Jiang Fan just glanced at it and understood that the Sanskrit is actually "Lotus Sutra"!

And on this, every word is actually brushed with gold powder!

Obviously it was done for suppression!

Looking at this well, Jiang Fan's heart beat violently for no reason!

At the same time, there was a faint uneasiness in my heart!

Striding to the side of the well, Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"Sadako! Are you inside?"

This stone slab completely isolates the atmosphere from the top and bottom, Jiang Fan can't feel anything!

"Jiang Fan... brother..."

Suddenly came a vague and extremely excited voice from below!

It is Sadako's!

Jiang Fan looked overjoyed!

"Sadako! I'm here to pick you up! Wait!"

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hand and was about to smash this stone slab!

But at this moment!

"No! Hurry... go..."

Sadako's voice has a hint of fear!

But it's too late!


Jiang Fan has already shot the top of the slate with a palm!


Countless cracks appeared on the stone slab in an instant, and then, it burst into pieces!

next moment!


A loud noise!

A ghostly horror, almost soaring into the sky!

Along with it, there was a voice of ecstasy!

"Hahaha! I'm finally out! I'm free!"

Just when he heard this voice, Jiang Fan's expression changed!

That's not Sadako's!

It's a rough male voice!


A cloud of gloomy wind blew, and the evil spirits with grim faces and fierce lights in their eyes had completely appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

And in his hand, he also carried a gentle woman with long white hair!

It is Sadako!

It's just that, at this moment, Sadako's figure is blurred, and one eye is missing, so haggard!


"Brother Jiang Fan..."

Sadako burst into tears when she saw Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan, it's really him!

He really came!

In an instant, she was so moved that she cried and laughed!

"Jiang Fan? You are what this **** just mentioned, that Chinese person?"

The evil spirit stared at Jiang Fan fiercely!

At the same time, he stretched out his right hand and took out a bottle of white wine and took two sips suddenly!

That wine is actually-Hengshui Lao Baigan!

Damn it?

Isn't this for Sadako himself?

At that time, I left a bottle of liquor for Sadako and told her that I would definitely come to pick her up before she finished drinking!

But how did this wine fall into the hands of this thing?

"Who are you? Why take Sadako's wine?"

"Hehehe, you really gave this wine to Sadako! Thank you so much! Unexpectedly, the effect of this thing is so powerful! I only drank half a bottle, and I actually got such a powerful psionic energy!"

The evil spirit laughed and drank the liquor!

Then he said with a grinning smile!

"Tell you, I am, Ikuma Heihachiro!"

Dr. Yixiong?

Sadako's adoptive father?

"You, didn't you die of illness? How could you be here?"

Jiang Fan looked surprised!

"Damn! It's not because of this little bitch!"

"He was Lao Tzu's dog when he was alive! Whatever she wants to do, she has to do it!"

"But she was disobedient after she died! Lao Tzu was dying at that time, and this little **** didn't even save me!"

"She thought I could get rid of me completely when I died, but how could it be that easy!"

"Even if I become an evil spirit, she still has to listen to my slavery!"

"For so many years, I have driven this **** to kill people and ingest psionic energy, so that we all become stronger!"

"But this idiot gave you all his eyes and psychic abilities!"

"Also tell me what is true, good and beautiful in the world, to be a positive ghost!"

Yi Xiong looks bitter!

But Jiang Fan's face was even more ugly!

"It turns out that you are behind Sadako's murder!"

"Yes! It's me! If it weren't for me, this little **** would have been worn out by time!"

"It's a pity! All the hard work has caused you **** to disturb me! Boy, if you broke my good deeds, let me completely absorb your soul!"

Yi Xiong smiled grimly and rushed directly to Jiang Fan!

Both Mandrill were scared and stupid!

They know that there is something in this dry well, and they become mandrills, and it is because of this thing that it is subtly affected!

But they didn't expect that the things inside could be so fierce!

First I met a great Chinese immortal, but now another Dongying evil spirit comes!


Is the ghost world so uncomfortable now?

And seeing Yi Xiong pounce on Jiang Fan, Sadako screamed!

"Brother Jiang Fan! Hurry and hide!"


Jiang Fan avoided Yi Xiong just with a move!

"Huh? It's fast! But it's useless to hide in front of me!"

Yikuma laughed, and both eyes stared at Jiang Fan!

This is Sadako's signature skill, Eye of Fear!

Unexpectedly, Yi Xiong would do it too!

The horror of this skill Jiang Fan couldn't be more clear!

However, he was in danger, and with a flick of his right hand, a mysterious yellow robe suddenly appeared!

Heavenly Master Robe!


However, as soon as this item appeared, a layer of white smoke appeared!

After all, it is only a black iron grade armor, and it is really useless to face evil spirits like Yixiong that exceeds the fourteenth level!

But Jiang Fan had already taken advantage of this opportunity to reveal the Blood Talisman Peach Wood Sword!

"The **** of fire and thunder, the **** of earth and fire, the five thunders and the spirits, the locks the ghosts to pass the spirit! The five emperors are ordered to slay the evil and exterminate the spirit, eagerly like a law!"

Jiang Fan screamed, and all his internal strength was transformed into strong yang!

Then suddenly a sword struck Yi Xiong!


A burst of noise!


Yi Xiong suddenly let out a miserable howl!

Half of his body was shattered by the thunder method that Chun Yang Zhen Qi transformed into!

And Jiang Fan had already taken the opportunity to hug Sadako!

"Brother Jiang Fan!"

Sadako looked excited!

Unexpectedly, the strength of O'Neill sauce is so powerful!

Even Yi Xiong is not his opponent!

The O'Neill sauce is amazing!

And the two mandrill have been scared silly!

so horrible!

Such a powerful evil spirit shattered half of his body in one move!

What kind of strength does this have?

The two of them still want to eat Jiang Fan, they are just looking for death!

"Asshole! Asshole!!!"

Yi Xiong roared!

At the same time, it is full of shock!

This Chinese person is so amazing!

He has been raging Dongying for so many years, killing people everywhere, no one can control himself!

But today, as soon as he came out, he was beaten up like this!

What a shame!

"Damn Chinese people, I want you to die!"

Yi Xiong roared suddenly!

The blasted half of his body quickly healed, and at the same time, he used his mind to control the kitchen knife in the kitchen, and slashed at Jiang Fan!

It's a pity that Jiang Fan didn't move, letting the kitchen knife hit him!


Jiang Fan has nothing to do, the kitchen knife broke all over the place!

Yi Xiong is completely confused!


Is this a person?

Did you grow up on gold bricks?

This is too hard, right?

"It turns out that the Huaxia people said that they are strong, not an exaggeration, they are true!"

"Too much steel! No! This is Ultraman Ironclad!"

The two men looked shocked!

"You, you have a seed! You wait for me!"

Yixiong saw something bad, so he was ready to go off!

But, how could Jiang Fan let him run away!

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