When Jiang Fan spoke, Curtis and others were all stunned!

"Master, what do you mean?"

"Think about it carefully, what is the purpose of letting children go to school?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

"This... it must be for the children to be successful!"

"Yes! You can say so! Then I will ask you again, the kind of masters in Beijing, and even some elementary school teachers are Ph.D., their teaching quality is better than that of Los Angeles?"

At this time, everyone felt wrong!

"Chasing stars? Haha!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

"Because the star-chaser came to Los Angeles, this reason seems reasonable, but unless the Wei family is a group of idiots! How else would you agree to let her come to Los Angeles for this reason?"

"What's more, is it not enough to give a child a bodyguard of fourteenth level?"

"And it's such a coincidence that I entered the third class, which is so bad that it can't be worse. Is this reasonable?"

Everyone was shocked!

"Master, you mean, Wei Fuling came here for other purposes?"

"No! Wei Fuling is very simple, she is just being used by the family!"

"It should be this old guy who really has no purpose in Los Angeles!"

Jiang Fan said, pointing directly at Uncle Qing!

"Now everyone in the capital knows that Los Angeles is my site!"

"And I am the enemy of the Zhou family!"

"Zhou Jiashu's big draw has made the rest of the family unhappy long ago! Supporting me is a disguised blow to the Zhou family!"

"If I'm not mistaken, the real purpose of the Wei family is to use Wei Fuling's hand to bring over a 14th-level master!"

"However, this is their limit, no matter how strong an expert is, I'm afraid it will have to attract others' attention!"

"As for the role of the fourteenth level, it depends on the situation, or control me, or help me, so as to contain the Zhou family!"

"To put it bluntly, these idiots insulted my students just to give me offense!"

After listening to Jiang Fan's words, everyone was stunned!

They never thought that the things behind this could be so complicated!

"But Master, if that's the case, then, if you really kill these people, wouldn't it anger the Wei family?"

"Annoying them? Wrong! It's me who is angry now!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were cold!

"If I dare to do things on my ground, I will let them know, come and die!"

"What's more, this group of idiots thought they could calculate me, but they couldn't think of it. They just gave me a hostage!"

"If they dare to get angry, I dare to kill Wei Fuling!"

"After all, strictly speaking, she is not my student!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!


Curtis nodded hurriedly!

With a wave of hands at the same time, several subordinates rushed out and directly took away the two tenth level and Qing uncle!

And waiting for them will never be a good thing!

After all, Jiang Fan can say, today there is a happy event, don't kill!

Those guys can only die tomorrow!

For a whole day, Curtis can do an experiment happily!

To solve the problem, Jiang Fan first returned to Class 3 and gave a group of injured students invigorating blood. Seeing that they were all right, then he ran to the bathroom!

Take out that precious heart transfer card directly!

"Sadako! Brother is here!"

"System! Use the Heart Transfer Card!"

"Ding! Successful use! Please choose the time and place where the host will appear!"

"The bell at midnight! Five minutes after the last meal delivery!"

"Ding! Time positioning..."

"Ding! Location is positioning..."

"Ding! Positioning succeeded! Reincarnation of Ten Thousand Realms is on! Coming soon-"Midnight Ring"!


With a flash of white light, Jiang Fan was gone!

Appears again, has returned to a Japanese-style house!

And here, there are a few beautiful girls twittering!

This is the place where Jiang Fan once came, the friend's home!

It is also the place where the video starts in the original plot of "The Ring of Midnight"!

Seeing Jiang Fan reappearing, the girls were all excited!

"Onixan! Are you back again?"

"Great! We are talking about you!"

"You were so handsome just now! You actually subdued such a terrifying evil spirit!"

"Are you coming back to take my virginity? Come on! I can't wait!"

Facing Jiang Fan, several girls burst out with enthusiasm!

From Jiang Fan's time period, it has been too long, too long!

But for Tomoko and the girls, it's only a mere five minutes!

Hehe, what a group of passionate girls!

It’s not impossible to have a story that goes beyond friendship with you, but my brother is in a hurry, I am afraid it is too late!

Jiang Fan spoke directly!

"My friend, is that videotape still there?"

"Hmm! What do you want it for, brother?"

"I want to watch it again and show it to me!"


Tomoko took out the videotape and played it obediently!

However, after a long time, there is a snow on TV!

There is no image at all!

"Huh? Why doesn't it matter?"

"Is there something wrong with the player?"

"No, it was fine before!"

"That's the TV? Could that evil spirit crush the TV?"

Several girls looked blank!

But in Jiang Fan's heart, a bad premonition flashed through!

Every video tape is like a portal to summon Sadako!

Especially, there is Sadako's thought power attached to it, and it can be played even without electricity. How could it not work now!

He suddenly sounded the prompt on the props!

That eye of fear was transformed by Sadako with her own eyes and psychic energy!

Is there something wrong with Sadako?

Jiang Fan's heart is tight!

"System! Position Sadako!"

"Ding! Since the host has not accepted the order task, a lot of causal points are required for normal search! It is recommended that the host review the plot!"

What does the system mean, do you know?

Jiang Fan thought for a while, suddenly his eyes lit up!

That well!

Sadako died in the well back then!

"How many little sisters, do you know a hotel?"

As Jiang Fan said, directly describe the place!

According to the original plot, the ancient well behind the hotel is where Sadako died!

Sadako must be there!

"Ah! I know!"

One of the girls spoke directly and told Jiang Fan the location!

"Okay! Thank you!"

Jiang Fan waved, turned and left!

"Eunichan! What about our virginity?"

"Take it if you are destined!"

Jiang Fan smiled, not taking away a cloud!

Soon, following the prompts, Jiang Fan finally came to the door of a tall hotel!

Unlike the original, this hotel is full of history at first glance, and even a little run-down!

The most important thing is that there is obviously an unusually strong yin atmosphere here!

Jiang Fan frowned, feeling that things would not go too smoothly!

Jiang Fan strode into the hotel, only to find that it was extremely dim!

At the front desk, an old lady with gray hair but wearing a big red kimono seemed to be busy with her head down!

"Hello there!"

Jiang Fan took the initiative to say hello!

The old lady trembled, and then suddenly raised her head!

"Hehehe! Hello, guest!"

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