At first sight of this old lady, Jiang Fan raised his brows!

The other party's yin energy enters the body, and there is no yang energy, and there is still a trace of corpse energy on the body!

If it's a normal person, I'm afraid he would have died long ago!

But she happened to be alive, and she looked pretty good!

"Hehehe! Guest, do you want to stay in a store?"

The old lady's eyes flashed with a look of greed!

"Don't live in the shop, I want to see the well in your backyard!"


The look in the old lady's eyes suddenly became extremely hideous!

"There are no wells here! If you don't live in the store, you will leave immediately!"

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Fan smiled!

It seems to be strong!

at this time!

"what happened?"

An old voice suddenly sounded!

Then, an old man with a rickety figure walked out from behind!

The old man's eyes are more white and black than those of a dead man!

And when I laughed, my teeth were black and rotten, with a strong smell!

"Hehehe! This person, look at the well in the backyard!"

The old lady suddenly laughed strangely!

And the old man laughed too!

"Jie Jie Jie! Guests, you can see the well, but you have to stay in the store!"


Jiang Fan's eyes narrowed slightly!

The purpose of his coming this time is to bring out Sadako, which is obviously completely out of the scope of the original work. Before rescuing Sadako, Jiang Fan didn't want to have extra branches!

"Hehehe, please register, please!"

The old lady said, handing over a notebook directly!

In addition to the name, even the date of birth must be written!

Jiang Fan thought for a while and finally picked up a pen!

"Zhou Ning! ID number 1101..., date of birth, April in the lunar calendar..."

Jiang Fan wrote incomparably detailed!

The laughing eyes of the old man and the old lady narrowed!

"Guest, you are registered, please have tea!"

As the old man said, he brought a cup of tea directly!

It's just that the tea has a weird dark red color, and there seems to be a few drops of oil stains floating on it!

But this tea is incredibly fragrant, and even Jiang Fan has a desire to drink it!

"Drink! Drink! Hehehe!"

The old lady stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

Jiang Fan just took the tea and glanced at the two meaningfully!

"Can I go and see that well now?"

"Of course! Of course!"

The two of them were all smiles!

Soon, the old man took Jiang Fan and came to the back of the hotel!

It was extremely empty there, and there was a large black forest behind it!

And just in front of the woods, a well is standing there alone!

Jiang Fan strode towards the dry well!

The old man keeps up step by step!

Jiang Fan just walked to the well!

Suddenly a puff of white smoke erupted from the well!

Jiang Fan was smoked by the white smoke and fell all over!

"Jie Jie Jie! Another one!"

The old man cracked his big mouth, and a faint trace of blood came out on his mouthful black teeth!

"Hehehe! Another one! Another one!"

The old lady didn't know when she also appeared!

The kimono on her body was illuminated by the moonlight, and the red one was almost bleeding!

A pair of skinny hands like bird's claws stretched out directly towards Jiang Fan!


The old man opened his hand!

"what are you doing?"

The old lady screamed suddenly!

"Wait a moment! The first bite, I'll eat it first!"

"No! You ate the woman first! This time I ate first!"

"This is Huaxia! The most delicious, but I will eat it first!"

"No! I'll eat first!"

The old lady screamed suddenly and was about to catch Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan, who was already in a coma, suddenly flicked his right hand!

The Blood Talisman Peach Wood Sword suddenly shot, and directly cut off the old lady's hand!


The sound of something corroded suddenly sounded!

The old lady's hand did not flow out a trace of blood, but the place where she was cut by the blood talisman mahogany sword, there was white smoke!

"Ah! My hand! My hand!"

The old lady howled desperately!

But the old man roared and rushed directly to Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan just smiled disdainfully and knocked him to the ground with one kick!

After that, without saying anything, he chopped off all the limbs of the old man!

"Ah!! Bastard! Bastard!"

The old man screamed desperately!

"Stop screaming! If you call me again, you will be killed directly!"

Jiang Fan has no expression on his face!

"You, who are you?"

Both of them looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

"Who I am has nothing to do with you, it's you, no wonder I can't feel the slightest ghost, it turns out that you are mandrill! It seems that you are not eating people!"

Mandrill is just a general term. Physically speaking, they are all living people!

But in terms of soul, he has completely lost his qualifications as a human being!

The reason why these two mandrills are left with a trace of Yang Qi and their bodies smelly is due to cannibalism!

"how do you know!"

"Could it be that you, are you a Taoist priest from China?"

The two people trembled with fright!

Here in Dongying, there are very few things that can restrain them!

In addition, Dongying originally worshipped ghosts and gods, so for many years, they were able to eat people without scruples!

But Huaxia is different, there are so many things that can kill them!

Even a person who knows a little bit of Taoism can kill them! What's more, it is Jiang Fan with superb Taoism!

"Shangxian spare my life! Shangxian spare my life!"

Two mandrill desperately begged for mercy!

"Tell me, where is that well?"

Jiang Fan said coldly!

This well is obviously not the master!

The simplest is that the Yin Qi is heavy, but the ghost is too few!

I want to come just where they deal with dead people!

"Well... this, just this one!"

The old man rolled his eyes and hurriedly spoke!

"Yes, yes! Just one bite!"

The old lady also said hurriedly!

"Not honest yet! Very good!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly, and drew a talisman with infuriating energy with his right hand, and suddenly pressed his finger on the old man's forehead!


The sound of pouring hot oil suddenly sounded!

It can be seen to the naked eye that the whole head of the old man seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid, corroding violently!


"No! Stop! Stop! I said! It's in the house!"

The old man screamed desperately!

"If you dare to lie, I'll let your soul fly away!"

Jiang Fan retracted his hand and looked directly at the old lady!

"lead the way!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Soon, the two Mandrill brought Jiang Fan to the kitchen on the first floor!

It is very spacious, more than fifty square meters! It's just that the smell of blood is extremely strong, and the chopping board is full of blood!

And a few white bones are still cooking in the pot next to it!

"China Shangxian, Well, Well is here!"

The old lady pointed to a raised ground and opened her mouth cautiously!


Boy, this ground is covered with cement!

While waiting for you to plow the ground, you must take the opportunity to kill you!

Hehehe, that's the meat of the Chinese Taoist priest, it must be incredibly sweet!

The old lady's eyes were full of greed!

Even the old man whose limbs were amputated licked his lips greedily!



Jiang Fan stepped straight down!

The powerful Zhen Qi came out, like explosives, directly shattering the ground completely!

Both men are dumbfounded!


Why does Huaxia still have this kind of operation?

As the ground shattered, Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly lit up!

Here, there really is a well!

It's just that a slate was actually pressed on the well head!

And there are many Sanskrit characters on the stone slab!

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