Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan was startled!


Jiang Fan couldn't help but look at Hong Lei!

"I, I just want to make friends with her!"

Hong Lei was crying even more sad!


Sure enough, women are tigers!

I don't want a girlfriend anymore in my life!

"Look, he admits it himself!"

Wei Fuling hurriedly spoke!

Jiang Fan's expression was uncertain, and he suddenly glared at Hong Lei!

"I told you not to fall in love early?"

"Teacher, you, you seem to have never said..."

Ni Wen spoke!

After all, Jiang Fan helped chase his girlfriend!

"Since I didn't say it, it was my fault. Puppy love is not allowed in the future! Remember not!"

"Remember, remember!"

A group of students nodded hurriedly!

And Jiang Fan is already talking to himself!

"Since they didn't know that the puppy love was wrong, it was right that Hong Lei pursued you just now? Well! That's the truth!

Jiang Fan muttered to himself, and suddenly spoke to Wei Fuling!

"What's wrong with my student's picking you up? Seeing you is worthy of you!"

"what did you say?!"

Wei Fuling was stunned!

In this case, this kind of overbearing remarks should be the mantra of their such aristocratic family, right?

Why did Jiang Fan tell me first?

The script is wrong!

"I, I'm the seven giants in Beijing, the eldest of the Wei family! He, how can he compare to me!"

Wei Fuling was ashamed and angry!

"Nonsense! He is still my Jiang Fan's student! You seven giants are a shit!"

Jiang Fan is not polite!

"Little girl, if you don't let my students soak, then I won't give me face!"

"Since I don't give me face, I don't care who you are!"

Just after saying this, Jiang Fan's big hand was already raised!

"Domineering teacher Jiang!"

"I really want to go to Class 3!"

"The teacher who spoils the students so much, even if I let him be a student for a day, that's worth it!"

"Too envious of Class 3!"

"Assholes! Why do these **** have such a good teacher!"

A group of students envy and hate!

But the third class was moved to tears!

At first sight, Jiang Fan's hand almost touched Wei Fuling's face!

At this moment!

"No! I am your student too!"

Wei Fuling screamed suddenly!

Jiang Fan's hand stopped directly!

"You, are you my student? Why don't I know?"

"I just transferred to another school today! I was going through the formalities just now! If you don't believe me, look!"

Wei Fuling panicked and produced a transfer certificate!

Jiang Fan took a look, and it turned out to be true!

Wei Fuling was divided into three classes and he was his student!

A group of students in Class 3 were also stunned!

Looked at Wei Fuling in surprise!

Especially Hong Lei, his expression is indescribable!

Jiang Fan blinked his eyes!


I thought it was an external issue, but I didn't expect it to become an internal dispute!

These two properties are completely different!

However, his face sank immediately!

"Since you are my student, but you dare to insult your classmates, then I can't be polite!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Fan had directly pulled out the ruler of love!


As soon as I saw this thing, Lu He, who had the deepest experience, almost came out!

Others also looked terrified!

Only Wei Fuling looked at Jiang Fan proudly, knowing nothing about life and death!

"Hey! I'm your student now! Do you dare to beat me, are you afraid of being expelled?"

"Haha, little girl, the principal is my horse, do you think I'm afraid?"

Jiang Fan smiled triumphantly!

His wife is the principal, who is he afraid of!

Kicked Wei Fuling down, and Jiang Fan's paddle ruler patted it directly!


A crisp sound!


Wei Fuling screamed suddenly!

In an instant, shame and guilt burst out at the same time!

I was spanked!

Even her dad never beat her!

What a shame!

But along with it, there is a strong guilt that cannot be let go!


These people are all my classmates! Is my classmate!

How can I let my subordinates hurt them so much?

Too guilty!


The second ruler is thrown up again!

Wei Fuling's guilt has reached its extreme!


"Don't fight! Teacher, I know it's wrong!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry you guys!"

"How can I do this! How can I hurt my classmates!"

"Oh my God! I have no face to live! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

A group of students looked pale!

Just now, Wei Fuling, who was so arrogant and dared to commit a crime on campus, was only pumped twice by Jiang Fan.

Teacher Jiang's methods are simply terrifying!

Suddenly, the desire to go to Class 3 suddenly became less intense!

And Wei Fuling became more guilty!

"Teacher! Punish me! Push me hard!"

"I was wrong! I am guilty!"

"It's not a pity that I beat my classmates!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, classmates! Fight back! You all get revenge!"

"Hong Lei! I'm sorry! It's my fault! If I let you soak, there won't be so much trouble!"

"Woo...I regret it! I'm so guilty!"

A delicate, slim young girl was crying so heartbreakingly that her nose came out!

"Don't, don't cry!"

"Yeah! We don't blame you anymore!"

"Teacher! Hurry up and stop!"

"It's too miserable! This is a beauty after all!"

"Jiang Fan! It's almost done!"

Class 3 finally spoke in a hurry!

Have pleaded!

"Humph! Let me spare you once!"

Jiang Fan put away the paddle!

"Yes! Teacher! I will definitely unite my classmates! Friendship and mutual help!"

Wei Fuling got up, wiped his tears, with a frenzied expression on his face!

"Yeah! The teacher believes in you!"

Jiang Fan nodded!

"Let's talk about it, you don't want to wait for the capital, why do you have to go to Los Angeles?"

"I, I'm here for idols!"


"Hmm! Takeaway Star!"

Wei Fuling looked admired!

"He is my favorite idol! I know, he is in Los Angeles! So I asked my family to complete the transfer procedure for me, just to get close to the idol!"

Jiang Fan's mouth twitched!


This bear kid actually came to him!

"Ahem, just an internet celebrity! What's so great! Your goal now is to study hard! Chasing stars or something is too unrealistic!"

"Teacher, how can you say that? The takeaway star is not just an internet celebrity! This Saturday is the day when his film premieres! Then you will know how good he is!

Wei Fuling looked excited!

"Yes! Jiang Fan, speak slowly!"

"The takeaway star is much better than you!"

"He is not only our idol, but also China's number one idol!"

"And win glory for the country! Slap all those foreign musicians in the face!"

"The Oscar scum of acting is even more of a second is not left!"

"Go online and check his record before talking! Otherwise, you look ignorant, know!"

A group of students are even more talkative!

Jiang Fan looked embarrassed!

Unexpectedly, I am so good that I can no longer scold myself!

"This... forget it, go back to the class, I'll treat your injuries in a moment!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand!

Soon, a group of students went to the class!

At this moment, Curtis and others also got together!

In fact, they were here long ago, but Jiang Fan never let them show up!

"Master, these few people, really want to... deal with it?"

Curtis is a little frustrated!

The other party, after all, belongs to the Wei family, the seven giants!

"of course!"

"But, but speaking of it, after all, it's just a dispute between students. Wouldn't it be too cruel?"

Curtis swallowed and spit!

"Disputes between students?"

Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

"Do you really think this thing is so simple?"

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