God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 969: I must have this dish on my table

The first part of Iron Man tells that Tony Stark, the owner of Stark Industries, the world's largest weapons group, was attacked by terrorists while showing missiles to the military!

During the melee, he was kidnapped by terrorists after being hit by a shell!

It turns out that the terrorists captured him just to make him build missiles!

However, because the fragments of the cannonball were about to enter the heart, Dr. Inson, who was also hostage with him, made a life-saving device for him on his chest!

Tony was unwilling to wait for death. Using the opportunity of terrorists to let him build missiles, he not only upgraded the energy device in his chest, but also created an invulnerable armor!

This thing is the prototype suit of Iron Man!

With this suit, Tony finally broke out of the siege and was rescued by the army!

However, the reason why he was kidnapped was actually the idea of ​​Obadiahstan, who wanted to get rid of Tony in order to completely win the company's rights!

After his return, Tony had a great realization and decided to withdraw from the arms business!

But Obadiah, through terrorists, found the wreckage of the prototype of the steel armor!

In the end, the two started a decisive battle, and Tony defeated Obadiah and became the real Iron Man!

At this moment, the world of Iron Man!

A man is sitting on the sofa with a pale face!

It is Tony Stark!

It's just that the energy device in his chest is gone at this moment!

Without the energy device, the shrapnel remaining in his body could enter the heart at any time and end his life!

Obadiah, bastard!

Actually calculated himself and stole the energy device!

For Stark, the current situation is even more dangerous than when it was kidnapped by terrorists!

At that time, Yingsen helped him, but now, he can only wait for death in silence!

I can not be reconciled! Not reconciled!

Who can help me!

Even if I want to eat a full meal before I die!

I want to eat……


Jiang Fan reappeared, and he has come downstairs to a mansion near the sea!

Here is Stark's villa in the original book!

"Ding Dong!"

Jiang Fan rang the doorbell!

"Hello! Your takeaway is here!"

Unfortunately, no one answered!

On the contrary, there was a faint groan of pain in the mansion!

Jiang Fan frowned and kicked out suddenly!


The door flies upside down!

At the same time, in the entire mansion, the alarm bell is mastering!

Jiang Fan couldn't take care of that much, and went straight to the direction of the moaning!

Soon, just walking up the second floor, Jiang Fan saw a man sitting on the sofa with a pale face!

It is Tony Stark!

It's just that the energy device on his chest is missing!

There is only one hole left!

Upon seeing this scene, Jiang Fan already knew what was going on!

Obadiah failed to kill Stark, but found that Stark designed an energy device that was the key to driving the steel armor!

So, he conspired with Stark and snatched his energy device to complete his steel armor!

In the original book, Stark relied on the old energy device that was almost discarded by himself, and then survived!

But looking at him now, he can't move at all, let alone go to the basement to find the energy device he used to use!

But Stark was overjoyed when he saw Jiang Fan at first sight!

He thought he was bound to die, but he didn't expect that there is no way to go, and now, someone actually came in!

It must be my own prayer that worked!

"Help, help..."

Stark groaned desperately!

But as soon as he called out, he gave a bitter smile in despair!

Public security in Citigroup is too poor. For safety reasons, even on the second floor, in the living room and the corridor outside the door, tempered glass doors were installed!

Especially, this kind of tempered glass is stronger than steel!

There is no way to open the door without your own instructions!

Even if someone is standing outside, they can't get in at all, let alone save their lives!

That's it!

Unexpectedly, Stark was holding billions of wealth, but in the end, I could only wait to die like this!

Just when he was desperate, he saw Jiang Fan lightly flick on the glass!

next moment!


The toughened glass, which is stronger than steel, seemed to be bombarded by a missile and shattered!

Stark was stunned!

What kind of black technology is this?

There is such an effect with a flick of your finger!

Is this handsome Chinese man a humanoid mecha?

Jiang Fan had already strode to Stark and took out the takeaway directly!

Then I picked up a chopsticks and eggplant and fed it to Stark!

"eat fast!"

The takeaway effect is against the sky, it can definitely cure Stark!

Stark wanted to refuse!

You know, cheeseburger is his favorite!

However, as soon as he smelled the stewed eggplant, he couldn't control it directly!

Just open your mouth and eat it!

next moment!

"God! What, what is this? What a strong anger!"

In an instant, Stark was so glorious, he grabbed the takeaway, and ate it desperately!

"So cool! So transparent!"

"It's delicious! Compared with this thing, the cheeseburger is just rubbish!"

"Damn! With such delicious Chinese food, why did I eat those junk food before!"

Stark yelled frantically while eating!

"Not only, not only delicious!"

"I feel my heart is ten thousand times stronger!"

"It seems that the shrapnel has melted!"

"Oh my God! It doesn't hurt anymore! The shrapnel has completely disappeared! It's amazing!"

After eating the takeaway, Stark looked at Jiang Fan in shock!

"Who are you? This, what is it so delicious?"

"My name is Jiang Fan and I am a Chinese takeaway. The one you just ate is called-braised eggplant! Eggplant can protect the cardiovascular system, so it's right for you to eat!"

"Jiang Fan? Oh my God! You are amazing! Chinese food is also amazing!"

Stark is extremely excited!

"Jarvis! From now on, on my table, every meal must have this Chinese delicacy-braised eggplant in soy sauce!"

"Yes Master!"

Wisdom Jarvis directly agreed!

"not good!"

At this moment, Stark exclaimed!

"Obadiah took my energy device. It must be to activate the armor he developed! Little Pepper and the others just went to the group headquarters. If they meet Obadiah, they will definitely be in danger!"

"It doesn't matter, you go to activate the steel armor, I will go with you!"


This is what Stark waited for!

Just now Jiang Fan shattered the extremely sturdy glass with a quick finger. It must be extremely powerful!

Have him go with him to save people, be steady!

"I'll start the armor and take you there!"

Stark looked excited!

"No need!"

Jiang Fan smiled and took out the bicycle directly!

"This, is this spatial storage technology?"

Seeing Jiang Fan taking out the bicycle out of thin air, Stark almost didn't stare out!

This kind of technology only exists in science fiction!

Unexpectedly, I saw it with my own eyes!


Has China's technology reached this point?

I am so outdated!

If you have the opportunity, you must go to China for further studies!

However, is Jiang Fan going to ride with him?

Bicycle, where can you go as fast as you can?

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