God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 967: Rely on yourself to not be afraid of betrayal

Jiang Fan picked up the phone smoothly!

"Hello, Mr. Jiang! I am President Wei's secretary!"

A gentle voice rang out immediately!

"Hello there!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Mr. Jiang, this is the case. You asked for too much money before. If you make a bank transfer, you will probably be noticed by someone who is interested. So President Wei intends to send someone to send it to you personally. Do you think it's okay?"

"no problem!"

"Okay! That's it, I wish you a happy one!"

"I also wish you Mr. Wei... a happy mood!"

Jiang Fan smiled more happily!

It's just that the look in the eyes is cold and scary!

"Brother Ding, from the Ding family, I am afraid that there will be no results in a short time. If you have any questions in the middle, please feel free to contact me!"

"Yeah! Thank you, Brother Jiang!"

"You and I don't have to be polite!"

Jiang Fan bid farewell to Ding Xuan and left directly with Christine!

But on the first floor of Juyou International, Jiang Fan stopped and dialed a number!

Soon, a tall and beautiful woman came out!

It is Zhong Qing!

"Miss Zhong!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Mr. Jiang!"

Zhong Qing looked at Jiang Fan with a complicated expression!

If I really gave my heart back then, I am afraid that the ending now is another one, right?

"How is your work recently? Is it okay?"

Jiang Fan's tone is gentle!

"Everything is fine!"

"That's good, has anyone contacted you at Juyou International recently?"

"Wang Haili called me several times, mainly because he couldn't reach the two killers and asked if I knew, but according to your instructions, I didn't say anything!"

"Very good! Next time he asks again, you will tell him that in my class, there is an extra transfer student from Beijing, whose surname is Wei!"

"Huh? Oh, good!"

"Okay, go ahead and work!"


Zhong Qing gingerly agreed, and then mustered up the courage to say something to Jiang Fan!

But when she looked up, she found that Jiang Fan had already gone far!


Zhong Qing sighed, her face sad!

Chances, she had it! Unfortunately, she was missed by herself!

As soon as he left Beihai Building, Christine couldn't help but speak!

"My lord, you, you just throw the Wei family out like this, it's too cruel, right?"

Los Angeles is Jiang Fan’s base camp. For outsiders, in Los Angeles, they are blind and deaf!

Without Jiang Fan nodding, no news would get out!

However, Wei Qifeng had spotted this point, so he dared to let the Wei family come here and get in touch with Jiang Fan!

As long as Jiang Fan does not take the initiative to spread the news, no one knows that the Wei family supports Jiang Fan in secret!

And in a few days, Wei Fuling will go back, leaving no trace of it!

Furthermore, according to normal people's thinking, uniting with the Wei family is absolutely profitable and harmless. Jiang Fan will not release the news of the Wei family at all!

But he forgot, Jiang Fan is no ordinary person!

Jiang Fan had already seen through Wei Qifeng's little abacus!

And the first way to retaliate against the Wei family was to tell the Zhou family the news that the Wei family secretly contacted him!

This is obviously to make the two beware of each other!

But for Jiang Fan, this is just the beginning!

Letting their two dogs bite the dog is the ultimate goal!

"Ruthless? No, no, no! Christine, you have to remember that everything has its two sides! We have to learn to treat problems dialectically!"

"Look, I have already told Wei Qifeng that if he wants to calculate me, he must be prepared to pay the price! But since he still chooses to calculate me, he naturally has to bear the consequences!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"My lord is saying, I...I'm speechless!"

Christine looked admired!

Even the cheating people are so arrogant, the adults are really amazing!

"Dear Christine, study hard, you still have great potential!"

"Yeah! Thank you for your encouragement!"

It’s okay to say a dear in English, but in Chinese, there is a little more ambiguous taste!

Kristen, who just listened, blushed slightly, and gave birth to a little joy out of thin air!

"My lord, I, I want to ask you a question!"

Kristen suddenly mustered up his courage!

"Just ask!"

"You, don't you trust me and brother too much?"

Jiang Fan was silent for a moment before speaking slowly!

"Kristen, you should be able to see that the number of people I really trust is actually very limited!"

"Yes! Your lord, you seem to have a defense against anyone!"

Christine nodded!

"I don't want to do this either. It's a pity that I was bitten by a snake for ten years and I was afraid of the rope! The Jiang family was someone who believed in it, and came to this end! Although I am confident that I can control the situation, I still don't want to take risks!"

Jiang Fan sighed!

"But my lord, aren't you tired like this?"

"You know why I have so many subordinates, but do I always like to shoot by myself?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

Before Christine could answer, Jiang Fan was already smiling!

"Habit! Only when you are used to relying on yourself forever, will you not be afraid of betrayal!"

"grown ups……"

Christine suddenly felt a pain in his heart!

Jiang Fan seemed to be laughing, but there was an unspeakable loneliness in his eyes!

What did the adults go through to become like this?

"My lord! I, I swear by the **** of abilities! Brother and I will never betray you!"

Kristen suddenly spoke with a serious expression!

Along with Christine's words, there seemed to be a certain change, Jiang Fan even felt closer to Christine!

He looked at Kristen with a little surprise. The oath just now obviously blessed the ability, and had produced a certain effect similar to a magic contract!


Jiang Fan couldn't help reaching out and rubbing Christine's hair!

"The trust I expect is not bound by vows. Such trust is meaningless!"

"My lord, am I doing something wrong?"

Kristen asked cautiously!

"No! In that case, try to trust each other from now on!"

Jiang Fan smiled and suddenly spoke!

"Christine, that Justin who knows the location of the Tomb of the Dark God DiscoTripoca is in my hands!"


Christine gasped!

Then quickly grabbed Jiang Fan's hands!

"Fortunately, you didn't wear a ring!"

She looked around nervously again, and then looked at Jiang Fan with a bit of anger!

"My lord! Don't tell anyone about this secret! If Isaac finds out, even if you take it seriously, I'm afraid something will happen!"

"It's just a mausoleum. Is it such an exaggeration?"

Jiang Fan was very pleased to hear that Christine directly called Isaac's name this time without adding the word "adult" at the end!

"Of course! I'm afraid you don't know your lord, that tomb is far more important than you think!"

More important?

Jiang Fan was startled!

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