God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 986: Super plug-in cheater

At this moment, leaving the two agents to deal with Neo, Smith had already grinned and looked at Jiang Fan!

"Boy! Next, it's you!"

"Bastard! Don't hurt Jiang Fan!"

Neo burst out and wanted to stop Smith!

Unfortunately, he was already injured and was firmly blocked by the other two agents!

"Jiang Fan! Run away!"

Neo had no choice but to shout!

However, Jiang Fan just shook his head in the face of Smith who slowly walked towards him!

"Since you are looking for death, you can't blame me!"

"I'm looking for death?"

Smith laughed!

"Boy! Are you scared? But fortunately, I can feel it. Invading your data will definitely bring a huge surprise!"

Smith gave a sneer, seeing that he had come to the opposite side of Jiang Fan's face! ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

In the real world, Morpheus and others are sweating profusely!

Neo wailed in pain!

Jiang Fan is his lifesaver!

However, he was about to be killed!

Oh my god! I beg you!

Give me strength!

At the moment when everyone was desperate, Jiang Fan flipped his right hand!

At the next moment, a small arm-shaped prop suddenly appeared in Jiang Fan's hands!

Surprisingly, after getting it, he kept pressing the bottom of the box, the hacker's hand! ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Hacker's Hand: The world of hackers, I'm Planta, no one accepts it!

Note: Using this item, you will become the top hacker, even Ultrain's firewall will not be able to withstand a single blow!

Jiang Fan has never had a chance to use this thing!

However, this world seems to be tailor-made for this item!

In the world of data, use data to speak!

"System! Use!"


In the next moment, the hacker's hand directly turned into a mass of data, integrated into Jiang Fan's body!

In an instant, in Jiang Fan's eyes, the whole world was different!

It has completely turned into green data!

Smith stopped abruptly!

I don't know why, facing Jiang Fan at this moment, he actually felt terrified!

It's like looking at a natural enemy!

Even the other two agents stopped their hands and looked at Jiang Fan nervously!

"Interesting, it turns out that this is the essence of the virtual world!"

The Hacker's Hand has a hidden time limit. Jiang Fan will not delay anymore and directly start to dial the data!

"The transformation begins!"

"Power 999999..."

"Speed ​​999999..."

"Defense 999999..."

Jiang Fan stretched out his hand and began to transform the data out of thin air!

The existence of the hacker's hand is a top-level plug-in!

At this moment, Jiang Fan is completely reduced to excitement!

As he kept changing the data to extreme values, a horror made the whole world tremble, appearing instantly!

"This, this data, shouldn't I be dazzled, right?"

"No, it's impossible!"

"Damn it! The whole matrix isn't that strong?"

"It's amazing! Jiang Fan is definitely the savior!"

In the real world, the eyes of Morpheus and others are almost staring out!

This data is too abnormal!

And Smith's bodies were even more frightened!


Just Jiang Fan's breathing is like a hurricane!

The whole building that blows is crumbling!

This, how many levels is this special?

so horrible!

If this punch is smashed, the entire matrix will be ruined!

What the **** is this kid!

"Run! Run!"

Smith howled desperately!



Jiang Fan grabbed Smith's neck as soon as he stretched out his hand!

"You were very arrogant just now!"

Jiang Fan smiled gloomily!

"You, you're so shameless! You shameless!"

Smith struggled desperately!


What kind of hang is this?

Unheard of!

"Yo! You dare to be arrogant, I think you are—"

Before Jiang Fan finished speaking, he unconsciously used his hand slightly!


Smith broke straight!

Even the complete characters are completely broken into pieces!

Jiang Fan is blinded!

This value seems to be adjusted too high!

"You two--"

Jiang Fan looked at the other two agents again!

Unexpectedly, his voice was just a little louder, and the two agents suddenly screamed, and they were directly shattered by the sound wave, and there was no scum left!

Jiang Fan is now!

Looking helplessly at Neo!


"Jiang Fan! Don't look at me! Your eyes are too strong! I'm going to melt!"

Neo screamed suddenly!

Jiang Fan didn't dare to move at all!

Sure enough, being too tough is not a good thing after all!

However, this plug-in expired is also a waste, Jiang Fan adjusted the value to a normal level, and then directly grabbed Neo!

"I give you a great gift! Data transformation!"

With Jiang Fan constantly adjusting the data, Neo's strength is soaring like a rocket!


Jiang Fan laughed!

And Neo couldn't close his shocked mouth!

too strong!

After being transformed by Jiang Fan, he has the power to destroy a city!

"Jiang Fan! Thank you! Thank you!"

Neo looked grateful!

"You're welcome, but after all, this is just a modified data. When the matrix reacts, it is likely to be cleared! You have to develop your potential well! Believe me, your real strength is far stronger than you think! Now, let you be familiar with it in advance!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

"Me, real strength?"

Neo was stunned!

"Of course, the savior is not called for nothing!"

"But, compared to me, you are the real savior!"

"No! To this world, I'm just a passerby!"

Jiang Fan smiled and contacted the tank directly!

Soon, the phone in a room rang!

With the two answering the phone, they finally returned to the real world of The Matrix!


Returning to the body again, Jiang Fan finally breathed a sigh of relief!

"Jiang Fan! You are amazing!"

"Yes! With your ability to destroy the world and destroy the earth just now, it is easy to overthrow the artificial intelligence!"

"Lead us!"

"Yes! Go back to Zion, gather the people and kill the machines!"

The crowd surrounded Jiang Fan with excitement!

"Yes Jiang Fan! Lead us!"

Even Neo got together!

"It is impossible to lead! The main reason is that there is not enough time! But next time you encounter trouble, you can order my takeaway!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

The crowd was still full of disappointment at first, but when they heard the latter sentence, they were directly excited!

Jiang Fan's meaning is obvious, if there is a crisis, he will appear!


At this moment, the spacecraft's radar suddenly sounded a harsh buzzing!

When the tank looked at the screen, he exclaimed!

"Not good! Countless mechanical octopuses are being assembled! Coming to our side!"

"What?! How many are there?"

"At least five thousand!"

"Fak! Fix the electromagnetic pulse quickly!"

Unlike the last time, although the crowd was slightly flustered this time, there was not much fear in their tone!

This is all because of that tall and explosive man--Jiang Fan!


"You leave here first, those mechanical octopuses, leave it to me!"

Jiang Fan jumped out of the spaceship and directly blocked in front of the spaceship!

At this moment, the hum of countless mechanical octopuses has been transmitted quickly!


The steel walls made up of the mechanical octopus corpses before burst into pieces!

Countless densely packed mechanical octopuses rush towards Jiang Fan like a wave!

"Jiang Fan!"

The crowd admired and looked at Jiang Fan standing like a mountain with excitement, and screamed in excitement!

"Go! I'm with you!"

Jiang Fan smiled slightly!

One took out the six-tube Vulcan cannon, and then suddenly pulled the trigger!

"Da da da da da da da..."

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