"More important?"

Jiang Fan was startled!

"Yes it is!"

Christine nodded hard!

"My lord, it's actually not the first time that Sword of Thorns has investigated these legendary gods!"

"The headquarters of the Sword of Thorns in Everbright City is a huge seaside castle. There is a secret room in the castle. It is said that there are many remains and relics of gods in the castle!"


Jiang Fan's eyes suddenly widened!

The sword of thorns actually has the remains of the gods?

Where did they find it?

The key is that even the remains of the gods are there. Is the strength of this organization really as simple as the surface?

But the most important thing is that the blood of the gods can be exchanged for money, if it is a remains...

"System! Can this thing sell for money?"

"Ding! The remains of the gods vary according to their levels, and the degree of buoyancy is variable, but even if they are calculated according to the remains of the false **** DiscoTripoca, they will be in units of ten thousand!"


Jiang Fan took a deep, deep breath!

And Christine has already spoken!

"Yes, my lord! I was shocked when I heard about it for the first time! But Master Joshua has said that the remains have lost their powers and are only used as a collection!"

"Collections? Haha..."

Jiang Fan's smile was unusually happy, and his heart was beating even more!

This thing may be just a useless collection for others, but once it gets into your own hands, it's all causal!

Isaac, hehehe!

"Then do you know what they collect this thing for?"

Jiang Fan continued to ask!

"I don't know this, but the sword of thorns seems to be looking for these things all the time!"

Christine is a little ashamed!

"It doesn't matter, this news is already very important!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Really? That's great! By the way, sir, it is said that there are seven such secret rooms among all the organizations of the Sword of Thorns!"


One three is three, two three is six, ninety-nine and eighty-one... Nima!

If this is to end Isaac's nest, how many causal points does it have to be?

Jiang Fan's eyes almost burst into blue light!

"My lord, you, what's the matter with you?"

Kristen was taken aback!

"It's okay, it's okay! You go on!"

Thanks to the fact that I have already planned to subdue Kristen brothers and sisters, otherwise, I don’t know how long I will have to wait for this breaking news!

"Because of studying and searching for ancient gods, the Sword of Thorns itself is not a big secret, so when he entered Isaac's study once, he chatted with Master Joshua, and did not hide me!"

"Because of this, I know the key to the Tomb of the God of Darkness!"

"What they mean is that there seems to be a clue to Trabalan in the tomb of the dark **** DiscoTripoca!"


Upon hearing this name, Jiang Fan's pupils suddenly shrank!

Mayan civilization is just a general term, and the civilization system included in it is the Aztec civilization!

Among the Aztecs, in addition to the supreme feather snake god, there are three other gods!

They are the God of War Huizilo Pochetli, the God of Darkness, Triboka, and the Demon God of Trakhupan!

And these gods all come from one place-Trabalan!

In other words, Trabalan is the hometown of these Aztec gods!

In the last legend of the gods, the Quetzalcoatl returned to Trabalan!

However, with the end of the Aztec civilization, countless histories and even myths and legends have long since disappeared!

The few words left make people think that they are all fictitious stories!

However, only Jiang Fan would never think so!

Even the system can exist, what else is impossible?


If you really find the birthplace of the Aztec gods in this legend, then... how much **** causality is that?

No way!


Must be controlled!

Too excited little heart can't stand it!

Jiang Fan slowly spit out a foul breath!

At the same time the brain is spinning up quickly!

No wonder Christine was so nervous just now!

Such news is indeed too crucial!

"My lord, although I don't know why the sword of thorns is so interested in these ancient gods, I can see that for Isaac, finding the tomb of the dark **** is far more important than other things!"

"In other words, if Isaac knew that Justin was in your hands, then no matter how much he valued you, I'm afraid he would..."

Christine looked worried!

"Don't worry, this news will only be limited to you and me for the time being!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!


Kristen nodded hard, and at the same time a hint of excitement in his heart!

This is a secret exclusive to her and Jiang Fan!

"By the way, has Wu Tao been doing anything lately?"

Jiang Fan asked suddenly!

"No, there has been no change in his life trajectory since the last time, just like a normal person!"

Christine shook his head!

"It seems that the Holy Light ruling that group of people still failed to find out the identity of that man!"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

Who was the man who killed the two worshippers of the Jiang family?

"Let's go! Go back to Jiangzhai!"

Jiang Fan is not wasting time!

It has been two days since he left home, and it is estimated that Yuqingzi has handled the pile of monster corpses.

Now the only project that is not dangerous and has a lot of benefits is the cooperation with Jing Lingzong!

However, the two talents just got on the car!

"Ding! You have a new takeaway order!"

Order is coming!

"He designed his first circuit board at the age of four!"

"Designed a V8 engine at the age of six!"

"Graduated from MIT with the best grades at the age of seventeen!"

"He developed smart weapons, advanced robots and satellite sighting systems, which gave the weapons industry a whole new look!"

"However, an accident caused him to wear a battle suit made of steel and become a superhero who will shine in the future!"

Damn it!

This is not the super rich person--

"Ding! Please give Tony Stark a braised eggplant!"

iron Man!

One of the Big Three of Marvel!

Unlike others, Stark has never relied on abilities, but technology!

His various steel armors are even strong enough to compete with gods in the Marvel world!

Although the previous generations of that thing are just as powerful in Jiang Fan's eyes, they are better at pulling the wind!

Which young man has never lived with an Iron Man in his heart?

If this can get a steel armor, it will be so handsome!

No longer able to contain his excitement, Jiang Fan directly ordered Christine to go home first, turned around and entered a restaurant!

"Boss! A braised eggplant! Pack it!"


Soon, the takeaway has been packaged!

Jiang Fan casually found a place where no one was there, and gave a low voice!

"System! Enter!"

"Ding! The reincarnation of the world is on! About to enter-"Iron Man"!"

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