiang Fan has already clasped his ankle!

Immediately after--


Jiang Fan took a deep breath, and then, in the eyes of everyone's unbelievable, as if the Hulk beat Loki, grabbing the old man's ankle and hitting the ground!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The whole land is rumbling!

Even the teaching building in the distance is shaking!

"Too, too cruel!"

"It's almost like a magnitude seven earthquake!"

"Mr. Jiang is mighty!"


With a crisp sound, the alloy thermos cup in one of the students' hands suddenly trembled!

The student looked down, and there was a tooth inlaid on the thermos cup!

That was violently beaten by Jiang Fan, and the old man was beaten by Bengfei's teeth!

Just looking at the teeth that Bengfei can smash the alloy vacuum flask into a hole, you know how terrifying Jiang Fan's strength is!

"My mother!"

"Hurry and hide!"

"This old man needs more teeth, isn't it going to become a machine gun!"

"Ms. Jiang! Be light! Don't hurt us!"

A group of students backed desperately in sweat!

And that girl finally reacted!

"Stop! Bastard! You stop!"

Jiang Fan ignored her at all!

"Asshole! Do you know who I am!"

The girl suddenly shouted angrily!

Jiang Fan didn't look back, but smiled coldly!

"Wei family chick, don't worry, it will be your turn in a while!"

"You, do you know me?!"

The girl was stunned!

And Jiang Fan had already swung the old man in the air abruptly, and then yelled, and he fell to the ground severely!


Suddenly a big pit up to two meters deep appeared on the spot!

In the big pit, the old man was covered in blood, and his breathing was like an old-fashioned bellows, "hoho"!

Although still alive, it is obviously hopeless!

"Uncle Qing! Uncle Qing!"

The girl trembled and looked at the old man in the big pit in panic!

And Jiang Fan didn't turn around slowly until then and looked at the girl!

"Wei Fuling, I'll give you a three-sentence opportunity to explain clearly why you want to hurt my student. If you can't satisfy me, you can go with this old thing together!"

Wei Fuling!

This girl, surprisingly, was Jiang Fan's encounter in Beijing, and even the Wei family's eldest lady, Wei Fuling, whom he had to sign an autograph!

It's just that Jiang Fan's identity at the time was the star of takeaways!

"How do you know who I am?"

Wei Fuling felt even more alarmed!

"first sentence!"

Jiang Fan has no expression on his face!

"Asshole! Since you know who I am, you dare to be so presumptuous to me!"

"The second sentence!"

Jiang Fan was still expressionless, but in his eyes, there was already a trace of undisguised murderous aura!


Wei Fuling's body trembled for no apparent reason!

She could feel it, Jiang Fan, definitely not joking!

If he doesn't speak well, Jiang Fan, it is really possible that he will kill himself!

"Yes, it's him!"

Wei Fuling suddenly pointed at Hong Lei!

"He wants to soak me!"

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