God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 985: If you have no strength, what do you pretend to be handsome?

This man has a face that resembles an Oriental, very handsome!

It is Neo!

And at this moment, beside him, Trinity's eyes are streaming with tears!

"Jiang Fan, Neo, Neo is dead! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... "

Jiang Fan reached out and touched, Neo really died!

However, it can be felt through mental power that there is still a hint of life!

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

Now, even if he gave Neo to drink soup, he couldn't swallow it!

Does it have to be injected?

But can the takeaway be effective if you don’t leave your mouth?

At this moment!

"Ding! The system prompts! Neo is bound to die in two minutes! Please host the takeaway as soon as possible!"

The system prompt actually sounded!

But Jiang Fan was slightly startled!

The system prompt said that it was delivered, but he had clearly appeared beside Neo!

Does the system mean to let yourself enter the matrix?

You have to go in after all!

"Don't worry, he can't die with me!"

Jiang Fan suddenly spoke!


"Can you save him?"

Everyone was stunned!

Jiang Fan is the savior in their minds, yes, but to resurrect the dead, this is beyond their understanding!

Jiang Fan ignored the shocked people and looked directly at Morpheus!

"Prepare it for me, I also want to enter the matrix!"

"But, but you don't have an interface in the back of your head!"

Morpheus was startled!

"It's ok!"

Jiang Fan smiled and called the system directly!

"System, think of a trick!"

"Ding! It takes 10 causal points to turn on the nerve implant function! And it only works in this world!"

"Excessive! You asked me to deliver the meal! I have to pay for the taxi fare?"

Jiang Fan is angry!

"Ding! The host is free to choose, and the system will never force it! Warmly reminds that Neo will be completely dead in a minute and a half!"

"Fuck... slot! Be cruel! Give it to me!"

This is indeed not compulsion, this is especially the threat of Chi Guoguo!

If it was someone else, Jiang Fan would definitely not know how his opponent died!

But facing the system, Jiang Fan has no choice but to admit counsel!

"Ding! The opening is complete!"

The next moment, an interface suddenly appeared in the back of Jiang Fan's head!

A group of people were stunned!

In front of them, an interface appeared out of thin air in the back of Jiang Fan's head!

"Come on! Speed!"

Jiang Fan ignored a group of bewildered people and looked directly at Morpheus!

Morpheus didn't dare to delay, so he directly pointed the network probe at the back of Jiang Fan's head!


Jiang Fan only felt in a trance, the next moment, he actually appeared in a residential building!

And his image at the moment is just a deliveryman in a yellow jacket!


Didn’t you say that you’ve finished your trench coat and sunglasses?

Why did I come in like this?

Could it be that the image of a takeaway has been deeply embedded in your heart?

At this moment!

"Ring Ling Ling!"

An old-fashioned telephone suddenly rang beside Jiang Fan!

Jiang Fan picked it up!

"Jiang Fan! Is that you?"

The voice of the operator tank sounded!

"it's me!"

"Well, you are now near Neo, and you can see him when you dash up the corridor on the fifth floor!"


Jiang Fan hung up the phone and moved his hands and feet!

A deep sense of weakness came!

Sure enough, as he expected, at this moment, he only has less than eighth level of strength!

Moreover, the abilities such as Zhen Qi have all disappeared!

Fortunately, the props can still be used!

What's more amazing is that the takeaway is actually in the space backpack!


Spit out a foul breath, Jiang Fan suddenly let out a low voice!


He soared up into the sky, and actually hit the ceiling directly with a hole!

In the real world, the tanks and others who watched the data here were all staring in shock!

Jiang Fan is awesome in the real world, but when he arrives in the matrix world, he is still so fierce!

And Jiang Fan just rushed upstairs, already rushing up again!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After three loud noises in a row, Jiang Fan smashed the three-story ceiling and went straight to the fifth floor!

Then, he kicked open the door!

I saw, walking upstairs, Neo was lying on the ground covered in blood!

Jiang Fan walked quickly and took out to take out!

However, before he could study how to feed it, this ribs and corn soup was actually poured into Neo's mouth!

At this moment, Morpheus and others were stunned!

In their eyes, Neo's data, which had been destroyed, quickly repaired itself as the bowl of pork rib soup was eaten!

Moreover, it is still evolving!

"It's delicious! What's this? It's delicious!"

Neo, who was already dead, suddenly woke up!

Constantly pursing his mouth!

"This taste is so delicious!"

"Let me be dying and dying! To be dying! It is endless again and again!"

Neo sits up suddenly, hugs the takeaway, and eats up the ribs and corn in the soup!

"It's delicious! It's really delicious!"

"And, unlike data, it's like real food!"

Neo looked surprised!

"Of course! This is food in reality!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

Neo only noticed Jiang Fan at this time!

"Who are you? You gave me this food?"

"Yes! My name is Jiang Fan, I am here to deliver food to you!"

"Jiang Fan? Thank you, thank you so much! If it weren't for you, I would really be dead!"

Neo looked grateful!

"You're welcome! Go back!"

As Jiang Fan said, he was ready to contact the tank!

But at this moment!

"Damn it! Who are you!"

With a roar, three men with extremely strong aura suddenly appeared!

These three people are all in sunglasses and suits, and they are three secret agents!

The leader is the villain, Smith!

Just now, Smith killed Neo and left!

But when he just walked out of the building, he felt something wrong!

That is the feeling that the matrix has been invaded by humans!

He just returned here with the other two agents and saw the resurrected Neo!

Next to Neo, the extremely abnormal data is definitely an intruder!

Looking at these agents, Jiang Fan frowned deeply!

Those two ordinary agents are indeed level ten!

And Smith, actually twelve levels!


However, the resurrected Neo has soared in confidence!

"Jiang Fan, leave it to me!"

There is compelling!


Jiang Fan exclaimed and stepped back without hesitation!

On pretending to be handsome, Neo is really not built!

Leave the virtual world to Neo!

"Smith! Come on! This time, I will never let you go!"

Neo snorted and directly put on a Tai Chi starting hand pose!

"Mr. Anderson, your fate is really big, but you are nothing compared to that takeaway!"

Smith smiled and looked directly at Jiang Fan!

Damn it!

It seems that regardless of the matrix or reality, I have been targeted by the artificial intelligence!

"Stop talking nonsense! If you want to deal with Jiang Fan, pass me first!"

Neo shot directly!


Smith gave a low cry, and the three of them rushed towards Neo!

"Boom boom!"

A few people fight to make a group!

Neo drank the ribs soup and his strength rose like a rocket!

It is a pity that facing Smith is not an opponent at all!

Suppressed and beaten directly!

Soon, he was beaten by three agents to vomit blood!

Seeing to drive to the west again!

Jiang Fan was dumbfounded!

You have to rely on Lao Tzu to pretend to be handsome without strength

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