God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 966: I never make black money


Wei Qifeng was stunned!

Look carefully in the mirror!

"No, no words? Are you——Jiang Fan! Do you dare to scold me!"

Wei Qifeng finally reacted and suddenly shouted angrily!


I'm looking for words here like a fool!

It was actually tricked by Jiang Fan!

He is the acting head of the Wei family!

Although it was only because of his father's retreat and he acted as an agent for the time being, anyone with a discerning eye could tell that he would definitely take over the Wei family in the future.

Jiang Fan, such a bereaved dog, dare to humiliate him so much!

Simply unforgivable!

At this moment, Wei Qifeng was furious!

"Jiang Fan! You dare to tease me! It's almost dead! You, you—"

"Wei Qifeng!"

Wei Qifeng's threat had not yet begun, but Jiang Fan's tone suddenly fell cold!

"If you dare to say another threat to me, I will immediately send your daughter's body back to Wei's house!"

"you dare!"

"Hehehe, then you might as well give it a try!"


Jiang Fan hung up the phone directly!

Hearing the busy tone coming from the phone, Wei Qifeng's cold sweat went straight down!

It wasn't until this time that he remembered that Uncle Qing had been injured by Jiang Fan, and now in Los Angeles, no one could protect Wei Fuling!

If Jiang Fan really did it, no one would be able to stop him!

The point is, this kid dared to break even the Zhou family!

Even the Patriarch of the Zhou family was slapped because of him!

There is nothing he can't do with such a bold and frenzied character!

Wei Qifeng was in a hurry!

Hurry up and redial the number!

"Jiang Fan! If you dare--"


Jiang Fan hung up the phone without hesitation again!


Wei Qifeng gritted his teeth and called again!

"Jiang Fan! You—"


This time Jiang Fan gave him a single word and went back!


Hearing the busy tone on the phone, Wei Qifeng trembled in his thighs!

His anger was finally overwhelmed by fear!

Wei Fuling is his only daughter!

This time, one of the reasons why he let Wei Fuling come to Los Angeles was to bring Qing uncle there easily!

After all, every fourteenth level of these giants is the object of mutual attention!

It is reasonable and reasonable to use Wei Fuling to chase stars as an excuse to send a young man as a bodyguard!

Even Wei Fuling doesn't need to stay in Los Angeles for too long. As long as Uncle Qing controls Jiang Fan, she can go back anytime!

And by the way, you can also realize Wei Fuling's little dream of chasing stars!

Originally this time, he thought it was absolutely foolproof!

But who would have thought that something went wrong when I first arrived in Los Angeles!

No way!

Never let your daughter be harmed!

Wei Qifeng took a deep breath and finally dialed the number again!

"Mr. Jiang!"

Wei Qifeng spoke slowly!

"Yeah! I finally know what to say!"

Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction!

"You—hehe, Mr. Jiang, I'm afraid there was a misunderstanding between us just now!"

"Really? But I think you are very arrogant!"

"Hehe, Mr. Jiang misunderstood! It was just a joke!"

"Okay, who makes me easy to talk? If the six billion come over, I won't care about you!"


Wei Qifeng wanted to stabilize Jiang Fan first, but how could he have thought that Jiang Fan was so excessive!

"Six billion? Are you crazy? Didn't you return five billion just now?"

"Really? Then you call seven billion!"

"Fuck! Jiang Fan, are you crazy about money?"

Wei Qifeng couldn't help but explode directly!

"Very good, eight billion!"


Wei Qifeng trembled all over, and finally roared!

"Okay! Just eight billion!"

In particular, I am afraid it is more than this number!

"Very well, you bring over eight billion, and I will let your daughter go!"

"Wait! Where's Qing Uncle? Wouldn't you want to increase the price?"

"Oh, that's not the case. I never make bad money, and of course, I don't make dead money!"

Jiang Fan laughed!

"What do you mean?"

Wei Qifeng was stunned!

"Literally, the young uncle you mentioned, and the two idiots, must die!"

Jiang Fan's tone was plain, but the slightest killing intent in it, even Wei Qifeng, was chilling!

"Jiang Fan! Uncle Qing is the fourteenth-level master of my Wei family! Fourteenth-level! Do you know, what does it mean to kill him?"

Wei Qifeng's voice sank!

Although rich families have masters, masters are like nuclear weapons!

Under mutual checks and balances, no one dared to take action easily!

The fourteenth level is the limit of conventional combat power!

If the master can't come out, it's someone's fourteenth level!

It can be said that every fourteenth level is extremely precious family wealth!


"I care what you stand for!"

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Wei Qifeng, don't think I don't know what you are going to do. Since you want to calculate me, you must be prepared to pay the price!"

"This time, it's just a small lesson. Next time, you won't have such good luck!"

"That's it, I'm waiting for your good news!"


"Jiang Fan!!!"


Wei Qifeng suddenly roared when he smashed the phone!

"You, you little beast! You are looking for death!"

Wei Qifeng's eyes are red!

Suddenly rang a bell on the table!

Soon, a young man opened the door and walked in!


"Go! Find me Wei Ting! Let him go to Los Angeles, bring back the young lady, and then kill Jiang Fan!"

Wei Qifeng suddenly shouted angrily!

"But sir, don't we still use Jiang Fan to contain the Zhou family?"

"No! There are many ways to contain the Zhou family, and it is the same with Lu Lin Songyan! But Jiang Fan, must die!"


The young man turned around and left!

"Jiang Fan! Negotiate terms with me, and don't look at what you are! If you dare to kill Uncle Qing, you are almost looking for death!"

Wei Qifeng looked gloomy!

And Los Angeles!

"Brother Jiang, Wei Qifeng is cruel, he's afraid he won't fulfill the contract!"

Ding Xuan looked at Jiang Fan with a worried look!

Just now, Christine had already told him about the previous thing!

Just looking at Ding Xuan who was worried, Jiang Fan just smiled!

"Yes, he will definitely not fulfill the contract, and he will send someone to kill me!"

"Ah? But, since you know, why..."

Ding Xuan was stunned!

"Because I just want him to shoot! Eight billion? Hehe, even if he is the acting head of the Wei family, he definitely can't bear the money! I just give him a chance to shoot me!"

"Shoot at you?"

Ding Xuan and several people were taken aback at the same time!

"Yes! The Wei family was not in the overall situation of my game, but since he wants to jump in by himself, don't blame me!"

Jiang Fan's smile is insidious!

Ding Xuan and the others shook all of a sudden!

Wei Qifeng is an idiot, I'm afraid I don't know how much trouble he has caused!

However, what is even more shocking is that even the deputy Patriarch of the Wei family has been calculated. How big is Jiang Fan's chess game?

"It's almost time. According to Wei Qifeng's character, it should be..."

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!

"What should it be?"

Ding Xuan looked curious!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

At this moment, Jiang Fan's cell phone suddenly rang!

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